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Christ Really Was Right, The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (By Order).

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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

>>Chekhov said :


>It's irrelevant what the "other [ 95% of] kids want"<


Interesting answer......<<


It's took you over a month to come back with that.

And the point of your comment is ?

I disagree that 95% of kids should suffer so that 5% aren't marked out as "different".

As I said to Anna above it's all unnecessary and inconsistent cobblers anyway because :


1 - I thought modern society was supposed to celebrate diversity and being "different" (but only is some ways it would appear)


2 - I am pretty sure all the kids in that year already know those particular kids are "different", so all of this is a complete waste of time. It isn't even virtue signalling because, it's being done surreptitiously.

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7 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

OK, let me simplify the question.

Would it reasonable for a school years performances to be scaled back or even cancelled because a few kids in that year have "issues" ?

Would depend on the circumstance obviously.


Cancellation may be a little bit of an extreme step, but if you're talking about a performance being scaled back or adjusted or changed in the way it's delivered, then yes -  that's more than reasonable.


Any steps they can take to make sure that those kids "with issues", as you call them, are not excluded or deliberately singled out or made to feel uncomfortable should be taken and all forms  part of the school's duty to look after all of their pupils. 


It's just like the whole trip analogy in the original post, the school makes a reasonable adjustment to shorten the duration of the event which therefore accommodates the needs of the all the children. The ones "with issues" are  able to go, they are not excluded and the wider class still gets their trip away.   Same as adjustments to the show or performance times or some other feature to allows all kids to participate with no one being left out and the performance still gets to go ahead.


Is there really some big issue here?

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14 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Would depend on the circumstance obviously.


Cancellation may be a little bit of an extreme step, but if you're talking about a performance being scaled back or adjusted or changed in the way it's delivered, then yes -  that's more than reasonable.


Any steps they can take to make sure that those kids "with issues", as you call them, are not excluded or deliberately singled out or made to feel uncomfortable should be taken and all forms  part of the school's duty to look after all of their pupils. 


It's just like the whole trip analogy in the original post, the school makes a reasonable adjustment to shorten the duration of the event which therefore accommodates the needs of the all the children. The ones "with issues" are  able to go, they are not excluded and the wider class still gets their trip away.   Same as adjustments to the show or performance times or some other feature to allows all kids to participate with no one being left out and the performance still gets to go ahead.


Is there really some big issue here?

>>Is there really some big issue here?<<


Are you serious here ?

You think it reasonable that 5% of pupils should dictate to the other 95% what they do ?

Doesn't sound very democratic to me.

I thought the whole point of abolishing "special schools" and getting the pupils into mainstream schools was to get them integrated into, and used to, real life ?

If it turns out that doing that means actually that the education of the vast majority is negatively affected that might mean parents are less keen on the idea..... It might also have unintended consequences in that the rest of the kids might be more negative towards those kids than they otherwise would have been.


And you haven't told us why you think this is even necessary bearing in mind that :


1 - I thought modern society was supposed to celebrate diversity and being "different"


2 - I am pretty sure all the kids in that year already know those particular kids are "different", so all of this is a complete waste of time. It isn't even virtue signalling because, it's being done surreptitiously.


What is actually happening is that society is being inverted, as JC said "the meek shall inherit the earth" (by order).

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31 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

And the point of your comment is ?

I disagree that 95% of kids should suffer so that 5% aren't marked out as "different".

As I said to Anna above it's all unnecessary and inconsistent cobblers anyway because :


1 - I thought modern society was supposed to celebrate diversity and being "different" (but only is some ways it would appear)


2 - I am pretty sure all the kids in that year already know those particular kids are "different", so all of this is a complete waste of time. It isn't even virtue signalling because, it's being done surreptitiously.

You seem be confusing celebrating the existence of diversity with deliberately avoiding ways of including them into activities.


That's not how modern world works.


I will suggest that 95% of people are perfectly capable of ascending a few steps to enter a business or restaurant or bar but yet the business is still obligated to install a ramp or have a system place to assist those 5% who can't.


I will suggests 95% of people watching a television program can do so without subtitles or some signer flailing away in the corner but the service is still provided isn't it 


95% of kids can happily sit through a pantomime or film without suffering anxiety or having a reaction or fit. However, businesses still offer relaxed performances and lights on shows and  no noise shows


Why do they bother eh? Why should they be forced to accommodate the minority... right?


Kids having a slightly shorter trip or a slightly different method of doing that performance is hardly life ending. It is about inclusivity. It's teaching the kids, it's perfectly acceptable to make adjustments when someone is different to allow them to participate and give them a sense of normality.


Through family members, I've had contact with disability and the special school system in the bad old days when they were shoved away in their own sealed unit, left to fester because my god it just couldn't be possible that adjustments could be made to integrate them into the rest of the class.


Do you want to hear a quote from 1973 that was heard by a family member upon birthing a child with a disability.  ... you're not going to keep it are you? What are you going to do with that?


Thankfully times have moved on. 


Given your quote about 'meak inheriting the earth'  is from a mythical character supposedly created by mythical sky being and spread to the world through a fairy tale book. Forgive me for not giving a toss.  

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23 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

You seem be confusing celebrating the existence of diversity with deliberately avoiding ways of including them into activities.


That's not how modern world works.


I will suggest that 95% of people are perfectly capable of ascending a few steps to enter a business or restaurant or bar but yet the business is still obligated to install a ramp or have a system place to assist those 5% who can't.


