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5 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The usual suspects on this forum are very quiet 








5 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The usual suspects on this forum are very quiet 







The BLM Media scam has run its natural course.  They've "moved on".


Always another one, though, to get their panties in a knot. "LGBT  Lives Matter.".


Right now they are busy with TLM. "Terrorist Lives Matter", which given the Islamic terrorists treatment of stoning to death LGBT, is also doomed to fade.


Until the penny drops that "All Lives Matter", there's no hope for them!

Edited by trastrick
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8 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The usual suspects on this forum are very quiet 







Wonder why?


Same as the Yom Kippur thread


It's obvious who the radical left are as they are so conspicuous by their general absence. Maybe it's because they don't want to be seen supporting folk who would completely disagree with their views, especially on issues like women and gay rights

Must be a right head buster for them.

Edited by Al Bundy
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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Wonder why?


Same as the Yom Kippur thread


It's obvious who the radical left are as they are so conspicuous by their general absence. Maybe it's because they don't want to be seen supporting folk who would completely disagree with their views, especially on issues like women and gay rights

Must be a right head buster for them.

Same as the COVID thread.


COVID is still with us, but nobody who has a choice wants to shut down the World's economy, schools, and re-instate quarantines, curfews , silly government mandates for social distancing, and the wearing of cheap paper masks.


People who have a "choice" to protect themselves, and their loved ones, have overwhelmingly rejected the use of facemasks, even though their arguments for wearing them still stand. including those that wore them as a sign of their :caring" and "compassion" for others  :) 


(Masks still protect people from being coughed and sneezed upon, and it is flu season.) And they are still lining up for flu shots! 


Mindless and dedicated followers of the latest musings of the Media, with a desire to be a member of the crowd. Harmless enough.


 Until they are in the majority, then their egos, and innate authoritarian tendencies,  insist that all, whom they call, deniers, anti-this and that, conspiracy theorists  and worse, follow suit. That's when they are at their worst, and against one's freedom of speech, and freedom of choice.  :)


And until a free people reject such authoritarianism.


But they never go away, right now, they are fully invested in the climate change movement.


Saving the world, from people, one government prohibition at a time. :)


And same with unchecked mass immigration, until a mob of third world provocateurs with their bull horns, screaming death to this or that group, prevent you and your kids from going to Marks and Sparks 


(On another note, I noticed another Tattoo Removal Clinic opening up in the neighborhood, and doing a brisk business!.)



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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Wonder why?


Same as the Yom Kippur thread


It's obvious who the radical left are as they are so conspicuous by their general absence. Maybe it's because they don't want to be seen supporting folk who would completely disagree with their views, especially on issues like women and gay rights

Must be a right head buster for them.

Maybe it's because nobody but you three are interested in the subject so you get to talk among yourselves whilst others think of more important things.

Don't see what women or gay rights have to do with anything either as no one has made any statements about them.

Hope you manage to bait with a little more success.


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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Maybe it's because nobody but you three are interested in the subject so you get to talk among yourselves whilst others think of more important things.

Don't see what women or gay rights have to do with anything either as no one has made any statements about them.

Hope you manage to bait with a little more success.


Is this another thing that doesn't affect you so you're not going to comment...?

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1 minute ago, leviathan13 said:

Is this another thing that doesn't affect you so you're not going to comment...?

Not at all.

I have already previously commented on this thread and have nothing further to add.

My views on misogyny are also well known on the forum and when I feel the need to speak up for the ladies, then I do but,  that's not the subject of discussion.


Having said that,  I am quite free to decide what I wish to comment on and what I don't,  despite the fact that my quietness may annoy you as much as my speaking out does.

If I left you feeling annoyed then,  hard cheese.


Poor old Bundy post #97 is wanting to have a go but can't think of anything to say.

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34 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:






Ah,  some sense at last  -  whatever it is   -   it does beat Bundy's spoken word.   carry on then.


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