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Why Are Extremist Environmentalists So Inconsistent ?

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Running hot and cold, inconsistencies, defying logic, changing minds and moving the goalposts, all methods to discombobulate the population until they don't know which way is up. Very much like gaslighting, and coercive control.


Confuse the populace and they become easier to manipulate, more willing to do as they're told, and look to the powerful for direction.


Just sayin'.....  

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48 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Running hot and cold, inconsistencies, defying logic, changing minds and moving the goalposts, all methods to discombobulate the population until they don't know which way is up. Very much like gaslighting, and coercive control.


Confuse the populace and they become easier to manipulate, more willing to do as they're told, and look to the powerful for direction.


Just sayin'.....  

Into flat earth now Anna? Or denying evolution?




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5 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Not with the idiot you are backing up though,  because he likes to change people's quotes,  change the subject to CO**D,  and tell lies,  and I don't need telling what I think.

Ignoring the insult (you should you get a 3 day ban for that) you are always claiming stuff, but when I ask for direct examples the silence is deafening (metaphorically speaking obviously).

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35 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Running hot and cold, inconsistencies, defying logic, changing minds and moving the goalposts, all methods to discombobulate the population until they don't know which way is up. Very much like gaslighting, and coercive control.


Confuse the populace and they become easier to manipulate, more willing to do as they're told, and look to the powerful for direction.


Just sayin'.....  

Would you care to define who or what you are referring to ?      Climate Change believers,  Climate Change Unbelievers,  Government.   And then maybe we could debate it.

The best start is to get all your info from a reliable news source like BBC or Sky and then look for a reliable name like Attenborough for instance.  David will tell you no lies.

If you're going to say "They all fly on jet planes",   Yes they do,  but so does everyone at the top and I agree that they should all know better.

No need to manipulate anybody   -   people always split into 2 camps and rarely  can they be persuaded otherwise.  Just make your choice and stick because it won't make much difference.

We have been putting it off for 30 years and we still keep delaying now and so do countries  like China so it's safe to assume that we will be  too late to make a difference.

And no the world won't end.        It won't be the end of the world  at all,   just the end of most of the wild life and the end of the human race.  When we are gone,  the planet will recover  over time.


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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It's up to everybody to watch and listen with scepticism,  have a good think, and decide for themselves what they believe.

Surely Organgrinder hasn't said something sensible for once ?

1 hour ago, Prettytom said:

I see that the anti-science brigade are having a little get together.

It helps to have them in one place, then the rest of us can get on with important stuff, like limiting climate change.

You talk like :

1 - Scientists all agree (on anything).

2 - Scientists always get it right.


Why we might not get a coronavirus vaccine
Politicians have become more cautious about immunisation prospects. They are right to be


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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

And no the world won't end.        It won't be the end of the world  at all,   just the end of most of the wild life and the end of the human race.  When we are gone,  the planet will recover  over time.

Do you seriously believe that......

What possible evidence have you got for that assertion ?

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Don't make me keep saying this   I do not converse with liars and cheats so don't put questions to me or they will be ignored.

I don't care what you think and have told you that before.

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