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Pension 'Tripple Lock' Unsustainable?

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2 hours ago, aardvark6535 said:

There is a reason why the interest rate in September is the month they base Pension rises on, and it's not for the pensioners benefit - Historically it's the quietest month of the year with regards to inflation, This means, in practice that pensions are getting further and further behind the real cost of living, It's the reasons pensioners in the UK are the least well off in Europe.  Oh! sure there has been one or two good years in my recollection where the intrest in that month defied tradition, but only one or two. and there was an uproar each time it happened Oh! how are we going to pay all this money etc etc.

I have news for the Ministers and others who think that the government can't afford it ( especially the MPs who refer to Pensions as  a Benefit )

Benefit is one thing it is NOT.

Every one who has ever worked for a company has paid National Insurance, this was to pay for your Pension - You paid a bit every Week/Month and your employer paid a bit in every week/month - Note the Government paid in Nowt, Nothing, Zero. Millions of working people paying in little bit's every week/month adds up to a very Considerable ammount - and every penny of it gaining Interest ready for when you retire ( I wish) except life isn't fair at times, Every winter in the UK Thousands die from the Flu mostly those who are getting on in years (around pension age and older) and of course People die for a lot of other reasons, But what happens to all the money they paid into the pension pot - Gains Interest, along with all the rest, the only differance being they won't be collecting it.

So the news for the Ministers ect is - If the Government had kept their hand off it  they could double everyones pension and still have Billions left in the kitty.

If anyone tells you " Pension" is a Benefit they either don't understand or they are trying to garner sympathy for a cause which will undoubtably mean taking something off Pensioners.

The Pension Reforms Are Worse Than Anyone Thought.. 



Very well said mate

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I've also paid in my NI  contributions for the last 35 years and can expect a full state pension of whatever that turns out to be. I now have to pay involuntary NI contributions until I retire which is well over a decade away which will mean I've paid in another 10% at a higher rate. Will I be getting my minimum 10% addition on top? Doubt it!

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15 minutes ago, Findlay said:

I've also paid in my NI  contributions for the last 35 years and can expect a full state pension of whatever that turns out to be. I now have to pay involuntary NI contributions until I retire which is well over a decade away which will mean I've paid in another 10% at a higher rate. Will I be getting my minimum 10% addition on top? Doubt it!

The NHS is funded by NI contributions, isnt it?

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5 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

The NHS is funded by NI contributions, isnt it?

Partly but mainly through general taxation.  Pensions  and some other benefits ( death, unemployment etc ) are covered by NI contributions.


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8 minutes ago, Beamish said:

Two years of state pension have been taken away.

The age likely wasnt guaranteed either. I wont be able to claim until 68. Wouldnt be surprised if this goes to 69 before they say it will.


Life expectancy has gone up.

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If the government can afford to to put immigrants in hotels at a cost of £7,000,000 per day, give millions in aid to wealthy nations they should stop all that and look after our own , pensioners should get at least £250  per week ,with the chronically sick the same, workshy individuals should get their money reduced.

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That's another thing, The retirement age going up to 68 and not a whisper of protest from the masses,  Un-like the French who kicked off in good style,  and their pension age was only going up to age 62 - Yes up to 62.

Again  it was the " We can't afford it " cry, One MP complained about the cost of all this benefit money going the the old fogies live on TV (cheeky B*******). that Benefit word again, very deliberate - Tax payers don't like their money going to Scroungers, scroungers are associated with Benefits - see what their doing - Clever.

You get what you fight for, and at present there isn't a good fight left in this country, Someone will protest for me is the only  attitude thats left of the " Dunkirk Spirit "

I used to think the French were whimps, mainly due their Capitulation in WW 2, but I couldn't have been further from the truth, if the masses (Plebs) don't like what their government is doing they come out and say so.

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9 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

More fool them for not paying into a work or private pension, any pensioner who gets to retirement age solely planning to live off the State Pension is an absolute moron.

JUST MAYBE.....some of us were raising familys on low wages and could not afford private pensions.........JUST MAYBE...........they did not have company pension schemes where they worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!I would suggest that you are a self opinienated moron!

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27 minutes ago, dsweetman said:

JUST MAYBE.....some of us were raising familys on low wages and could not afford private pensions.........JUST MAYBE...........they did not have company pension schemes where they worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!I would suggest that you are a self opinienated moron!

Why thank you! 😍😍


Just maybe private pensions existed. Lots of exclamation marks. 

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