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American Xl Bully Dog Ban

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26 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

My belief counts and so does theirs. These are a type of dog that are bred for fighting and attacking. They are selected by their owners for wrong doing and they are killing an increasing number of people as the weeks go on. They are harming people that have not agreed to be subjected to them, even people sat in thsir own back gardens. I can't spell it out any more clearly. If your dog gets pregnant, you will soon be committing an offense by breeding it. I really hope you experience the full extremities of the law. Owning dogs like that, is not acceptable. You could have a wide variety of dog, take your pick, so why do you choose the one breed out of hundreds that poses a significant threat to our lives and our quality of lives, with so many parks being no go areas because of these things, what attracts you to them? We, the people are saying enough is enough. Parents of young children are saying enough is enough. Relatives of victims are saying enough is enough. Your excuses, "it's not the dog, it's the owner, my Hendrix wouldn't hurt a fly, blah blah blah" don't work anymore. Time is up.

blah blah blah" don't work anymore. Time is up.               is not much of a argument.  Surely you can do better than that.  Why do only deaths by bulldogs count ????????


Of course your belief counts but you have not answered my question    -     that we should get rid of everything which causes a lot of deaths,   or is it just the families of people who are killed by dogs that count ?????

If you think that only people killed by dogs count,  please explain why other deaths are not as important.  

You are ranting about particular types of dogs simply because you don't like them.    Deaths by dogs are also not confined to one particular breed or type.  

Roughly 14 times as many people die at the hands of humans as those killed by dogs of all types but it seems that only deaths by bulldog types count


Edited by Organgrinder
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As the original poster, you all seem to be  arguing about the breeds of dogs, that's why I said ALL dog owners should have their dogs muzzled when out in public places.   All RESPONSIBLE owners, (my German Shepherd is already muzzled when we go out), wouldn't have a problem with this & you could bring this legislation in within a few weeks for all dogs. 


Put the onus back on the owner of the dogs, rather than the breed.  Responsible owner, controlled dog.  

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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

you have not answered my question    -     that we should get rid of everything which causes a lot of deaths,   or is it just the families of people who are killed by dogs that count ?????

If you think that only people killed by dogs count,  please explain why other deaths are not as important.  

That wasn't a question. That was you misquoting and manipulating what I said in to something else. These dogs should be gotten rid of because human life trumps dog's lives and because bull dogs are a breed known to be extremely dangerous. Your dog is a danger to me. My life trumps your dog's life.

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21 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

That wasn't a question. That was you misquoting and manipulating what I said in to something else. These dogs should be gotten rid of because human life trumps dog's lives and because bull dogs are a breed known to be extremely dangerous. Your dog is a danger to me. My life trumps your dog's life.

I never misquoted you   -   you said that they  are evil and you can see it in their eyes.   That's not a factual or sensible  basis to even start a discussion

You are just voicing your opinion,   not based on fact,  but based on your dislike of a particular type of dog.

Government policies cannot be based on such flimsy statements by people with strange ideas

My dog is no a danger to you because I don't have one and as for trumping lives,  yours seems to be a fairytale one based on prejudice and personal preference.

You don't even know what breed of dog you are talking about and no decision can be made on anything until that is ascertained.

In fact, you seem to know as much about dogs as you do about Covid.


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