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Have you been to Sheffield Costco?

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I decided not to renew this year because of the ridiculous amount of time lost queueing in store.


That's a good point actually. I never go in on a weekend because you can wait half an hour or more to get through the checkouts. But even the other week, mid-morning, mid-week, the queues were really bad.


I had 4 new tyres fitted there in Jan. I thought I'd done well for myself as I saved about 20% of the price that the big tyre dealers were asking. Never again! I phoned up before going down there and said I was bringing the car in for the fitting of the 4 tyres (which I'd ordered in advance). The guy says, "well, you can come down when you want, but there might be a queue". Fair enough, I thought. I'll drop the car off first and they can be fitting the tyres whilst I go round and do a shop. So I did.


I spent about an hour and a quarter, taking my time, going round the warehouse. When I checked out I went back to the tyre bay and they hadn't even started on it! There was only one other car in there and one bloke working on it. They said it could be another 45 minutes. So I went to the cafe in there and had one of the worst coffee's I've ever tasted and a hot dog that was so cheap and horrible that I took one bit and put the rest in the bin.


Eventually the tyres were fitted - but the total time was almost 2.5 hours later. Oh yes, and they don't do tracking so you've still got to take it somewhere else later and waste some more time!


I just can't afford that kind of time out of my day. I'll never buy tyres from there again. I'd rather have paid £20 more per tyre and got it done quick.


I spend several thousand pounds a year there as an Exec Member - but if they don't sort out the queues then I won't renew next year either.


---------- Post added 04-04-2017 at 07:04 ----------


'Premium' is a weasel-word, just like 'quality'.

A premium is a price. It does not connote 'superior/better/etc.'

Similarly, those who advertise goods and services as 'quality' do not realise that quality can be good or bad or anywhere in between!


I know what you mean - but doesn't "premium" fuel usually have a higher octane level than "regular" fuel? I thought that's why it was denoted as "premium"?

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That's a good point actually. I never go in on a weekend because you can wait half an hour or more to get through the checkouts. But even the other week, mid-morning, mid-week, the queues were really bad.


I had 4 new tyres fitted there in Jan. I thought I'd done well for myself as I saved about 20% of the price that the big tyre dealers were asking. Never again! I phoned up before going down there and said I was bringing the car in for the fitting of the 4 tyres (which I'd ordered in advance). The guy says, "well, you can come down when you want, but there might be a queue". Fair enough, I thought. I'll drop the car off first and they can be fitting the tyres whilst I go round and do a shop. So I did.


I spent about an hour and a quarter, taking my time, going round the warehouse. When I checked out I went back to the tyre bay and they hadn't even started on it! There was only one other car in there and one bloke working on it. They said it could be another 45 minutes. So I went to the cafe in there and had one of the worst coffee's I've ever tasted and a hot dog that was so cheap and horrible that I took one bit and put the rest in the bin.


Eventually the tyres were fitted - but the total time was almost 2.5 hours later. Oh yes, and they don't do tracking so you've still got to take it somewhere else later and waste some more time!


I just can't afford that kind of time out of my day. I'll never buy tyres from there again. I'd rather have paid £20 more per tyre and got it done quick.


I spend several thousand pounds a year there as an Exec Member - but if they don't sort out the queues then I won't renew next year either.


---------- Post added 04-04-2017 at 07:04 ----------



I know what you mean - but doesn't "premium" fuel usually have a higher octane level than "regular" fuel? I thought that's why it was denoted as "premium"?


That's awful customer service but I am not surprised.


When Costco first opened they very much emulated the American model and the customer was king. I think it's very different now and customers are shown no respect whatsoever by having to queue for around half an hour, no matter when they shop.


I can not believe that customers accept this, especially from the business community where "time is money" applies more than ever. I spoke to the Manager last year and he didn't give me the impression that he was concerned. If that was me I would have jumped on a till myself!


As, months later, the situation has not improved, I have come to the conclusion that the benefits do not outweigh the rudeness of the company, expecting people to waste their precious time queuing.


I have not had a hot dog there but I can confirm that every jacket potato I have had there was cold.

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What type of car have you got? I'll guarantee you it's not the fuel at Costco. Like someone else has already said, its premium fuel.


They've got a diesel car. Which is why Costco petrol doesn't suit it.:hihi:


---------- Post added 07-04-2017 at 07:00 ----------


I've never understood why they have loads of tills but only ever man 2 or 3 of them.


Are the others for decoration?


Staff training probably - in the unlikely event that they may need to open more than 3 at once.


---------- Post added 07-04-2017 at 07:08 ----------


Oh yes.... summat else an' all.... whilst I'm at it (may as well get this one off my chest)....:rant:


I was in there the other day, I'd been round and done a big shop, took all the stuff back to the car, then realised I'd forgotten the main thing I'd gone in for! :loopy:


It was one of them moments when I thought, "should I just think sod it, or should I go back in again?" I decided to go back in again, just for 1 item.


I grabbed the item and headed straight to the till. Usual thing, 2 or 3 tills open and queues. I got in the shortest queue, behind a bloke with a trolley full of stuff. The woman on the till walked up to the guys trolley and stuck a "CLOSED" sign on it - meaning that anyone behind him wouldn't be served! I don't normally swear in public, but I did let out an expletive sandwiched between the words "For" and "Sake" under my breath. The guy with the trolley turned round to me and said - "they're shutting this till now mate" (proper Sherlock Holmes he was). I said to him, "I know - and I've only got 1 item!".


If that would have been me I'd have said to him, "come on pal, jump in front of me". But he didn't and so I then had to go back and start to queue all over again.


I wasn't best pleased. To be fair, I suspect the woman sticking the closed sign on his trolley didn't notice me stood behind him. I am only 6 foot tall with a 44 inch chest and strikingly handsome.

Edited by DerbyTup
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When Costco first opened they very much emulated the American model and the customer was king. I think it's very different now and customers are shown no respect whatsoever by having to queue for around half an hour, no matter when they shop.


As, months later, the situation has not improved, I have come to the conclusion that the benefits do not outweigh the rudeness of the company, expecting people to waste their precious time queuing.


Thanks for that. I was wondering whether to reactivate my card that lapsed some years ago and am wondering no more. :)

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Thanks for that. I was wondering whether to reactivate my card that lapsed some years ago and am wondering no more. :)


I use Costco twice a week and have never experienced rudeness from staff, in fact they are always extremely helpful and professional, as for queuing for half an hour, that claim is absurd, I have never had to wait that long even when I have shopped there at Christmas.

Best off going and making your own mind up instead of cherry picking opinions to suit.

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I've seen absurdly long queue's at Costco, Sunday morning is a total pig.


Everyone turns up first thing, enter the shop together and all descend on the tills en-mass.

They all then hit the canteen bit on their way out as it's lunchtime by then.

It's like some mental coordinated shopping event!


Funny as hell if you turn up, head straight to eat while everyone shops and then shop while they all eat.

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