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20mph To Become The Default Urban Speed Limit (Instead Of 30mph) ?

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Wales' 20mph limit absolutely insane, says Penny Mordaunt - BBC News


Apparently the 30mph default urban sped limit is due to become 20mph in Wales. Bearing in mind the trend in society for ever stricter "safety measures" it is just  a matter of time before this happens all over the UK.

I am well known for supporting speed limits and their enforcement (including by GPS controlled speed limiters) but even I feel this is a step too far. 20mph is advisable for genuinely residential roads (the kind where there's barely room for two cars to pass and invariably vehicles parked on the sides of the road) but other than that 30mph is fine.

Or it would be if it were actually enforced.... Surely they should be enforcing the present limits before reducing them !

Edited by Chekhov
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5 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

There are no resources to enforce it, if people dont see a static camera or a marked van many people will continue to go the old speed.

As regards speed limit enforcement generally what we really need is GPS controlled speed limiters, but until they come along what we need is hidden movable cameras so motorists are never sure when there may be one there. My only caveat to that is the speed limit should be obvious at the point the camera is in use, e.g. right next to a speed limit sign.

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15 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

As regards speed limit enforcement generally what we really need is GPS controlled speed limiters, 

That’s a very suppressionist point of view.


I don’t see why you suppressionists should dictate how everyone else behaves.



Edited by Prettytom
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Only if the fifty cars in front are going at the old speed.
Police have wrongly given leeway to drivers with the speed limit plus 10% PLUS 2mph? This was in the past due to inaccuracy with equipment.
The real advice should have been drive at a slower speed like 5mph below to allow for fluctuations so you're not watching the instruments. Cruise control allows this task to be dealt with.
When you look at speeds across cities being 12-15mph then its no big deal.

Rush hour traffic is exactly that because of the amount of traffic building up and speeding traffic compounding the load.
People have to start thinking differently about work and education travel as the problem isn't going away.

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

My car doesnt allow cruise control until the speed gets to 25mph. There is a speed limiter option though, maybe that does allow 20mph, I rarely use it.

Mine will nag me if I go over the speed limit, if I want it to.


I’ve turned all that crap off though. It interferes with my civil liberties. I’m not going to be subjugated by the authoritarian, cotton wool fascists.

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1 minute ago, Prettytom said:

Mine will nag me if I go over the speed limit, if I want it to.


I’ve turned all that crap off though. It interferes with my civil liberties.

Here in the Maldives, where I have pretended to be for the past three months, there is a speed camera on every street every 100 yards.

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