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Sunak : Nett Zero But In A 'More Proportionate' Way

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There's no climate emergency


People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of time 


The world is the same as it's always been


Might be getting a little warmer but thats to do with the fact that there are over 9 billion people on this planet now.....they create a lot of heat


There have always been floods, and fires, and cold and hot weather


It's just affecting more people because there are more people 

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12 hours ago, Longcol said:

>>Chekhov said: By workers and consumers I think he means all workers and consumers.

But, let's be honest, unless they go down the rationing route (which has been suggested by some Nett Zero extremists) the only mechanism for limiting demand is price. And if price is the device used to get down consumption (everything from heating to car use to flying) the rich will not be as affected as the rest of us.

The govt has been fortunate indeed that Covid and the Ukraine war has put up the price of energy to the level they wanted it to be at anyway (so they don't have to carry the can for that....) but they will not be so lucky with the rest of the "behavioural changes" demanded.<<


So the rich will get off scot free as per usual under the Tories.

It makes no difference whether it's the Tories in power or Labour. If they want to force "behavioural change" on people they can only really do that through pricing, i.e. taxing it. And that will mean poorer people will have to change their behaviour more than richer people.


The only other alternative to punitive taxation is to ban stuff outright or even ration it, and I would not have thought any but the most ardent Nett Zero zealot would be arguing for that. Or would they......

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11 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

There's no climate emergency


People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of time 


The world is the same as it's always been


Might be getting a little warmer but thats to do with the fact that there are over 9 billion people on this planet now.....they create a lot of heat


There have always been floods, and fires, and cold and hot weather


It's just affecting more people because there are more people 

Where to even begin... just a mishmash of completely disprovable, already debunked, nonsensical claims... based on ill-informed, fact free, willful ignorance!





...but back on topic:


Rishi Sunak's popularity at lowest point ever after net zero announcement:



Oh dear :?

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5 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

There's no climate emergency


People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of time 


The world is the same as it's always been


Might be getting a little warmer but thats to do with the fact that there are over 9 billion people on this planet now.....they create a lot of heat


There have always been floods, and fires, and cold and hot weather


It's just affecting more people because there are more people 

We are not predicting the end of the world.  Don't you know the difference between climate ( weather for those who don't understand ) and the planet.   The world will end one day but not in our time. 

Whilst we are still here,  we need to grow crops,  graze animals etc and have enough natural forest and unused land ( like National Parks ) to sustain nature.

Climate change is already having an effect and making this more difficult and droughts plus flooding are making areas un-inhabitable.

The world is NOTHING like it was in the past.  Just study the polar icecaps and study the results of the Tundra thawing out in Northern Europe which is already gathering pace.

I'm surprised at your lack of knowledge and it seems you won't accept the truth until you either starve to death or drown.

And it's no good shouting to people not to have kids.  Nobodies listening,  just like you don't,  because they're silly too and refuse to see the truth..


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26 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Sums up the lefties attitude that they're smart and everyone else is dumb so they have the right to tell the rest of us what to do and how to live

Lefties / authoritarians are also the first ones to start trolling, it's basically all linked. Lefties get personal and insulting very quickly. It may be Lefties subconsciously think  they're virtuous and caring so anyone who disagrees with them cannot be and is therefore game for insults. They can never figure out that them wanting to regulate and restrict other people's lives makes them even more selfish than people who do not want their lives to be regulated and restricted.

Or it could just be that when they start losing the arguments (Lefties tend to be idealists rather than pragmatists) they start playing the man rather than the ball. I see this regularly.

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11 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Where to even begin... just a mishmash of completely disprovable, already debunked, nonsensical claims... based on ill-informed, fact free, willful ignorance!

Much of the climate emergency hysteria is just what you have quoted.

 As an example of this type of bias, BBC New headline :


Extreme weather: More than 4,500 deaths in England from 2022 heat



It's only when one reads a bit further down that they admit the cold kills far more people. So, a nett warming of the UK would actually save lives....

10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

We are not predicting the end of the world.  Don't you know the difference between climate ( weather for those who don't understand ) and the planet.   The world will end one day but not in our time. 

Whilst we are still here,  we need to grow crops,  graze animals etc and have enough natural forest and unused land ( like National Parks ) to sustain nature.

