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Sunak : Nett Zero But In A 'More Proportionate' Way

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:


What's the point in living if you do not enjoy life ?


I enjoy life, despite selfish ***** like you, despite the government , i dont need my heating on full blast, i dont need to swarm to the coast like locusts with the rest, i dont need to use a car to nip to the shops

Its about thought, its about what you actually need and whats right, its NOT about tradition or what you think you should be doing, its about respect, respect the planet you live on.

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15 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Hint :

If you want your questions answered, don't ask so many in one post.

Still desperately and selectively avoiding those questions!


Didn't see that coming! .... must be all that time chomping through those tree's 🤣


15 hours ago, Chekhov said:

1 - I do not believe the effect on the world, certainly on humans, will be as bad as is being suggested. Historically the climate has been both far hotter and also far colder than it is now. Humans are the most adaptable creatures ever to have walked the earth.

Essentially, complete denial, based on wishful thinking... who knew!


What was the global human population during these climate epoch's... and what does "adaptable" mean, if it doesn't involve changing how you live? 🙄


Of course... Net Zero is one of those adaptations...


...and the very thing you're explicitely arguing against, in the same post, is what will save the day... absolutely priceless!


You couldn't make it up! 🤣


15 hours ago, Chekhov said:

2 - There is no guarantee that changing our lives forever, at massive cost, will prevent it anyway.

Our lives are changing forever, and it will involve massive cost, regardless.


So.. since you're so knowledgable, just how much do you think Net Zero will cost by 2050, government figures please... not ones you've made up! 🙄


15 hours ago, Chekhov said:

3 - Mitigating climate change will be much cheaper than trying (very possibly unsuccessfully) to prevent it, certainly in this country.

Mitigation will involve orders of magnitude more cost, and many many more lives changed.


15 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Funnily enough all the suppressionists were telling me the same sort of stuff during Covid, yet my record was better then most of the so called experts.

Am glad we can put your "most people" claims to bed, I am also uninterested in any other people and scenarios you've made up in your head! 🤣

Edited by Magilla
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12 hours ago, melthebell said:

I enjoy life, despite selfish ***** like you, despite the government , i dont need my heating on full blast, i dont need to swarm to the coast like locusts with the rest, i dont need to use a car to nip to the shops

Its about thought, its about what you actually need and whats right, its NOT about tradition or what you think you should be doing, its about respect, respect the planet you live on.

Well said.  I agree with that.  Unfortunately,  you won't get through to those who have set themselves up as professional little cryers and want to offer up their own kids as sacrifice.


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3 hours ago, Magilla said:

Still desperately and selectively avoiding those questions!

Which question in particular ?

But, whilst of the subject, I will ask you yet again, a simple yes or no question :

What is more important the wading birds' habitat on the River Severn estuary, or the "Climate Emergency" ?

Why are you so reluctant to answer ?

3 hours ago, Magilla said:

Our lives are changing forever, and it will involve massive cost, regardless.

You cannot possibly know that. 

But what we do know, is flood defences might cost Billions, the sort of adaptions you lot want will cost us Trillions.. And still might not work.

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15 hours ago, melthebell said:

>>Chekhov said:

What's the point in living if you do not enjoy life ?<<


I enjoy life, despite selfish ***** like you, despite the government , i dont need my heating on full blast, i dont need to swarm to the coast like locusts with the rest, i dont need to use a car to nip to the shops

Its about thought, its about what you actually need and whats right, its NOT about tradition or what you think you should be doing, its about respect, respect the planet you live on.

Nice to see Mr Meltman proving yet again that its the Leftie Authoritarians who are always the first to start using personal insults.


But you, just like Mr Organgrinder, are completely missing the point.

It is not just me who wants to fly away on holiday, or have a warm house, and a car (and want to take pics of their kids doing significant things in their lives come to that).

It's the VAST majority of people.

So, really, you are insulting the vast majority of people there.

Well done.


3 hours ago, Magilla said:

Mitigation will involve orders of magnitude more cost, and many many more lives changed.

No it won't and certainly not in this country.

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"Behavioural change" is the only way we will achieve Nett Zero.


This is absolutely true.

I was thinking about this yesterday morning actually.


My bother and his family used to live in Gorton, east Manchester.

"Behavioural change" would mean we should be using public transport to go and see him. 


We live in Oughtibridge, NW of Sheff. To get there by public transport we'd have to catch a bus (half hourly or less, when they turn up....) east into Sheff, then a train west to Manchester, then another bus back east to Gorton. Between two and half and three hours, each way. That'd be 5 or 6 hours travelling....... I suspect it'd also cost a fair bit for the three of us.


Or we could use a car, 50 to 60 min depending on traffic. It would also be significantly cheaper for us.


In actual fact he's just moved to New Zealand, and the Nett Zero zealots say we shouldn't be flying much at all and certainly not long haul.


So, basically "behavioural change" means we would rarely, or even never, ever see my bother and his family.

Forget it, I'm not interested.

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32 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Nice to see Mr Meltman proving yet again that its the Leftie Authoritarians who are always the first to start using personal insults.


But you, just like Mr Organgrinder, are completely missing the point.

It is not just me who wants to fly away on holiday, or have a warm house, and a car (and want to take pics of their kids doing significant things in their lives come to that).

It's the VAST majority of people.

So, really, you are insulting the vast majority of people there.

Well done.


No it won't and certainly not in this country.

Yes human beings as a species are greedy, selfish, nasty and violent and the planet will be far better without us on it, we are parasites

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32 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Yes human beings as a species are greedy, selfish, nasty and violent and the planet will be far better without us on it, we are parasites

We agree at last, although not all, but most.



Edited by Al Bundy
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

So, basically "behavioural change" means we would rarely, or even never, ever see my bother and his family.

Forget it, I'm not interested.

Only if you insist on only considering the fringe examples.


How about the journeys you make every day? - could some of those be made with public transport?


We've been prioritising cars for 70 years, while also degrading the alternatives, so it's likely the answer will be 'no'.


(this is a perfectly reasonable response, given the shocking state of ... everything)


But imagine we lived in a serious country that actually built things, would an extension of the train/tram network help?


On that final question if you can stretch to a 'maybe?'... then you're basically an eco-warrior.


(behavioural change will require adequate options to be available, and in this country, that will mean building them first)

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