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Foot Problem

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The wife and I have the attention of a Chiropodist once every 8 weeks

Toe nails cut, hard skin removed

However, on the ball of my foot in the middle there is a piece of hard skin which seems to be deeply rooted

The fact that it's there causes me a lot of pain when out walking and to relieve that pain I walk mostly in a pair of thick soft soled shoes.

The Chiropodist removes as much as she can, but that hard spot comes back

The Chiropodist obviously can't remove it completely, doing so would probably leave a bleeding wound and a possible source of infection


Anyone had the same problem ?

Was the problem solved and how ?

Have you sought help from the NHS ?


Got to be an answer, look forward to some sensible replies

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Foot problems can be sensitive and cause other issues over time.
In reflexology the ball of the foot is connected to the heart, lugs and diaphram if you believe that kind of thing.

If you are on your feet for long periods with shoes that rub can create friction and increase skin build up.

Have you had an impact from a jump as breaks are hard to spot in the small foot bones.

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1 hour ago, Longcol said:

Have it checked out by a dermatologist or oncologist to make sure it isn't  a melonoma (skin cancer).


Unfortunately my wife is suffering similar at the moment and has an op on Tuesday to remove it.

I hope the operation is successful.  A worrying time for you both.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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11 hours ago, Longcol said:

Have it checked out by a dermatologist or oncologist to make sure it isn't  a melonoma (skin cancer).


Unfortunately my wife is suffering similar at the moment and has an op on Tuesday to remove it.

Good morning Longcol, presumably in the first instance via my GP

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12 hours ago, Longcol said:

Have it checked out by a dermatologist or oncologist to make sure it isn't  a melonoma (skin cancer).


Unfortunately my wife is suffering similar at the moment and has an op on Tuesday to remove it.

I fully agree.

I kept getting a spot near my eye which I thought was unimportant.

Whilst talking to a nurse she strongly advised me to see a doctor.

It turned out to be cancerous and was successfully removed.


Hope your wife's operation goes OK.

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Sounds like a seed corn to me.

My husband and myself have a podiatrist who comes to our house every 8 weeks and she is excellent.

Previously my husband has had NHS treatment over a number of years ( we're in the Barnsley area ) and only once did he come away feeling satisfied with the treatment given.  They were absolutely useless.  In fact the final time he went ( just over a year ago ) the person giving him treatment didn't wear gloves,  only looked at one foot and the whole thing was over in about 10 minutes !!  ( I wondered if this so called chiropodist was really a car park attendant pretending to be a chiropodist he was that useless !  🤣  )

 Ever since then we've paid for a private podiatrist and because she is so good, I have my feet done aswell.    We both have seed corns  ( as do many, many people they are very common )   My husband is an insulin dependant diabetic so has to be very careful with invasive treatment.

If left untreated seed corns can become deep seated and develop a hard skin top. ( Painful to walk on )  ..........   but with careful and persistant treatment they can be removed completely ( as was my husbands ) although it can take several visits.  The difference once these seed corns have been successfully removed is enormous.

If your chiropodist/podiatrist is fully trained, anything which looks suspicious or out of the normal range he/she should advise you to seek further medical advice surely.  Ours would.

Anyway, hope you get your feet sorted soon.   Good luck  ........ Francy

Edited by francypants
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