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'Smart' Meters

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I've long been suspicious of these things and the way energy companies have pushed them in the last 12 months definitely leads me to the conclusion that they are more for their benefit than mine, we now have a hideous Tory party that have passed a bill stating "reasonable force" can be used to fit these in peoples homes (Labour abstained therefore allowing the legislation through) be interesting to see them attempting this force.

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Had smart meters for years, they do make you a little more savvy as to your usage and energy guzzling appliances. For me the biggest scam is water meters. You pay to run hot water through and if you like a good soak in the bath after a busy day at work then forget it. Buy a house that's had one fitted and you're stuck with it.

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8 hours ago, top4718 said:

I've long been suspicious of these things and the way energy companies have pushed them in the last 12 months definitely leads me to the conclusion that they are more for their benefit than mine, we now have a hideous Tory party that have passed a bill stating "reasonable force" can be used to fit these in peoples homes (Labour abstained therefore allowing the legislation through) be interesting to see them attempting this force.

We got a smart meter about 8 years after being pestered with letters, emails and phone calls about them for ages.  It was fitted and we were given a little device we could monitor our energy usage on.  We never used the device because we’re not wasteful with energy anyway.  About 4 years ago, the smart meter stopped sending readings remotely and we had to go back to taking readings.  We asked if the meter could replaced/repaired.  They said ‘of course, we’ll get that sorted’.  They didn’t.   The ball is in their court now.  They are welcome to replace the meter if they want but I’m not chasing it up.  I’m not bothered about taking a couple of minutes to send readings 4 times a year.  So the whole thing was a waste of time.
As far as I’m concerned the smart meters are not for the benefit of customers.  I believe the energy companies have been target setting to move people on to these meters.  If someone gets into difficultly paying their energy bills they can cut them off remotely with a smart meter.  

Edited by redruby
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41 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Someone get the tin foil out. 


People who refuse to have smart meters being charged higher rates would soon focus minds. 

I think it would ‘focus minds’ if more people understood the implications of smart meters for vulnerable people who could have their energy cut off remotely and put on a (more expensive ) pre payment meter. I’m well aware there are regulations in place that are supposed to protect these people but in I think many of us saw in the news earlier this year that energy companies can’t be trusted with this unfortunately. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/british-gas-prepayment-meter-debt-energy-bills-investigation-wrgnzt6xs

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1 hour ago, redruby said:

I think it would ‘focus minds’ if more people understood the implications of smart meters for vulnerable people who could have their energy cut off remotely and put on a (more expensive ) pre payment meter. I’m well aware there are regulations in place that are supposed to protect these people but in I think many of us saw in the news earlier this year that energy companies can’t be trusted with this unfortunately. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/british-gas-prepayment-meter-debt-energy-bills-investigation-wrgnzt6xs

Pre payment electric isn't any more expensive as normal electric. Standing charges are slightly higher but balanced out by cheaper unit rates. 

It's a myth that pre payment meters are a rip off. 


In any case normal meters can also be converted, through a court order and the embarrassment of having a bailiff at the door. Which is the better option? 


As for smart meters not being for the benefit of customers - I have been paying 17p a unit on average all summer with mine. What about you? 

Edited by HeHasRisen
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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Someone get the tin foil out. 


People who refuse to have smart meters being charged higher rates would soon focus minds. 

At it every day.

Not only deciding what he wants but what everyone else should be forced to have too.

Not much ever changes.

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