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Pension 'Tripple Lock' Unsustainable?

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Just now, HeHasRisen said:

See, none of my business is it? 

Just like my job is none of yours. 

If I use the company you work for and possibly defraud,  then I have to help bear the cost of that.

If you want to argue, then make it quick, because I have work to do if you haven't


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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

Stop derailing this thread please. 

I was discussing the subject of the thread and notice that you derail threads all the time.

Just remember that you are NOT a mod.

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

And whose fault is that? Their own.


Sensible people will realise taking time out from work would affect things further down the line. Too many people live for the now without giving a single thought to the future.

I have seen many people in their 20s attempting to opt out of defined benefit pension schemes and asking for refunds because they dont want 6% of their wages taken out. Absolutely moronic thinking.

I agree that people should pay into a works pension if they can, of course. But you do realise surely that anyone on minimum wage trying to pay bills and rent/mortage, will not have a great deal left over. Pay into a future pension or eat? you decide.  


Also,  you do realise many people on minimum wage, delivery drivers for example, are often regarded as self employed, in very insecure employment, with no guarantee of hours etc. They have few rights and may not have access to a works pension, or the money to pay into a private one. 

Neither will they be able to fund private health care or have a home to sell if they need a care home down the line and so on... (Just cost me £30 for a 5 minute dental check up and that's on the NHS.)


As the cost of living rises, poverty in this country is a very real and growing problem, and not just an issue for the feckless and unemployed. The problems for the future are mounting up too... 



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Looks like ministers have forgotten the contribution pensioners put forward as volunteers in all sectors. Making them poorer so they have to return to work will mean less jobs available and increase costs for support services which are inflated anyway. Most people have paid into pension schemes but they are no longer as valuable after being trimmed by fat cat bosses like Philip Green. Hope he has his own private protection.


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