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3 minutes ago, Anna B said:

No thought or comment about one individual having a fortune of 200 Billion? 


Why on earth is that relevant to anything? Some people being richer than others shocker, it was ever thus.

2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

He takes delight in bullying Anna in particular.

If you post crap, be prepared to be pulled up on it. Chekhov is another person I do this to as he is constantly doing it.

I know what you are doing here, you are suggesting I am belittling a poor defenseless woman. Chekhov is male.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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Still struggling to see the relevance. The personal wealth of someone is irrelevant here. UNless you are suggesting rich people should be forced to give their fortunes away to stuggling governments, that would be absurd unless its done via taxation, and there are always loopholes.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

I wonder which politician will be on the media celebrating the fact that Inflation has gone down? No doubt taking the credit for it too... 


Before you break open the champagne, it's gone down 0.1% from 6.8 to 6.7% so don't go on a spending spree just yet. Food inflation however, which affects everyone and can't be avoided, has gone up to 13.6% so still more hardship for many. And that's before tomorrow's probable rise in mortgage rates. Meanwhile the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the gap gets bigger, and hardship becomes a way of life. 


According to the bank of England there's too much money in the system, so they're trying to claw it back, yet councils are going broke through lack of funds and services are being withdrawn. The little guy is paying more tax than ever, so where has all the money gone?


Well, Jeff Bezos' personal fortune has gone up to $200 Billion, that's more than the GDP of some countries, so maybe he could tell us....   


Hmmm... :huh:

I'm not sure I'm understanding the comparison here.


Mr Bezos has accumulated his wealth by providing services that were required by the public.


If the people he employed weren't up to the job and those services were rubbish, then the public wouldn't use them and he wouldn't have as much money.


Similarly, councils are supposed to provide services that are required by the public.


If the people they employ aren't up to the job and those services are rubbish, then the public have no choice but to have a bit of a moan - but ultimately they have to put up with it.


Yet instead of acknowledging that it's often down to the waste and incompetence of the employees, we get the much-used excuse that it's all down to lack of funding.


Does anyone really think that if the muppets running local councils were put in charge of Amazon that they'd have achieved the same results? :roll:

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Just now, geared said:

Fuel prices are back on the rise, thanks to efforts by Saudi Arabia and Russia to constrain supplies and force the price per barrel up.


Inflation isn't likely to continue getting better, it'll get worse.

Transport inflation is actually standing at -0.5%, so I suspect fuel would have to rise by a fair bit for it to have a impact.

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40 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:


If you post crap, be prepared to be pulled up on it. Chekhov is another person I do this to as he is constantly doing it.

I know what you are doing here, you are suggesting I am belittling a poor defenseless woman. Chekhov is male.

What you refer to as "Crap" may only be crap in your personal opinion but that is not the point I was making.

Anna made a post regarding inflation and I made no bones about you correcting her.  I objected to you bringing in another subject,  which is a favourite ploy of yours to belittle people.

Why not just stick to the subject  which you are responding to and not bring in something stupid like Doncaster airport runway ?

By all means,  argue about inflation to your hearts content.


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Just now, Al Bundy said:

Let's have a pop at someone's who company employs over 1.5 million people.



Useful as that is,  it doesn't make the person in question out of reach of ordinary mortals.   Many of us don't worship the rich and famous.

Everybody in the world is a target for a pop,  including myself,  if someone else objects to what they do.  It's a part of life.


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