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Why Are Extremist Environmentalists So Inconsistent ?

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Can someone please explain to me a few inconsistencies in environmentalists' views ?

Two in particular, but there are many others.


If we are in a "climate emergency" why do they oppose the Severn barrage ?

That is one of those very rare things : a reliable and pedictable source of sustainable energy.

I have read it's because they don't want the wading birds habitat to be disturbed, but I thought we were in a climate emergency ?


Why are these extremists (like the infamous Swampy) against HS2 when electrified train travel is just about the most environmental way to get about ?

Surely they shouldn't be campaigning against it they should be volunteering to build it for free.


The only explanation I can think of is what they really want is  Nett Zero by "behavioural change". I.e. people simply travelling less (or ideally not at all) for instance. In fact I think that was the gist of Swampy's disjointed answer when asked. 

Just so long s well know exactly where they want us to go with this Nett Zero stuff.

Edited by Chekhov
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20 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Well it's because they think that only lefties care about the climate so that means they can scream a righites and call them thick and scream profanities at them


The same with migration 

Another one at it now.        Why not talk about what  we have SAID  or WRITTEN  rather than what you mistakenly think we THINK.

You are making your own arguments up.   Try the real world.


No need to tell me what I THINK because I'm quite happy to tell you what I KNOW.   You are quite free to think the opposite once we have a proper basis for discussion.

Not with the idiot you are backing up though,  because he likes to change people's quotes,  change the subject to CO**D,  and tell lies,  and I don't need telling what I think.


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Environmental extremists are simply mental. They shout, they scream, they glue their faces to stuff (which is very funny btw) and they bang on about the "97% of scientists agree with them" gibberish. 

Then they go home in their diesel car to an uninsulated house and watch their big screen TV whilst tapping on their smart phone with Tarquin and Isabella playing on their tablets. etc etc.

Hypocritical doesn't even come close in my opinion. 

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"Environmental extremists" like the National Trust, the RSPB and WWF, but not Greenpeace because they objected to an untested but likely environmentally damaging project which could have ended up costing the taxpayer £30 billion, when this was being considered more than a decade ago.

Edited by dan_999uk
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8 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Environmental extremists are simply mental. They shout, they scream, they glue their faces to stuff (which is very funny btw) and they bang on about the "97% of scientists agree with them" gibberish. 

Then they go home in their diesel car to an uninsulated house and watch their big screen TV whilst tapping on their smart phone with Tarquin and Isabella playing on their tablets. etc etc.

Hypocritical doesn't even come close in my opinion. 

Prove it.

Pure imagination again.

You couldn't even prove the people you talk about, let alone their actions.  You'll have  picked it up on one of your favourite conspiracy sites.


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57 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Hush now Jim Lad. 

I'm quite willing to discuss the environment with you or anyone else but only on the basis of facts and not imaginary stories about imaginary people,


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