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53 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I'm not sure I'm understanding the comparison here.


Mr Bezos has accumulated his wealth by providing services that were required by the public.


If the people he employed weren't up to the job and those services were rubbish, then the public wouldn't use them and he wouldn't have as much money.


Similarly, councils are supposed to provide services that are required by the public.


If the people they employ aren't up to the job and those services are rubbish, then the public have no choice but to have a bit of a moan - but ultimately they have to put up with it.


Yet instead of acknowledging that it's often down to the waste and incompetence of the employees, we get the much-used excuse that it's all down to lack of funding.


Does anyone really think that if the muppets running local councils were put in charge of Amazon that they'd have achieved the same results? :roll:

Bullseye :thumbsup:

1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Why on earth is that relevant to anything? Some people being richer than others shocker, it was ever thus.

If you post crap, be prepared to be pulled up on it. Chekhov is another person I do this to as he is constantly doing it.

I know what you are doing here, you are suggesting I am belittling a poor defenseless woman. Chekhov is male.


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58 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I'm not sure I'm understanding the comparison here.


Mr Bezos has accumulated his wealth by providing services that were required by the public.


If the people he employed weren't up to the job and those services were rubbish, then the public wouldn't use them and he wouldn't have as much money.


Similarly, councils are supposed to provide services that are required by the public.


If the people they employ aren't up to the job and those services are rubbish, then the public have no choice but to have a bit of a moan - but ultimately they have to put up with it.


Yet instead of acknowledging that it's often down to the waste and incompetence of the employees, we get the much-used excuse that it's all down to lack of funding.


Does anyone really think that if the muppets running local councils were put in charge of Amazon that they'd have achieved the same results? :roll:

It would be bankrupt within months. They would most likely build new Amazon offices with rainbow coloured containers on some swamp land.

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

I wonder which politician will be on the media celebrating the fact that Inflation has gone down? No doubt taking the credit for it too... 


Before you break open the champagne, it's gone down 0.1% from 6.8 to 6.7% so don't go on a spending spree just yet. Food inflation however, which affects everyone and can't be avoided, has gone up to 13.6% so still more hardship for many. And that's before tomorrow's probable rise in mortgage rates. Meanwhile the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the gap gets bigger, and hardship becomes a way of life. 


According to the bank of England there's too much money in the system, so they're trying to claw it back, yet councils are going broke through lack of funds and services are being withdrawn. The little guy is paying more tax than ever, so where has all the money gone?


Well, Jeff Bezos' personal fortune has gone up to $200 Billion, that's more than the GDP of some countries, so maybe he could tell us....   


Hang the rich 

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3 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:

I believe he was referring to her making up false facts and then leaving when they were pointed out to be wrong, of course, I could be wrong 🤷‍♂️

I do not 'make up' facts, I was repeating something I was told, but without the usual checks which I admit I should have done. Their information may have been out of date, but the fact remains Doncaster Sheffield is big enough to take the biggest air bus size planes, and has a runway long enough for global flights, plus plenty of space for further development, which, as you know, was the point I was making.


Neither do I 'run away' from threads. I just consider some posters, especially those I think to be contentious and rude, not worth arguing with.

And I do have a life, other than spending all my time at the keyboard.


Meanwhile, back on track...    As for Mr Bezos, I would be happy for him to pay tax at the same PAYE rate as the rest of us, providing he pays it without recourse to the many devious tax avoidance schemes he employs, like we have to do. He wouldn't even notice. With that alone, our government's financial problems would disappear overnight, and Mr Bezos would still be well able to afford plenty more multi-million pound yachts.  



Edited by Anna B
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42 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I do not 'make up' facts, I was repeating something I was told, but without the usual checks which I admit I should have done. Their information may have been out of date, but the fact remains Doncaster Sheffield is big enough to take the biggest air bus size planes, and has a runway long enough for global flights, plus plenty of space for further development, which, as you know, was the point I was making.


Neither do I 'run away' from threads. I just consider some posters, especially those I think to be contentious and rude, not worth arguing with.

And I do have a life, other than spending all my time at the keyboard.


Meanwhile, back on track...    As for Mr Bezos, I would be happy for him to pay tax at the same PAYE rate as the rest of us, providing he pays it without recourse to the many devious tax avoidance schemes he employs, like we have to do. He wouldn't even notice. With that alone, our government's financial problems would disappear overnight, and Mr Bezos would still be well able to afford plenty more multi-million pound yachts.  




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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

I do not 'make up' facts, I was repeating something I was told, but without the usual checks which I admit I should have done. Their information may have been out of date, but the fact remains Doncaster Sheffield is big enough to take the biggest air bus size planes, and has a runway long enough for global flights, plus plenty of space for further development, which, as you know, was the point I was making.


Neither do I 'run away' from threads. I just consider some posters, especially those I think to be contentious and rude, not worth arguing with.

And I do have a life, other than spending all my time at the keyboard.


Meanwhile, back on track...    As for Mr Bezos, I would be happy for him to pay tax at the same PAYE rate as the rest of us, providing he pays it without recourse to the many devious tax avoidance schemes he employs, like we have to do. He wouldn't even notice. With that alone, our government's financial problems would disappear overnight, and Mr Bezos would still be well able to afford plenty more multi-million pound yachts.  



Jeff Bezos pays all his tax and all this country’s money problems would be solved. 😂😂😂

Did you go to the Diane Abbot School of mathematics? 

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Many of these mega million /Billion companies are ruthless employers and make their mega profits off of the backs of their workers. They are not nice places to work. The work is hard, and the pace relentless. The turnover of staff is frequent and telling, as in - 'if you don't like it you can leave...' so they do...  


For instance, employees can be subject to gagging orders so any complaints to outside agencies will result in instant dismissal, and while it is illegal to stop the employees joining a union, it is actively 'discouraged.' Try it, and you may suddenly find your hours cut, shifts reduced, and your work deliberately and forensically scrutinised looking for petty faults. More ways to skin a cat etc...  No unions means bad working practices go unremarked and become commonplace. There are stories of younsters having to carry a bottle round with them to pee in as trips to the toilet are not allowed.


The workers are often young (you need the energy and stamina as the pressure never stops) and there is little in the way of career structure. The workers are not respected and are little more than drones, which in fact they may actually be in the near future. Moves are afoot to replace the workers with machines altogether, (the technology already exists and is being trialled.) Once our shopping habits have changed sufficiently, and all the stores closed, do you think the warehouse owners  will give a thought to the displaced workers, if it means more profits for the already mega mega rich?

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