I will suggests 95% of people watching a television program can do so without subtitles or some signer flailing away in the corner but the service is still provided isn't it 


95% of kids can happily sit through a pantomime or film without suffering anxiety or having a reaction or fit. However, businesses still offer relaxed performances and lights on shows and  no noise shows


Why do they bother eh? Why should they be forced to accommodate the minority... right?


Kids having a slightly shorter trip or a slightly different method of doing that performance is hardly life ending. It is about inclusivity. It's teaching the kids, it's perfectly acceptable to make adjustments when someone is different to allow them to participate and give them a sense of normality.


Through family members, I've had contact with disability and the special school system in the bad old days when they were shoved away in their own sealed unit, left to fester because my god it just couldn't be possible that adjustments could be made to integrate them into the rest of the class.


Do you want to hear a quote from 1973 that was heard by a family member upon birthing a child with a disability.  ... you're not going to keep it are you? What are you going to do with that?


Thankfully times have moved on. 


Given your quote about 'meak inheriting the earth'  is from a mythical character supposedly created by mythical sky being and spread to the world through a fairy tale book. Forgive me for not giving a toss.  

You lack empathy for the 95% having their big school trip cut back.

But there is no reason why that is even necessary.

Why could the kids who did not want to go for 5 nights not have just gone home early ?


And if they couldn't cope with appearing in the normal Xmas performance*, why did they just not do it, and let all the other kids do so ?


* many of us have not wanted to that before but we did not expect them to cancel it for that reason.


No, it's all gone too far, far too far.


>>Do you want to hear a quote from 1973 that was heard by a family member upon birthing a child with a disability.  ... you're not going to keep it are you? What are you going to do with that?<<


I think that's directed against the wrong person here, I am not really in favour of abortion.

I think one of your supporters might be more so though ?

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

You lack empathy for the 95% having their big school trip cut back.

But there is no reason why that is even necessary.

Why could the kids who did not want to go for 5 nights not have just gone home early ?


And if they couldn't cope with appearing in the normal Xmas performance*, why did they just not do it, and let all the other kids do so ?


* many of us have not wanted to that before but we did not expect them to cancel it for that reason.


No, it's all gone too far, far too far.


>>Do you want to hear a quote from 1973 that was heard by a family member upon birthing a child with a disability.  ... you're not going to keep it are you? What are you going to do with that?<<


I think that's directed against the wrong person here, I am not really in favour of abortion.

I think one of your supporters might be more so though ?

Absolutely clueless. 


You seriously asking me where my empathy is for the 95% who have no issues, no restrictions, no exclusions and no hurdles through some disability or illness.

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Quote ecco:   

>>Do you want to hear a quote from 1973 that was heard by a family member upon birthing a child with a disability.  ... you're not going to keep it are you? What are you going to do with that?<<


Very distressing I hope we really have moved on.

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48 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Absolutely clueless. 

You seriously asking me where my empathy is for the 95% who have no issues, no restrictions, no exclusions and no hurdles through some disability or illness.

No I think you are "absolutely clueless", and, I note,  you haven't answered these questions :


You lack empathy for the 95% having their big school trip cut back.

But there is no reason why that is even necessary.

Why could the kids who did not want to go for 5 nights not have just gone home early ?


And if they couldn't cope with appearing in the normal Xmas performance*, why did they just not do it, and let all the other kids do so ?


* many of us have not wanted to that before but we did not expect them to cancel it for that reason.


40 minutes ago, cressida said:

Quote ecco:   

>>Do you want to hear a quote from 1973 that was heard by a family member upon birthing a child with a disability.  ... you're not going to keep it are you? What are you going to do with that?<<


Very distressing I hope we really have moved on.

I am sure we have Cress, and some of us care about them before they are born as well.....

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   I do not like to spend time explaining biblical passages to those who quote them.

   It is clear here that the OP does not understand Matthew 5:5.

   In modern English 'meek' has come to a mean 'feeble, weak, passive or submissive' nature. That is not what is seen in other modern languages and in its original psalm and in Matthew form.

   The originals translations reflect the big problem ie

  • the 'disinherited' would get there land and property back


  • that they 'promised land' would be provided 


  • the oppressed, the poor and those without a voice will be heard    

  These options are a big problem as the it could be seen/used as a justification for political change as in nationalism or revolution. What irony then that the OP is one of 'meek'.

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13 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   I do not like to spend time explaining biblical passages to those who quote them.

   It is clear here that the OP does not understand Matthew 5:5.

   In modern English 'meek' has come to a mean 'feeble, weak, passive or submissive' nature. That is not what is seen in other modern languages and in its original psalm and in Matthew form.

   The originals translations reflect the big problem ie

  • the 'disinherited' would get there land and property back


  • that they 'promised land' would be provided 


  • the oppressed, the poor and those without a voice will be heard    

  These options are a big problem as the it could be seen/used as a justification for political change as in nationalism or revolution. What irony then that the OP is one of 'meek'.

I'm not inheriting the earth I can tell you that, 100%. 

Quite the opposite, my personality (extrovert, loud, tactile, "have a laugh above everything", questioning, emotional, controversial, contentious etc) is not suited to this pathetic over sensitive world we increasingly live in. 

In fact people like me are actually discriminated against, that's the irony, in this supposedly tolerant world we inhabit.

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