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Why Are Syp So Useless?


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2 hours ago, Findlay said:

Bring it to the attention of the school.

Any risk to pupils needs an assessment and action plan if there is something that can be done to mitigate risk.

Spoken to the school on numerous occasions regarding parents and how they drive/park around the school, including on the white zigzags of a pedestrian crossing. 

All they do is send out a text message with some vague "behave yourselves" message. 

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The school in question could do with an advice page like this and ask all parents to sign up to a good practice contract. 

Being outside, the driver many have had nothing to do with the school and only thinking how they have been inconvenienced with an action that should see their licence removed.

Edited by Findlay
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21 hours ago, Resident said:

Reported a driver who did a dangerous u-turn in traffic, mounted and then drove down the pavement because she didn't want to wait in the queue.

This was at 15:30, outside a primary school so there were young kids and parents on the pavement.

I confronted her and she just kept trying to justify doing what she did (which I have this confession on video)

3 other parents gave me their details as witnesses and I reported it online via the 101 portal. Within an hour of reporting it the case was closed and marked NFA.

What does it take these days to get SYP to do some bloody police work? 

They are too busy covering up paedophile rings in Rotherham and arresting people for a gram of weed. New Year's Eve last year, there was 30 of them in a kebab shop on Broomhill. Our taxes were paying for 30 of them to sit eating kebabs. It made my blood boil.


Driving on the pavement is not acceptable at all and you have my praise for condemning such and act. I myself would have given the driver a ticking off too. Perhaps you could share the video online and shame her. She should loose her license but we know that SYP can't be bothered to deal with drivers who think it is ok to mount the pavement. 

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2 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

OK Richard Whiteley!


Riddle me this, howcome 30 of them all have a meal break at the same time?

A planned gathering on a night of celebration to have an hour away from the p*ssheads? 


Let's say there were 200 coppers on shift, not unreasonable to have 30 have their break at the same time now is it? 

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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

Where did I say they were covering one electoral ward? Believe it or not, coppers move about a bit. 


I once saw 70 of them all going to Tesco to buy doughnuts! Bloody disgusting! Our taxpayers money! Send the buggers back! 

Using the American comedic narrative that all policemen drink coffee and eat doughnuts, how original!



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