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Sunak : Nett Zero But In A 'More Proportionate' Way

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

I wonder how much pollution the war in Ukraine is creating? 

Is that acceptable? 

Our <1% is a drop in the ocean compared to other countries but  is making us all poorer and life tougher.


We were supposed to be setting an example that other counties would follow. They haven't. We've just been left looking like mugs.

I agree with you about the UK looking like mugs. Germany didn’t waste time sourcing for more coal after Russia invaded the Ukraine.

If we bring down the world population surely that will help climate change. It makes me wonder how many more people the Earth can support.

FRANKFURT, Dec 16 2022 (Reuters) - Coal has made a comeback in Germany this year, as Europe's largest economy turns to the dirty fuel to power it through an energy crisis.

More than a third (36.3%) of the electricity fed into the German power grids between July and September came from coal-fired power plants, compared with 31.9 percent in the third quarter of 2021, according to German statistics office Destatis.

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18 hours ago, Prettytom said:

After all, it is only our kids who will drown, or burn. I’m fairly sure that everyone else should be fine. Just fine.

Our kids will not drown, certainly not in the UK. But anywhere else they can move to a higher part of their countries, or to the newly available parts of the world, like Siberia for instance.


17 hours ago, Prettytom said:

It will end when we no longer have a climate emergency. That will require you and I to play their part.

We do not have a "climate emergency".

It's all long term even if it's accurate, which I doubt anyway.


Just out of interest, if we are in a "climate emergency", why did so many environmental activists campaign against the Severn Barrier ?

Massive amounts of reliable zero carbon electricity but at some cost to the wading bird population.

We're all expected to radically alter our lives and make those lives much less enjoyable (and colder...) but we can't negatively affect the wading birds ?

It can't be much of an emergency if the wading bird feeding grounds are more important.......

Edited by Chekhov
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3 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

So we all agree that energy independence requires gas, coal, fracking, petrol, diesel, nuclear, wind, solar and dams


Not just wind and solar


I seem to remember the lefties protesting nuclear energy in the 70s, 80s and 90s.....but now apparently it's ok


And wasn't it the coalition government who tore up the contracts to build nuclear power stations


Yes we need to faze out fossils fuels but at a balance that means we are never in short supply of cheap affordable energy 


We have coal under our feet and shale gas but the green brigade prefer that we ship it's ALLLLLLLLLL the way from China 



Yes I’m aware we have coal and shale gas under our feet.  Didn’t realise we ship it in from China. It doesn’t make sense when we could be mining our own.

Edited by hauxwell
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2 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Wind turbines on a day like today are fine, wind is currently generating about 61% of the grid. 


But there was a day recently where wind output was less than 1%, in fact coal was generating three times more.  Wind power isn't the silver bullet solution some think it is. 

I agree, the way the population is growing I think we need more than wind power and solar panels for our energy.  Last year Government said they were going to build more nuclear power plants, they need to get cracking, they say it takes a few years to build them or failing  that get fracking or mining for coal.  

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Just now, hauxwell said:

I agree, the way the population is growing I think we need more than wind power and solar panels for our energy.  Last year Government said they were going to build more nuclear power plants, they need to get cracking, they say it takes a few years to build them or failing  that get fracking or mining for coal.  

France is almost reliant on nuclear now, I believe. 

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45 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It also doesn't make sense when we could be using something else instead if we made some investment in the right things.

What should we invest in to replace the fossil fuel that is coal, gas and oil?


And it has to replace it now.....not in 5 years or 10 years but now when we actually need it and that's why we ship it in when we have it under our feet?

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2 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

France is almost reliant on nuclear now, I believe. 

And they could be screwed because they've been robing Niger of their uranium for years but that gravy train looks to be coming to an end.

They'll have to pay a fair market price from now on

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11 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

What should we invest in to replace the fossil fuel that is coal, gas and oil?


And it has to replace it now.....not in 5 years or 10 years but now when we actually need it and that's why we ship it in when we have it under our feet?

Well for a start,  have you noticed that we are surrounded on every side by sea which never stands still  and forget the lies about the fishing grounds and the cockles & mussels.

One of the main things we need to do is build properly with good insulation and solar panels built in.

We are the worst insulated country and solar panels are hardly used in this  country.  They may not do all the job but they will provide more than half the energy we need.

The government are not replacing anything NOW        they are talking about    BY  2050

The governments problem is     they talk about it instead of doing it        just like the house building,  and the sewage clean up.  and stopping the boats.


10 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

Then we need to be the same.  The government is all talk and no action.

Correct.  Nice to see that the view is clearing.

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