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Russell Brand

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You've got to be pretty lost in the echo chamber, not to mention your own resentful bitterness, to set out your stall as a rubbisher of a report that was the result of four years' worth of diligent investigation, fact-checking and lawyerly consultation.  It takes ardent commitment to be - and I'll be generous here - let's say wilfully unaware of the reasons why a sixteen year old girl, or indeed any woman, might not report rape and sexual assault, especially when the alleged assailant is a wealthy, powerful and much older man. 


We have a culture in which misogyny is so deeply ingrained that when a man boasts of abusive sexual behaviour - when boasting of that abusive sexual behaviour is an essential part of his persona - he isn't condemned but celebrated and subsequently enthusiastically defended when those boasts turn out to be more reportage than comedy routine. 


That our friends here are entirely happy to post as they do on this thread and elsewhere is a tiny wee insight into what's out there, and you don't even have to turn over rocks to see it.

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10 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

None of these women who have accused Brand of crimes have ever been to the police.


All four of them said they didn't think they'd be believed


Sounds like a bit of a coincidence but I guess you never know 🙄

Given how we now know the Met is institutionally corrupt- some women probably don't even feel safe around them!


Also, this article from bbc is worrying.  Teenage girls feeling unsafe, young as 13.


Looks like society is just one big mess and I blame social media for a lot of it.



1 minute ago, ThaBoom said:



Edited by ThaBoom
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8 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

At the risk of wasting my time because you're either trolling or thick as pig muck, i thought i'd reply:


No one is defending actual rape or sexual assault!


If someone enters into a situation with someone with a reputation such as Brand, you have to question not just their judgement, but also their intentions.


Brand's 'issues' around sexual predation and substance abuse were well known... yet young women still went there - why??? For status? To live a fantasy lifestyle??

Stop talking sense you sexual abuse apologist.



Accountability apparently has ceased to exist in our society.

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5 minutes ago, ThaBoom said:

Given how we now know the Met is institutionally corrupt- some women probably don't even feel safe around them!


Also, this article from bbc is worrying.  Teenage girls feeling unsafe, young as 13.


Looks like society is just one big mess and I blame social media for a lot of it.




Well I'm not sure I believe any of your statement but how would women even have known that the police were corrupt back then


Look I'm not a woman and I've got friends that have brushed off sexual encounters that they haven't been comfortable with


And I've heard enough horror stories from friends to know that there are a lot of horrible damaged men out there 


But also there is nothing wrong with being kinky and some women like it a bit rough 


It's a minefield especially in 2023


Hopefully the truth will come out in court because no one can get a fair trial in the public court of the media 

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6 hours ago, leviathan13 said:


Turning the tables - did Caroline Flack take advantage of a 17yo Harry Styles?


Having sex with a 16yo girl isn't illegal, inofitself.


Now, if all the other stuff is true, then fair do's and he deserves what he gets.


But the women sleeping with Brand were obviously aware of his persona and that was part of the attraction. Having sex with multiple partners isn't against the law, if each interaction was consensual. That's the first hurdle.


My problem with it is why wait so long to speak up? And if ever there was a time to speak up, it was during the #metoo movement 5 or 6 years ago - why now if it's not for money on behalf of the alleged victims, or as a diversion by MSM?


Again, i'll point out that a man has just been released from prision for a rape he didn't commit, and there have been a number of men who have suffered due to false rape allegations where the accuser has been allowed to maintain anonymity.


Yes, accusations should be taken seriously, but that is different from believing them before a full investigation has been carried out. The politics you're pushing are dangerous - just think, you could be on the receiving end of what you're promoting.

Excellent post 👍


I've known girls to lost their minds around celebrities


They will literally do anything if they asked them to 


I know a girl who lost her virginity on a tour bus outside The Leadmill ather only talking to a lead singer for 10 mins 


However, all this should not cloud the fact that some men are predatory and many like Saville & Glitter have used their fame as an advantage to groom young girls & boys

Edited by Jack Grey
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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

None of these women who have accused Brand of crimes have ever been to the police.


All four of them said they didn't think they'd be believed


Sounds like a bit of a coincidence but I guess you never know 🙄

You are trying to distract but,  despite all that    -    Do you think that what he did was OK ?


1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Excellent post 👍


I've known girls to lost their minds around celebrities


They will literally do anything if they asked them to 


I know a girl who lost her virginity on a tour bus outside The Leadmill ather only talking to a lead singer for 10 mins 


However, all this should not cloud the fact that some men are predatory and many like Saville & Glitter have used their fame as an advantage to groom young girls & boys

You also said:  But also there is nothing wrong with being kinky and some women like it a bit rough 


Easy to see where you're coming from.

That doesn't excuse any man who takes advantage as he did..

Putting the girl on trial instead is just an excuse.


Edited by Organgrinder
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Jack,  I'm quite impressed that you have such an insight into how women can fall victim to men's advances,  I suppose after a certain amount of attention and drink they are vulnerable and easy picking for the type of person who hasn't any scruples.


Is it a myth that some blokes get carried away that they can't stop?


Organgrinder  fair comment as usual,  he must have seen all the connivance that goes on.

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35 minutes ago, cressida said:

Jack,  I'm quite impressed that you have such an insight into how women can fall victim to men's advances,  I suppose after a certain amount of attention and drink they are vulnerable and easy picking for the type of person who hasn't any scruples.


Is it a myth that some blokes get carried away that they can't stop?


Organgrinder  fair comment as usual,  he must have seen all the connivance that goes on.

Morning Cressida.


Look, absolutely no one is saying what Brand has done ( if guilty) is right and he deserves everything coming if he has done those awful things, however, others and myself included are just putting forward that not all women are sweet innocent souls, that's all. 


As I've mentioned before I worked in the nightclub and bar trade for 15 odd years in London and some of the things I've seen, especially from girls wanting attention from famous people would make your hair curl. I've also been on the recieving end of vicious rumours from a couple of ladies that have not responded too kindly from being shall we say, being rejected or not received the attention they demanded.



Edited by Al Bundy
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