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Do you remember the stall in the Sheaf Market ...

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remember the cafe up the stairs in the sheaf market?


Was that the one with the tables with umbrellas, or was that in the Castle Market?


it was indeed the one with umbrellas inside, it was Granellis Balcony Bar, reminisced about in a couple of threads on here already.


sigh, Saturday lunchtime, after the Minors Matinee, at the ABC Cinema, a chip butty and a "glass" of cola, "ladding-it"! ahh, happy days.


P " 'ere, my mate fancies you, she does! " T

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did someone say "broken biscuits" - i defo remember that stall!!!!!


Oh yes! the broken biscuit stall, we use to hope we would lots of the cadburys digestive chocolate pieces, wonder what they do with the broken ones now?

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Oh yes! the broken biscuit stall, we use to hope we would lots of the cadburys digestive chocolate pieces, wonder what they do with the broken ones now?


they probably send them to the main powerhouse supermarkets (tesco sainsburys etc)- so some sweatshop worker has the job of moulding them together to make a nice economy brand digestive

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... that sold only broken biscuits?





As noted in other replies to this topic, there was a shop at the far end of the old Norfolk Market Hall called The Caledonian Biscuit Company. They were famous for their broken biscuits. As soon as kids came in through the door, you could hear them moaning to their mother's - "When am I going to get mi biscuits?"


For those too young to remember, the Norfolk Market Hall was on Haymarket and was demolished in 1959 to make way for the "new" Woolworths. It took the longest time to be taken down for it was built like a fortress - lots of heavy masonry, etc.

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yes Peterdo I think you got it in one- the Caledonion Biscuit co. I especially like those custard cream fingers- never been a chocolate lover though Poppins so you probably had my share ;)

Sorry you got it too Falls - as usual I was on the wrong page silly old trout that I am.

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it's totally and utterly demolished, chuck!



it is an ex- market

It has ceased to be *chuckles*


I think it's gonna be an ofice block, at least i think that's what they are building on the site.



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