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Sunak : Nett Zero But In A 'More Proportionate' Way

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

I know a number of other countries are intending to delay implementing the net zero policies along the same lines as Sunak intends to do in the UK for various reasons.  Here in the UK I've heard the excuse of austerity(?).


Well austerity isn't going to last forever & neither will the planet at the rate we're going.  We should be pressing ahead with the original plans & implementation dates, being at the front of developing technology, leading the way, creating jobs in new fields  & then flogging it to the rest of the world, just as the country led the world a few centuries ago with the Industrial Revolution.

That's exactly right,  and we still could be leaders,  but not with silly Sunak and the sewage party in charge.

It's invest and work now for a brighter future,  or sit back,  carry on changing the climate, let circumstances overtake us,  and be a 3rd rate nobody.


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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

>>Chekhov said:
Are we talking about the same thing ?

This ? (more CO2 causes more photosynthesis which uses up more CO2) :


The Times - 10 Oct 22 p8 :

Rising carbon emissions make trees grow bigger

Trees feasting on increased CO2 emissions have grown thicker and larger researchers at Ohio State University suggest.

Academics examined the volume of trees in ten temperate forest groups across America and found that the volume of tree trunks was up 30% bigger than 30 years ago.

The phenomenon, known as Carbon fertilisation - when an influx of CO2 increases a plant's rate of photosynthesis - is likely to be replicated across the world.<<


They die younger, and emit more methane as they decompose in the long term. :?

Even if that's right (and, after Covid I am totally cynical about experts pushing an agenda) you're saying they quickly soak up lots of CO then slowly release it.

Sounds like just what we need if we really are in a "climate emergency".


2 hours ago, Magilla said:

Global Climate Change Impact on Crops Expected Within 10 Years, NASA Study Finds:


Maise crop yields expected to reduce 24% by 2100, the outlook for beans and many other crops also dire... The only upside is wheat, which might result in an upswing of 17%... until it drops off a cliff nutritionally:


Humans have been manipulating plants evolution for thousands of years to ensure the best crops in the conditions they need to be grown. In fact since genetically modified plants have become common the amount of manipulation possible, and the time scales for doing it, have changed out of all recognition.

Why are you, and the other Nett Zero zealots, so pessimistic ?

Didn't the Covid over reaction teach you anything ?

Edited by Chekhov
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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

A rise of 3.2 degrees is predicted to cost 18% of global GDP, who knows what 5 might mean, not least given the dire warnings re: food supply.


...from the insurance industry, which could hardly be described as "media hype"!

Then there's the cost, not just in coin...

How much more of the UK will be under water at 5 degree's... are you sure your house is high enough, many in Yorkshire won't be... where are you proposing these displaced masses, potentially a million or more people, should live?

Unless you think food just magically appears out of nowhere... have you factored in how many will be starving to death, or already dead, globally, at 5 degrees?

What would 5 degrees mean for global migration, will it make people more likely to up-sticks and head in our direction, do you think?

Even if there is a 5 degree increase in temp, which is far from certain, that will mean vast areas of the world previously uninhabitable, will now be inhabitable.



Just now, Organgrinder said:


Did you not learn anything from it ?

It would seem not.

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

Yet again looks like we're going backwards in Sunaks shortsighted attempts to woo right wing votes :(



So you admit that climate change has been weaponised by the left?


Maybe he realised that we can't afford it


Crimpling families and the economy with agreesive and excessive climate policies and taxes 

Edited by Jack Grey
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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

>>Chekhov said: Assuming they're given the chance of course, which is why these Nett Zero zealots don't want them to be given a chance to reject it.<


> @Magilla said...or, those making policy are just better informed, and realise costs, and risk to life (not to mention the civil and societal issues) spiral the longer you leave it... for multiple, knock-on reasons. 🙄<


Translation : people should not be given a choice because "the powers that be know best".

One wonders why they bother having elections at all ?

Perhaps you could enlighten us ?

Or is it a case they can be given a vote, so long as it's about stuff that's not so important ?

Did we get an answer to this ?

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Aww, shucks 



John Caudwell: I won’t back PM after net zero ‘madness



It is not exactly going to plan.




1 hour ago, HumbleNarrator said:

I  welcome Rishi Sunak's more measured approach even though Ideally he should go whole hog and scrap this fangled "net zero" cobblers all together as it is for the most part an upper middle class hobby the rest of can't afford. If it's followed through to it's logical end we'll end up a society looking something like the Flintstones. 

I agree.


Let’s ignore all of this new fangled dealing with an environmental problem that has been headlines for a generation.


After all, it is only our kids who will drown, or burn. I’m fairly sure that everyone else should be fine. Just fine.


Thanks for your “contribution “

Edited by Prettytom
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8 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

This country is 1% of global carbon emissions, we have de-industrialised and de-carbonised more than any other developed country but it's not good enough is it, nothing is EVER good enough. Where will it end, Uglytom??

Maybe you could evidence those claims.


In the meantime, you should consider that we are in the top 20 per capita producers of carbon, worldwide.


It will end when we no longer have a climate emergency. That will require you and I to play their part.

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6 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

Maybe you could evidence those claims.


In the meantime, you should consider that we are in the top 20 per capita producers of carbon, worldwide.


It will end when we no longer have a climate emergency. That will require you and I to play their part.

How did you travel to wherever you are now ?

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