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Nissan Snooker Sunak

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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

 We shouldn't have to rely on motor manufacturers to  tell the government the correct course.

Absolutely not. In a democracy we should rely 100% on the electorate doing that.

At least one of the party leaders believes the electorate should be given the choice, although, in actual fact, it's only  slowing down of the Nett Zero obsession, so Sunak isn't totally democratic. Just more so than the others.

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Not for you ,obviously . 

I asked you when  ?

Not quick enough for me is correct,  but that's not relevant  because I'm not in the government.


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The best thing car manufactures can do is ditch diesel only models as soon as possible, encourage people into petrol hybrids (This technology is well established and been around since the late 90's) and encourage people into full electric cars where possible. This then gives them 12 years to develop and fully refine electric car batteries to hopefully make them more affordable to the masses. This also gives the government more time to get a decent charging infrastructure in (Don't hold your breath with that sentiment though) 

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11 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

The best thing car manufactures can do is ditch diesel only models as soon as possible, encourage people into petrol hybrids (This technology is well established and been around since the late 90's) and encourage people into full electric cars where possible. This then gives them 12 years to develop and fully refine electric car batteries to hopefully make them more affordable to the masses. This also gives the government more time to get a decent charging infrastructure in (Don't hold your breath with that sentiment though) 

I heard that they had already decided not to ban hybrids yet. Never seen any real details though.


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  • 2 months later...

I am fortunate enough to understand the technical weakness of electrical cars as my job has involved working in the industry for the last 38 years. In short, electric car batteries are essentially a great idea for the future however at this moment in time and considerably well into the foreseeable future, they are also a complete failure. The composition of manufacturing, maintaining and ultimately disposal is totally in its ecological infancy. There are big words from governments all over the world telling us that we will be net zero by 2050 etc, but the rate these vehicles are being rolled out, its making John Doe believe that the electric car future is here now!!. Big manufacturers like Nissan and especially the French are banking on this tech to be refined within the time period given, but as it is, we are no further forward than we were in 1884 when Mr Parker thought it was a good idea too.

Trouble is, there's so much hype in the world today about how electric cars are going to "save our planet", the process price is going largely ignored. Its a bit like the masses are starting to believe the world is flat again. 

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1/       Nobody knows for sure what the hells going to happen next.  Plans get made,  changed,   and dumped again in no time at all.

2/      All these conversations and the research should have started 30 years ago.        We could have had a much easier transition if we had started lowering permitted emissions and demanding  more efficient engines

           with much better mpg figures.    Far too much emphasis on performance,  and nought to sixty times when most traffic is nose to tail,  and  it's often hard to get into top fear for any length of time.

3/      Road building has never moved with the times and we should have had more flyovers and underpasses rather than junctions with lights or roundabouts which stop traffic and create much more pollution.

4/      Investment in public transport  and  cycle paths away from traffic  has been a disgrace and we could have been far better prepared than we are.


I'm convinced that electric cars for everybody will never be sustainable in real life.

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