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American Xl Bully Dog Ban

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13 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

The dog defending fruit loops ?

Wretched beasts?

Cowardly thugs?


You seem angry. Tell you what, I'm planning on buying a great big German Shepherd in the not to distant future. If you want I can let you pet him? 

I love dogs Daddy,

The well cared for and obedient dogs..without doubt a best friend.

I've often thought about getting one to keep me company...

Unfortunately I'll never own a dog because I know I couldn't look after it properly.

I do agree with Irene's stance though.......

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28 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

The dog defending fruit loops ?

Wretched beasts?

Cowardly thugs?


You seem angry. Tell you what, I'm planning on buying a great big German Shepherd in the not to distant future. If you want I can let you pet him? 

That's what I own.  My mum & dad had a couple of them when my brothers, sister & myself were growing up & I learned from my dad as to how to train them.  They're very loyal & if well trained a great family dog but our Sabre is at the bottom of the pecking order in the family & that's how it should be. 


Still, he's nipped me a couple of times so I'd never leave him alone with anyone whose not confident around a large dog & certainly not with a small child.  Dogs, like people you're unfamiliar with also have close proximity boundary issues.  Trouble is, unlike humans, invade a dog's personal space, you're likely to come away with a bite rather than a caution. 


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24 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:


You seem angry. Tell you what, I'm planning on buying a great big German Shepherd in the not to distant future. If you want I can let you pet him? 

I encounter quite a few out walking with my Jack Russell and almost without exception they are friendly with responsible owners.Several have the inbred problem of their back legs failing as they age.

Breeders of many dogs have much to answer for.

The only exception was some idiot down Beeley Woods and wearing a hoody with “Dog Patrol” on the back.

He had 2 German Shepherds one of which flew out of a path and bowled mine over.

I picked him up and held him above my shoulders whilst the supposedly trained GS continued to jump up at him.

Words were exchanged.

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25 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

If he's on a lead, sure. I mean German Shepherds aren't bull dogs, so I don't see the comparison. 


Clearly you have forgotten what you said about German Shepherds before then?

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26 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:


I am angry Daddy that another life has been lost needlessly. I am angry that thickos on Facebook just think "aww cute animals" and don't see the bigger picture. I don't think bulldogs look cute, by the way. 



There you have it then. Blame the 'thickos' and not the dog.

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7 minutes ago, Padders said:

I love dogs Daddy,

The well cared for and obedient dogs..without doubt a best friend.

I've often thought about getting one to keep me company...

Unfortunately I'll never own a dog because I know I couldn't look after it properly.

I do agree with Irene's stance though.......

Thank you Padders. I agree, a dog is a huge responsibility. People should assess whether they can adequately care for their dog and being responsible for it's risk to public safety before getting it. For a start, they should check they have adequate *secure garden space so that their dog can play off lead there, in combination with walks in the park on* lead. They should also be able to address and tackle aggressive/dangerous behavioural concerns, such as biting and be prepared to instill the help of an expert should such occur. Dogs should also be socialised from an early age. They should be familiarised with different humans and animals alike. I could never be a dog owner. I am too selfish to invest all of that effort. It seems these bull dog owners deliberately don't want to be responsible owners. I have heard of bull dogs being abused by owners deliberately to make them more aggressive. For example, in the Stonnall dog attack case last year, a neighbour reported seeing the owner give the bull dogs "meaty thwacks", which I assume is Black Country speak for hard smacks , to encourage violent and aggressive behaviour in them. Bull dog owners don't want a pet, they want something to intimidate other people with. This is also why some of them have their ears cropped, to make them look even more aggressive. Let's remember that bull dogs were bred for blood sports and engineered to have an aggressive temperament.

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14 minutes ago, Padders said:

I love dogs Daddy,

The well cared for and obedient dogs..without doubt a best friend.

I've often thought about getting one to keep me company...

Unfortunately I'll never own a dog because I know I couldn't look after it properly.

I do agree with Irene's stance though.......

If you feel you wouldn't be able to care for one then yes, you're doing the responsible thing there matey. Dogs are amazing companions but yeah, they need a lot of looking after especially in the early days.

As for Irene, I know you and her get on well so I'll restrict my opinion to just one comment. 

I think she's trolling on this one 👍

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Clearly you have forgotten what you said about German Shepherds before then?

Not at all. German Shepherds have an aggressive temperament. I would never enter an enclosed space with one no matter how "soft" the owner said they were. The police use them as an intimidation tactic for a reason. But they also don't have the neck strength that bull dogs have. They don't have the same killing capacity. A grown adult should stand a good chance of fighting one of them off. 

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