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The Origin Of Life

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Eureka  , They think they may have found it !!!!!.

NASA  that is , who have just obtained a 250 gram piece of dirt from a rock in outer space , 


Millions spent , whooping on whooping as the casket landed in a desert some where in America .


 Mean while the Earth is on fire or our City's are vanishing under floods depending on the season . Solve that one you would think is the order of the day ,

People sleeping under cardboard in the Worlds cities , no homes to house them , People in Africa with no running water or food , Solve that one another order of the day .


Stupid leaders bombing and invading neighbouring Countries who are then armed by other leaders to bomb and kill other innocent people.

The list goes on , 


The space rock in its casket will solve the Worlds problems though , or will it .

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14 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Eureka  , They think they may have found it !!!!!.

NASA  that is , who have just obtained a 250 gram piece of dirt from a rock in outer space , 


Millions spent , whooping on whooping as the casket landed in a desert some where in America .


 Mean while the Earth is on fire or our City's are vanishing under floods depending on the season . Solve that one you would think is the order of the day ,

People sleeping under cardboard in the Worlds cities , no homes to house them , People in Africa with no running water or food , Solve that one another order of the day .


Stupid leaders bombing and invading neighbouring Countries who are then armed by other leaders to bomb and kill other innocent people.

The list goes on , 


The space rock in its casket will solve the Worlds problems though , or will it .

You got it right there cuttsie.  Both you & Pyro totally correct.  the world's gone mad.


Edited by Organgrinder
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Where does the money go?

NASA's budget request for fiscal year 2022 reflects a topical range of priorities. The four highlighted priorities are:

  • Addressing the climate crisis nationally and internationally.This includes a next-generation Earth system observatory, sustainable flight partnerships, and university research.
  • Restoring America's global standing.The Artemis missions to the Moon, the International Space Station, and international partnerships all fall under this category.
  • Promoting racial and economic equality by increasing the participation of historically underserved communities in STEM. This also includes landing the first woman and person of color on the Moon through the Artemis missions.
  • Driving economic growth by leading American dominance in emerging markets and space technology. There's also more than $280 million allotted for investments in small business innovation research.


The American taxpayer has been generous to foreign countries. Between the years 2013 and 2018, nearly $300 billion in U.S. taxpayer money flowed as “aid” to countries outside the United States.

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9 minutes ago, carosio said:

Where does the money go?

NASA's budget request for fiscal year 2022 reflects a topical range of priorities. The four highlighted priorities are:

  • Addressing the climate crisis nationally and internationally.This includes a next-generation Earth system observatory, sustainable flight partnerships, and university research.
  • Restoring America's global standing.The Artemis missions to the Moon, the International Space Station, and international partnerships all fall under this category.
  • Promoting racial and economic equality by increasing the participation of historically underserved communities in STEM. This also includes landing the first woman and person of color on the Moon through the Artemis missions.
  • Driving economic growth by leading American dominance in emerging markets and space technology. There's also more than $280 million allotted for investments in small business innovation research.


The American taxpayer has been generous to foreign countries. Between the years 2013 and 2018, nearly $300 billion in U.S. taxpayer money flowed as “aid” to countries outside the United States.

And what exactly does that do to fill starving bellies, to provide clean water,  and to raise peoples heads above the flood and save their cattle and crops ?


Edited by Organgrinder
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Blimey I thought Chekov had posted this "whinge" for a second. Its a great achievement what theyve just done and i for one, being into science am looking forward to what it contains. As for the rest, its not just about money, its also down to political will from countries.

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16 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

And what exactly does that do to fill starving bellies, to provide clean water,  and to raise peoples heads above the flood and save their cattle and crops ?


See the aid budget above. Perhaps we interfere too much on how other countries spend their money?



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24 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

And what exactly does that do to fill starving bellies, to provide clean water,  and to raise peoples heads above the flood and save their cattle and crops ?


We have been paying aid for years and years, but it still hasn't provided the things you mention. China, on the other hand, has made inroads (literally) and lifted many out of absolute poverty in the last 20 years. What are they doing that we have failed to do for so long? And what are the long term consequences?


Meanwhile, don't forget we have our own homeless and hungry in a relatively rich and well organised(?) country.

We don't seem able to solve that either.



Edited by Anna B
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9 minutes ago, carosio said:

See the aid budget above. Perhaps we interfere too much on how other countries spend their money?



You do know  how "aid" budgets work,  don't you ?

Often greasing dirty palms, buying business deals, unlocking doors to materials we need, often buying new personal jet airliners for dictators.

They often don't fill many starving bellies too.


5 minutes ago, Anna B said:

We have been paying aid for years and years, but it still hasn't provided the things you mention. China, on the other hand, has made inroads (literally) and lifted many out of absolute poverty in the last 20 years. What are they doing that we have failed to do? And what are the long term consequences?


Meanwhile, don't forget we have our own homeless and hungry in a relatively rich and well organised(?) country.

We don't seem able to solve that either.



All of which proves the very point I am making.  "Aid" budgets are more a means of easing our guilt and greasing palms for one reason or another.

Rarely do the poor people feel the benefit except for what trickles down   -   very similar to what happens in this country.

Don't believe that the Chinese are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts either.


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11 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Blimey I thought Chekov had posted this "whinge" for a second. Its a great achievement what theyve just done and i for one, being into science am looking forward to what it contains. As for the rest, its not just about money, its also down to political will from countries.

Something we agree on!


Been a bit busy for the last few days so not had chance to follow it properly, but i will invest some time and attention to see what we can discover.


People think the 'space race' stuff is a waste of time and money, but it has helped to push the boundaries of science over the years to the point where much of our day-to-day tech has been created on the back of it.

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