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12 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

It's not about caring


A fuzzy feeling does not help anyone


We need facts not feelings


We don't have enough money, housing, GPs, NHS beds, schools 


You all know this FFS 


Because it's all your moan about

Get your boots out, Jack.


Go and do something about it, instead of whining about stuff like a pound shop Oswald Moseley.

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

Well,  tbf it's a different opinion and shouldn't be shut down,  we don't all agree on everything,  France is a safe country,  those were the rules which were ignored and which the EU didn't or couldn't do anything about it if they were ignored,

It's fine to disagree cressida and completely natural.  We humans are a cantankerous lot.

France is indeed a safe country and,  if we had still been in Europe,  we could have sent some of them back there,  although we rarely did and the fault for that,  was with our government,  not Europe.

Unfortunately,  since we left Europe,  those rules no longer apply,  due to chief clown BoJo not doing his job properly and renegotiating that agreement.


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I'm not gonna go round and round in circles


You know my feelings


That's how I feel and fortunately Europe is coming around to thinking the same way so now laws and treaties will be changed 


We are a generous country but there has to be limits especially as our generosity is being taken advantage of


Our kindness is our weakness 

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2 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I'm not gonna go round and round in circles


You know my feelings


That's how I feel and fortunately Europe is coming around to thinking the same way so now laws and treaties will be changed 


We are a generous country but there has to be limits especially as our generosity is being taken advantage of


Our kindness is our weakness 

We do know your feelings and you are entitled to them even if we disagree.

You are correct in that Europe has now realised the problems of mass migration.  Due to this change in heart,  it's imperative that our government improve relations with Europe, 

so that all can work together to solve the problems this mass migration will cause.  I have said repeatedly,  that climate change is going to magnify these problems with even more migration in the future.

The little Englanders who think we can build a fence around Britain and isolate ourselves are going to have to accept that big change is coming whether we like it or not.

It would have been better for the developed world to have helped impoverished  people more than we have,  so that they were happier to stay where they were.

That was too simple a solution for those who moan about foreign aid,   but it would have been cheaper for the world to come together and provide what they need in the place where they live.

Climate change is going to alter that anyway because liveable land will be lost along with the ability to  grow crops or keep animals. 

We may think that humankind is so clever and yet we can be so short sighted and spend money chasing the moon and mars whilst our planet disintegrates.    Looking forward to the flack from this.


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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

We do know your feelings and you are entitled to them even if we disagree.

You are correct in that Europe has now realised the problems of mass migration.  Due to this change in heart,  it's imperative that our government improve relations with Europe, 

so that all can work together to solve the problems this mass migration will cause.  I have said repeatedly,  that climate change is going to magnify these problems with even more migration in the future.

The little Englanders who think we can build a fence around Britain and isolate ourselves are going to have to accept that big change is coming whether we like it or not.

It would have been better for the developed world to have helped impoverished  people more than we have,  so that they were happier to stay where they were.

That was too simple a solution for those who moan about foreign aid,   but it would have been cheaper for the world to come together and provide what they need in the place where they live.

Climate change is going to alter that anyway because liveable land will be lost along with the ability to  grow crops or keep animals. 

We may think that humankind is so clever and yet we can be so short sighted and spend money chasing the moon and mars whilst our planet disintegrates.    Looking forward to the flack from this.


If you want to help the world's poorest then convince them to stop breeding 


I'll donate £100 a month to any charity that sends them birth control


Educate them that if you don't have food then stop having more children


It's a decision that billions of people do around the world do and most have job, skills, food


Because at some point there will be 10bn then 15bn then 20bn people 


Until we all have nothing


I guess that's the socialist wet dream 

Edited by Jack Grey
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46 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

If you want to help the world's poorest then convince them to stop breeding 


I'll donate £100 a month to any charity that sends them birth control


Educate them that if you don't have food then stop having more children


It's a decision that billions of people do around the world do and most have job, skills, food


Because at some point there will be 10bn then 15bn then 20bn people 


Until we all have nothing


I guess that's the socialist wet dream 

You arguments are always so well thought out that they always boil down to 3 or 4 little quotes which get repeated ad infinitum.

You still don't have the necessary to understand what's going on in this world or the intelligence to realise that a few hundred weight ( I'm still on British weights, just to be awkward ) of Durex  will cure it.

When I was growing up,  in quite poor circumstances,  I / we  were educated to believe that sharing and caring was good for both the giver and the recipient.

You were obviously dragged up without education.  I'll guess that you hate watching Scrooge at Christmas.   Those ghosts would never have got to you.


46 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Never mind all of this, Chekhov has been scammed for his Australian visa! 


Thought it was worth shoehorning it into a fourth thread. 

Surprised he hasn't already inserted it into every thread all by himself as self promotion comes naturally to him.

Edited by Organgrinder
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56 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

We do know your feelings and you are entitled to them even if we disagree.

You are correct in that Europe has now realised the problems of mass migration.  Due to this change in heart,  it's imperative that our government improve relations with Europe, 

so that all can work together to solve the problems this mass migration will cause.  I have said repeatedly,  that climate change is going to magnify these problems with even more migration in the future.

The little Englanders who think we can build a fence around Britain and isolate ourselves are going to have to accept that big change is coming whether we like it or not.

It would have been better for the developed world to have helped impoverished  people more than we have,  so that they were happier to stay where they were.

That was too simple a solution for those who moan about foreign aid,   but it would have been cheaper for the world to come together and provide what they need in the place where they live.

Climate change is going to alter that anyway because liveable land will be lost along with the ability to  grow crops or keep animals. 

We may think that humankind is so clever and yet we can be so short sighted and spend money chasing the moon and mars whilst our planet disintegrates.    Looking forward to the flack from this.


54 billion, just to Africa last year!!! And that's without Bob ( I live in a castle) Geldoff



Edited by Al Bundy
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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:

54 billion, just to Africa last year!!! And that's without Bob ( I live in a castle) Geldoff



First of all,  I would severely question your figure of 54 billion.  Are we playing monopoly and no one told me.


To do what ?  expand mineral contracts etc.

I'm talking about helping them ( and I mean them and not corrupt governments ).

Do you not realise how our "aid" budgets are used.


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17 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

First of all,  I would severely question your figure of 54 billion.  Are we playing monopoly and no one told me.


To do what ?  expand mineral contracts etc.

I'm talking about helping them ( and I mean them and not corrupt governments ).

Do you not realise how our "aid" budgets are used.


Aid to African countries totalled US$ 58.4 billion in 2021, or 33.6% of aid. In 2021, 20.7% of aid went to low-income countries, 27.0% to lower-middle income, 11.7% to upper middle income, and 0.1% to high-income countries.

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