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Odd Parking….

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….is becoming more common it seems.  Some call it selfish, ignorant parking.

The particular type of bad parking I’m thinking about though is where there is actually ample space to park but someone chooses to park where they shouldn’t even though it’s completely unnecessary.  
Recent examples are a car parked on a quiet cul de sac, plenty of parking space but chooses to ‘park’ too close to the centre of the road making it a tight squeeze for passing vehicles.  Someone in a large SUV squeezing into a corner parking space at a supermarket car park that has overgrown shrubbery around it so can’t fit his vehicle in and leaves it only halfway parked in the space and causing some obstruction.  There were plenty of other available spaces.  At another small supermarket cars regularly park on a hatched ‘no parking’ area when there are plenty of proper parking spaces available that would only require about 5 extra steps to walk to the supermarket. Etc etc.  Why?  I wonder if some people are so conditioned into thinking it’s going to be difficult to park that they seek out these daft parking places before considering parking normally 😆

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

There is bad parking and selfish parking.


One deserves a keying, the other doesn't.

The weird thing about the type of parking I’ve described is that it doesn’t really fit into either of those boxes so neatly but I see it more and more frequently.  
Bad parking is where someone has tried to park properly and failed.  Selfish parking is someone dumping their car in a place they shouldn’t park for their own convenience.

The parking I’ve described is by drivers who had plenty of space to park properly but chose not to.

Edited by pfifes
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4 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

There is bad parking and selfish parking.


One deserves a keying, the other doesn't.

A nutter near us was caught on camera keying a lads pride and joy , the lad went to the nutters  house and a big row erupted. The police turned up , the nutter was told to pay for the damage or be charged with malicious damage to the car .

The whole side re spray cost him £1150. The nutter is now the chief suspect of doing the same to others who have to park with wheels on the pavement  or the buses would not get by . He is ostracised in the area and it serves him right .

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I have started picking my Grandson up from nursery. If I can get parked legally that’s great, if not I’ll drive up the road where I can . Just yesterday I parked up the road and as I was walking back to nursery, a very large young lady just parked on double yellows straight outside the school gates . Laziness and ignorance. 

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49 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

I have started picking my Grandson up from nursery. If I can get parked legally that’s great, if not I’ll drive up the road where I can . Just yesterday I parked up the road and as I was walking back to nursery, a very large young lady just parked on double yellows straight outside the school gates . Laziness and ignorance. 

Deserves a keying or leathering.

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