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Why Do Members Of Parliament Have Such A High Percentage Of Criminal Convictions

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21 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Criminal convictions are not a reason to ban someone from standing for election, but being a bankrupt is.

That does seem to be an anomaly. I believe an MP must resign if they receive more than twelve months in jail, that does seem like a low standard.

I agree, someone can go bankrupt through no fault of their own and being bankrupt isn't a crime, but committing an offence against the law is.


In fairness it isn't black and white, there are some minor offences which are regarded as a crime but shouldn't bar someone from being in politics. However, those minor offences would result in a fine, not nine months in the nick.

It's not a satisfactory situation at the moment in my view.

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23 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Makes no difference who outnumbers who.   We should be demanding that we have NO criminals in Parliament Ex or otherwise.

They are the ones who pass laws for us to obey and lecture us on what's right and what's wrong.   It's all a bit Monty Python to me and Johnson proved it before our very eyes.


Of course it makes a difference. If you vote Tory and elect a Tory then there is less chance your MP will break the law and end up in prison than if your elect a Labour or Lib Dem MP.

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16 minutes ago, Axe said:

Of course it makes a difference. If you vote Tory and elect a Tory then there is less chance your MP will break the law and end up in prison than if your elect a Labour or Lib Dem MP.

And the figures to back this up are............


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14 minutes ago, Axe said:

Of course it makes a difference. If you vote Tory and elect a Tory then there is less chance your MP will break the law and end up in prison than if your elect a Labour or Lib Dem MP.

Best not voting for any of them then as none have a 100% crime free record.

I'm  a honest man and would like to be represented  and governed by honest men.

Your recent Chief Clown BOJO was the most dishonest Prime minister I can remember since WW2,   so I wouldn't crow about how clean the Tories are .

Don't try to claim the moral high ground for a bunch of low lives.


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Its more the cover ups that worry me.  Which Labour MP is this?  


Labour MP says opposition frontbencher still in post despite being reported to police for alleged sexual assault



Its been a year since Nick Brown was suspended and we still don't know why.

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1 minute ago, alchresearch said:

Its more the cover ups that worry me.  Which Labour MP is this?  


Labour MP says opposition frontbencher still in post despite being reported to police for alleged sexual assault



Its been a year since Nick Brown was suspended and we still don't know why.

And that answers the thread's question.

We can do as we please and neither the media,  the public or even our fellow politicians,  seem overly concerned.


The only way to stop is is for any kind of conviction for any kind of offence,  to mean no parliamentary career.

They make our laws and should be whiter than white.


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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Its more the cover ups that worry me.  Which Labour MP is this?  


Labour MP says opposition frontbencher still in post despite being reported to police for alleged sexual assault



Its been a year since Nick Brown was suspended and we still don't know why.

If the Labour  MP has not been charged with any offence then he should be allowed stay in the post.  

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

If the Labour  MP has not been charged with any offence then he should be allowed stay in the post.  

He IS in the post but it doesn't speak well for morals  or integrity either in Westminster, in the parties themselves,    OR YOURS.

Edited by Organgrinder
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52 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

He IS in the post but it doesn't speak well for morals  or integrity either in Westminster, in the parties themselves,    OR YOURS.

It is an allegation which has not resulted in any charges being brought.  Anyone can make up  an allegation towards someone else.  We do not know whether the Labour party MP has done anything wrong.  My morals are just fine and I will continue to support the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

It is an allegation which has not resulted in any charges being brought.  Anyone can make up  an allegation towards someone else.  We do not know whether the Labour party MP has done anything wrong.  My morals are just fine and I will continue to support the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

It may be a surprise to you but it is rather commonplace for charges not to be brought when the alleged transgressor is one of those at the top.

When there is public knowledge of  allegations against a public figure,   a statement could be made to say this person is innocent or that charges will be brought. This hasn't happened so not innocent then.

That doesn't at all signal innocence to most of us and leaves us thinking that their morals and those of them who support them,  such as yourself,   are sadly lacking. 


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