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Christ Really Was Right, The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (By Order).

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9 hours ago, RJRB said:

A great deal unless you are the type that likes to appear big by making others feel small

You are indeed a prize d*** as evidenced in your response


Your childish attempt "to appear big, by making others feel small", is a huge fail! 


Dearie me!  :)


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>>Chekhov said: so who gets to define it ["abuse"] ?<<


Anyone with basic common sense?

"Zero tolerance" (of something subjective) and "common sense" are mutually incompatible.

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On 27/09/2023 at 13:48, Chekhov said:

One or two on that thread seriously suggested that the "victim" should be the one to define it, even if they happen to be of a rather "over sensitive disposition".

I don't think it's possible to strictly define what constitutes abuse, as it is so dependent on context.


The "victim" will have a view on whether they have been abused, but that's not the end of the story, there would be subsequent checks and balances. Perhaps zero tolerance here means that JL will by default support their staff in pursuing any such complaints.


That would presumably be by way of a complaint to the police, who will take a view on whether they agree, given the specific context of what was said and how it was put across.  


If they do agree then they would submit the case to CPS for a similar decision on whether they agree too and want to prosecute.


If they do, it will then be a Magistrate or Judge and Jury who then get to evaluate and decide on whether what happened crossed the line. 


Then there's the appeals system...

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Good manners no longer seem to be taught as they used to be  to children  in a way that should instil them into the psyche and last for life. At root 'good manners' are simply consideration for others, and that requires a degree of empathy; - also missing in the modern world.

What with tech, mobile phones, different platforms etc, clear, considerate, face to face Communication seems to be a dying art. Sheffield Forum is a perfect example of the level of unpleasantness and pure bile some people will slip into very quickly on line, and that translates into the real world too and becomes a habit.


I also think the sheer frustration of trying to live in a broken modern world that is relying more and more on faulty apps and AI etc isn't helping.  I've spent two hours this morning trying to deal with a  fairly simple problem that a quick phone call could have sorted it in minutes. And believe me, I was ready to scream at someone by the end of it (but I didn't, tho' I'm ashamed to say I have in the past.) 


Our mental health is shot. A lot of people are on a very short fuse. And IMO some people are over sensitive, and offended because they're being told they should be offended without understanding the deeper issues.


You don't have to be religious to think Jesus' teachings were sound, and if adhered to, would help solve a lot of the world's problems 

Edited by Anna B
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A lot about poor mental health on TV tonight, particularly regarding children. 

I'm a mature adult, and even I don't understand what's going on and am feeling stressed, so can you imagine how desperately unhappy and confused the poor kids are? 


I'm not sure how parents can reassure them and tell them all will be well, when they don't believe it themselves...


We're all living through an existential crisis  

Edited by Anna B
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