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Another Murder With A Knife In London.

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51 minutes ago, ThaBoom said:

Not denying some Immigrants don't settle into society- but there's numerous reasons for that- including mental health,  unemployment,  war trauma.

Numerous reasons indeed.


But the obvious one is lack of assimilation.


An homogenous society can only successfully assimilate a certain number of people at a time, without having their accepted traditional societal and community values radically changed. This leads to friction, ghettoism and tribalism within the country.


Crime is just one expression of societal disaffection with the status quo. As you say, there are many others.


This is true not only of Sweden, but any homogeneous country in the world, including Africa, Asia and the Middle East, where the friction often rises to civil unrest, and even war.


The solution is a national debate on how many immigrants can be SUCCESSFULLY assimilated given the limited financial and other resources, such as health care, education and housing.


Just opening the door to all. has only one consequence, and that is what I referred to as "eminently predictable", as can be seen anywhere you look, time and time again, now and thru  history.



Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

We can see into the future of the UK with this interview with a Swedish MP


Sweden now has 20% of it's population was born outside of the country 






Still not much you can do about it though,  so you may as well get used to the idea.

Wait until climate change sends a lot more.

We have a government who are not dealing with either immigration or crime.


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, ThaBoom said:

Do some factual reading rather than jump on YouTube videos.


Anyone can make it out to appear as they want on these platforms- mostly using inaccurate information. 


This is a good link that goes into detail about Sweden immigration based on statistical facts.


Not denying some Immigrants don't settle into society- but there's numerous reasons for that- including mental health,  unemployment,  war trauma.


https://www.government.se/articles/2017/02/facts-about-migration-and-crime-in-sweden/#:~:text=Claim%3A “Immigrants are behind the increase in crime”&text=All three studies show that,than people with native backgrounds.

So I should just ignore an interview with a Swedish MP who lives in Sweden talking about Sweden? 


Or the Swedish police or the news footage of gang violence and bombings 


Or the independent studies? 


Go back to sleep 🙄

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12 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

So I should just ignore an interview with a Swedish MP who lives in Sweden talking about Sweden? 


Or the Swedish police or the news footage of gang violence and bombings 


Or the independent studies? 


Go back to sleep 🙄

But they have mental health issues Jack, so it will not be their fault.



Edited by Al Bundy
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9 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

But they have mental health issues Jack, so it will not be their fault.



These are economic migrants who turned up in a country with nothing in their pockets expecting the streets to be paved with gold and the taxpayer to pay for everything 


When the vast majority can't speak the language, have no education or skills then they will turn to crime 


The reason we used to have borders and visa was to keep those numbers to a minimum or like Australia they would not qualify for a visa because they take out far more than they put in 



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On 27/09/2023 at 21:08, The_DADDY said:

She was murdered for allegedly refusing some flowers this animal tried to give her.

15 years old. What a terrible waste of a life.

Let's hope the perpetrator's internet habbits don't include a constant stream of bile from the likes of Andrew Tate... can only imagine the screams of "but, but, but" 🙄


On 28/09/2023 at 07:15, Al Bundy said:

Why would anyone be carrying a zombie knife at 8.30 in the morning?


No doubt it will be someone else's fault, mental health issues etc etc.

Well one thing is absolutely certain, you will be the first to dissmiss/ignore any discussion about any issues raised from this event... with your usual, misleading screech of "misandry!"


Edited by Magilla
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Those silly old Swedes have made the same mistake that this and other European countries have made, which is having an immigration policy based on the naive  assumption that people from all over the world have the same mindset and civilised values as Europeans when it's blindingly obvious that they don't. It isn't about European countries failing to assimilate migrants from the most backward countries in the world because it's impossible to integrate people whose mindsets, civilised values and cultural practices are totally incompatible with those of the host nations. It's why we've had rising knife and gun crime for decades and it's why Swedish politicians are having to call in the army to restore some semblance of law and order over there. We're seeing the end of the European civilisation that we grew up in and have taken for granted because of political correctness and denial and as Joni Mitchell pointed out, "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

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19 minutes ago, despritdan said:

Those silly old Swedes have made the same mistake that this and other European countries have made, which is having an immigration policy based on the naive  assumption that people from all over the world have the same mindset and civilised values as Europeans when it's blindingly obvious that they don't. It isn't about European countries failing to assimilate migrants from the most backward countries in the world because it's impossible to integrate people whose mindsets, civilised values and cultural practices are totally incompatible with those of the host nations. It's why we've had rising knife and gun crime for decades and it's why Swedish politicians are having to call in the army to restore some semblance of law and order over there. We're seeing the end of the European civilisation that we grew up in and have taken for granted because of political correctness and denial and as Joni Mitchell pointed out, "You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone."

It's just being used as a point scorer between the parties,  no way are thousands upon thousands of immigrants being tortured imo,  these men are putting themselves before the women and children by causing a backlog of of asylum claims.   Their own countries are not worried if they go as it probably lightens their load,  let other countries take care of them seems to be their policy.

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3 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

These are economic migrants who turned up in a country with nothing in their pockets expecting the streets to be paved with gold and the taxpayer to pay for everything 


When the vast majority can't speak the language, have no education or skills then they will turn to crime 


The reason we used to have borders and visa was to keep those numbers to a minimum or like Australia they would not qualify for a visa because they take out far more than they put in 



"Used to have borders"     what do you mean.      You righties were the ones who said that Brexit "would give us back control of our borders"

You don't mean they were lying to us do you ?

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