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Ukraine In World War Two .

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17 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Nato,   America and us broke promises to Russia when the cold war ended.

We had promised that Nato would not expand eastwards and it did.

That is a whole lot different than actually invading a country with full military might and bombing and missile striking until  whole cities are in complete ruins. 

That is the same difference as one man breaking a promise to another and the other beating the first one to a pulp. 

It would seem that your powers of  comparison work differently to the rest of the Western World and I've questioned before,  whether you should be living here when seeing Putin as the new Messiah.

Never heard such a stupid, turned on it's head argument. in all my life.   



There's a hell of a lot of difference between not signing an agreement and starting a full scale war.

The one who's military rolled was the one who started the war.


My bold

That would be Ukraine then. Their army bombed and massacred ethnic Russians for years and a long time before putin took action. 

You do accept that the Ukraine Military have been waging a war on ethnic Russians in Ukraine for a good while now  don't you? 

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15 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

That would be Ukraine then. Their army bombed and massacred ethnic Russians for years and a long time before putin took action. 

You do accept that the Ukraine Military have been waging a war on ethnic Russians in Ukraine for a good while now  don't you? 

Yea , Putin put up with it for years before he acted :rolleyes: What was the 2022 agreement that Kennedy was referring to ?

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

That would be Ukraine then. Their army bombed and massacred ethnic Russians for years and a long time before putin took action. 

You do accept that the Ukraine Military have been waging a war on ethnic Russians in Ukraine for a good while now  don't you? 

That s a lie.

Ukraine never attacked Russians in Russia.  They attacked Russians in Ukraine who should not have been there.

What the Ukrainians do in Ukraine is up to them and nothing to do with you, Russia or anybody else.

If Russians don't want killing,  just stay out of Ukraine.

Every country has the right to kill invaders.


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On 28/09/2023 at 18:27, cuttsie said:

Just listened to a play on radio 4 about the Ukrainians in World war two and it was not good listening as many seemingly welcomed the Nazi's into the Country and took a big part into helping with the rounding up , killing and sending the Jews to the extermination camps .


Russia still remembers this cooperation with the Nazi's and many in Russia hold a grudge to this day , 

So just another thought on the present day situation where recent history is still engrained in Russian minds .

Not saying this is a excuse for the present war  of course 

Clearly used by Poutine for propaganda purposes and to trigger his population. The Maijden Square ( spelling) events when an elected Russian speaking President was hoofed out with the apparent complicity of the USA , John Mcain Republican Candidate and others stirring it, Neo Nazi symbolism in evidence have only helped Poutine to create the narrative.

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On 29/09/2023 at 12:09, cuttsie said:

Many invaded Countries helped the Germans in the murder of Jews and others . 

Russia still remembers because they were invaded and lost millions of citizens in that holocaust .

They look around now and see the rise of the far right in the EU and Ukraine among others .

History always repeats its self .

Some of the Far Right in Europe seem to be pro Poutine as do some far rightists in the US. 
Marine Le Pen received financial support from Russia I believe 

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5 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I think TD is taking the ****.

Really? That's funny coming from you.  Look, we don't agree,  live with it. I'm not take the P or anything else. I simply have a different perspective so like I say, live with it.


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Slovakia has  just elected a new govt who say they will stop supplying Ukraine with weapons ( probably minimal) this appears to be more symbolic than anything else.
They also view Poutine more favourably, than Hungary and Bulgaria do. 

Mess isn’t it !

Edited by Ridgewalk
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