Climate change is already having an effect and making this more difficult and droughts plus flooding are making areas un-inhabitable.

The world is NOTHING like it was in the past.  Just study the polar icecaps and study the results of the Tundra thawing out in Northern Europe which is already gathering pace.

I'm surprised at your lack of knowledge and it seems you won't accept the truth until you either starve to death or drown.

And it's no good shouting to people not to have kids.  Nobodies listening,  just like you don't,  because they're silly too and refuse to see the truth..

Say what you like, but people don't want to have to change their lives, they won't vote for it.

Assuming they're given the chance of course, which is why these Nett Zero zealots don't want them to be given a chance to reject it.

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13 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

It's only when one reads a bit further down that they admit the cold kills far more people. So, a nett warming of the UK would actually save lives....

...or, it's the simplistic, narrow scope of claims like this that highlight your complete inability to comprehend the wider/global scope of the issues at hand. 🙄


The "trees" fiasco being another prime example. :thumbsup:


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33 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Say what you like, but people don't want to have to change their lives, they won't vote for it.

We are now at the point where everyone will have to change their lives to some extent, whether they like it or not... regardless of anything voted for.


At current rates, significant parts of Yorkshire are predicted to be under water by 2100!


You think that's not going to impose some change in people's lives? 🙄


33 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Assuming they're given the chance of course, which is why these Nett Zero zealots don't want them to be given a chance to reject it.

...or, those making policy are just better informed, and realise costs, and risk to life (not to mention the civil and societal issues) spiral the longer you leave it... for multiple, knock-on reasons. 🙄


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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

>>Chekhov said: It's only when one reads a bit further down that they admit the cold kills far more people. So, a nett warming of the UK would actually save lives....<<


...or, it's the simplistic, narrow scope of claims like this that highlight your complete inability to comprehend the wider/global scope of the issues at hand. 🙄


In actual fact what I said has much to commend it.

If more people die from the cold than the heat, then. one would have thought, a 2 or 3 degree rise in UK temperatures fewer people would die. Though, of course, everyone dies anyway, so, just like during Covid, it's not quite that simple is it ?


46 minutes ago, Magilla said:

>>Chekhov said:Assuming they're given the chance of course, which is why these Nett Zero zealots don't want them to be given a chance to reject it.<


...or, those making policy are just better informed, and realise costs, and risk to life (not to mention the civil and societal issues) spiral the longer you leave it... for multiple, knock-on reasons. 🙄


Translation : people should not be given a choice because "the powers that be know best".

One wonders why they bother having elections at all ?

Perhaps you could enlighten us ?

Or is it a case they can be given a vote, so long as it's about stuff that's not so important ?

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46 minutes ago, Magilla said:

We are now at the point where everyone will have to change their lives to some extent, whether they like it or not... regardless of anything voted for.

At current rates, significant parts of Yorkshire are predicted to be under water by 2100!

You think that's not going to impose some change in people's lives? 🙄


My faith in "experts" took a MASSIVE dive during Covid. And, as I have said before, the Covid over reaction and Nett Zero have many parallels :


We have a load of "experts", most of whom (certainly those on the MSM and those listened to by the government) telling us how bad things could be (the implication being how bad things will be). 

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


Scientists are by their very nature over cautious.

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


The scientists are not really that bothered about the effects of their recommended policies on the economy, and even less bothered about the effects on people's personal freedoms.

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


We have a government saying "we will be led by the science" so they can abdicate responsibility for making any serious decisions (even though the science is not certain, particularly as to the long term effects of rising CO2 concentrations and indeed how much we can do about it).

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


We have all of the MSM talking like climate change is a certainty and that Nett Zero is required with the implied assumption it will work, They also imply that anyone who disagrees with it is an unthinking crank.

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


All major political parties have more or less the same policy on Nett Zero, there is no option to vote against it. Hopefully this is changing!

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.


They, the government and the MSM as well as the scientists, more or less ignore the massive cost (social as well as financial) of their nett zero policy. It's a case of whatever it costs, it does not matter, we will do it : TINA (there is no alternative). Hopefully this is changing!

Exactly the same as what happened during Covid.

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