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Sunak : Nett Zero But In A 'More Proportionate' Way

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1 hour ago, HumbleNarrator said:

This country is 1% of global carbon emissions, we have de-industrialised and de-carbonised more than any other developed country but it's not good enough is it, nothing is EVER good enough. Where will it end, Uglytom??

Have you forgotten that we were the ones who started it off and were polluting for 100 years before most others even started.

We still have much to do and are already cutting back on our efforts.  Electric vehicles are still not green when most of our energy is not from renewable sources.

Our biggest steel works are still using old fashioned blast furnaces and burning coal / coke.  Don't believe government claims of how green we are. 

If we pull back now, the rest of the world may follow suit.   Would you prefer drought, floods, starvation and mass migration instead ? 

I think to carry on with the effort and lead the world in modern green jobs is a price worth paying.


Edited by Organgrinder
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7 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

So you admit that climate change has been weaponised by the left?


Maybe he realised that we can't afford it


Crimpling families and the economy with agreesive and excessive climate policies and taxes 

Errm no that's not what I said at all, the right are always climate change deniers though

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2 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The climate is always changing.


But the world isn't ending


Your heroes Thunberg & Gore predicted the world would be a disaster by now but they have since deleted those tweets etc


Families cannot take anymore taxes or Levy's


We have done our bit but now is time to look after our economy 

It's Saturday night so went out with friends for dinner and drinks in the marina


I'll leave the diatribe to you 👍

So it always has and always will but it's changing much, much quicker due to human emissions and pollution.

I keep telling you that the world will not end and everyone knows that.  It's just human and most wildlife which will end and that's not important is it ?

You keep saying that about Greta but I never heard her say anything like that.  I don't read tweets because I never go on twitter  -  too sensible.

Billionaire businessmen and multi billion companies,  can take much more.  many of them are paying nothing.

I don't believe that you personally, have done any bit at all and,  I don't think we have much of an economy to look after,  especially by the set of morons who crashed it. 


You are of course,  entitled to a night out and I would not criticise you for that   -   hope you enjoyed it.


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I wonder how much pollution the war in Ukraine is creating? 

Is that acceptable? 

Our <1% is a drop in the ocean compared to other countries but  is making us all poorer and life tougher.


We were supposed to be setting an example that other counties would follow. They haven't. We've just been left looking like mugs.

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16 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Even if that's right (and, after Covid I am totally cynical about experts pushing an agenda) you're saying they quickly soak up lots of CO then slowly release it.

Well it's not like you to make something up, that bears no relation to anything actually posted or that you read!


Clearly, on this point... you've got 'nowt... imagine my surprise! 🤣


16 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Humans have been manipulating plants evolution for thousands of years to ensure the best crops in the conditions they need to be grown. In fact since genetically modified plants have become common the amount of manipulation possible, and the time scales for doing it, have changed out of all recognition.

So... literally banking everything, on the very same experts you're bending over backwards to dismiss and ignore now.


Desperate stuff.


Of course, for this innovation to happen at all, there needs to be clear government policy and direction, in the form of targets, to spur investment... you know... the sort of things you're arguing against here 🤣


16 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Even if there is a 5 degree increase in temp, which is far from certain, that will mean vast areas of the world previously uninhabitable, will now be inhabitable.

Vast majorities of inhabited land, in the UK, will be under water... long before 5 degree's.


Where is all this previously uninhabitable but will now be inhabitable land, in the UK? 🙄



When that insurance analysis I posted earlier says "shrinkage" to global GDP... what do you think that really means? 🙄


Clearly, you should tell the insurance industry they have no idea how their business works, and have got it all wrong! 🤣


The rate of warming, has increased since that report was published...



In the meantime, earth is now entering a 6th global extinction event as a result... the ramifications of which for humanity, are severe and devastating.



Edited by Magilla
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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

I wonder how much pollution the war in Ukraine is creating? 

Is that acceptable? 

Our <1% is a drop in the ocean compared to other countries but  is making us all poorer and life tougher.


We were supposed to be setting an example that other counties would follow. They haven't. We've just been left looking like mugs.

And the second world war and all the blooming wars since Anna.

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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

I wonder how much pollution the war in Ukraine is creating? 

Is that acceptable? 

Our <1% is a drop in the ocean compared to other countries but  is making us all poorer and life tougher.


We were supposed to be setting an example that other counties would follow. They haven't. We've just been left looking like mugs.

Some countries are making a great effort,  others not so much.  After all the shout about us lading the world,  we should not be leading it backwards.


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19 hours ago, melthebell said:

Yet again looks like we're going backwards in Sunaks shortsighted attempts to woo right wing votes :(



Rishi is being dishonest... it'll cost a lot more in the long run... of course, by then it'll be someone else's problem. :suspect:


Anyways... it looks like it's going down like a fart in a spacesuit:


John Caudwell: I won’t back PM after net zero ‘madness’:



Britain must not delay its green future:


"The government’s decision to push back net-zero deadlines is bad not only for the planet but also for this country’s economic wellbeing"



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