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MacHete Incident At Sheffield School

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It was very distressing for about half an hour.   Finding out from text message from your child but taking 10 minutes between messages.   Asking if they are safe and getting a reply back saying IDK.


The lockdown was stopped, then started again from what I can tell.   School rooms were barricaded with desks because they couldn't be locked.    The school has a document on this very subject but it wasn't followed.



Parents and carers will be informed that the school is in lockdown via the school’s website, MCAS and text message.



In the event of the lockdown continuing beyond school hours, the school website home page will be updated with the latest information


These two things for instance did not happen at all and we just got an email some time afterwards saying there was a problem but we are letting the children go home now.

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23 hours ago, salmonbones said:

Anyone have info on what went off at  Forge Valley yesterday?  


I heard someone turned up with a machete and the school was put into lockdown.   Why no press coverage if that's the case?

auto correct for title, sorry

Firstly, let's not use that abomination of a word as though it's a normal and acceptable term, the school was locked and kept secure. "Lockdown" was the despicable atrocity of forcing law abiding citizens to pause their lives and stay locked in their houses. It was absurd and not something that we should accept as normal.


Knife crime is becoming all too common, concerning that it involves a school as well. At this point, I'd support routine stop and searches. Stannington has quite a few dodgy characters.

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3 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

Firstly, let's not use that abomination of a word as though it's a normal and acceptable term, the school was locked and kept secure. "Lockdown" was the despicable atrocity of forcing law abiding citizens to pause their lives and stay locked in their houses. It was absurd and not something that we should accept as normal.


Knife crime is becoming all too common, concerning that it involves a school as well. At this point, I'd support routine stop and searches. Stannington has quite a few dodgy characters.

Are you right in the head?   The school was put into lockdown.   It's the correct word.


Do you have anything constructive to add to this story

3 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

Stannington has quite a few dodgy characters.

You don't say



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2 minutes ago, YourTech said:

Do you have anything constructive to add to this story

Who made you the conversation police? I will give my opinion wherever I see fit. There is nothing anyone sat on an internet forum can do that would be "constructive" to a real life incident that happened 2 days ago.

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On 30/09/2023 at 19:42, ScratchTheSrfc said:

I was there, a y10 girl was looking for someone, I'm not sure why, she told people she was an adult, it happened yesterday, Friday 29th, she had a machete and did have bad intentions, stupidly, she posted about it on Snapchat, she got arrested and sent to juvie for 2 months, most of the teachers thought it was a fire alarm even though the students tried to tell them it was the intruder alarm so a lot of people were lead out of classrooms, my sister's friend was the one to tell them to go back in, it only lasted a little while because she was quite obviously, stupid

I have a video of the assembly we had after giving vague info and a screenshot of the snap the girl sent which had her shadow holding the machete

Close but no cigar.


There were three people, only one was arrested and she was released because no knife was found and they police couldn't prove she had done anything wrong.


The other two were not found.   No actual evidence that there was a knife of any sort, the photo could have been taken at any point.


The rest of what you put seems to be accurate though.

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I received this.  


Dear Parents/Carers

As you will be aware Forge Valley School went into lockdown this afternoon. This was due to reports, received by school, that an individual was seen with a large bladed item, on their person, on Wood Lane.

The school has robust procedures to lock the school down and I am glad that this happened and enabled us to keep all pupils safe. After the police had apprehended the individual concerned and I was certain it was safe to do, I ended the lockdown. Before sending pupils home I gave a live Teams assembly to reassure both pupils and staff. Pupils were then allowed to contact parents to give them reassurance and then allowed to leave the site.

I hope this helps clarify the events of this afternoon.


Dale Barrowclough


It wasn't until my kid got home I realised it was a load of tripe.


Had this been a genuine incident, many teachers would have led their kids right into the path of any would person intent on harm as most mistook the lockdown alarm for a fire alarm.|

There needs to be better communication.  A lot of parents knew something was going off, a lot didn't and the lack of anything coming out of the school caused confusion and concern.


The school needs to address the failings of Friday.


I shall be calling Ofsted.

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20 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

Firstly, let's not use that abomination of a word as though it's a normal and acceptable term, the school was locked and kept secure. "Lockdown" was the despicable atrocity of forcing law abiding citizens to pause their lives and stay locked in their houses. It was absurd and not something that we should accept as normal.

You really should get a carer/guardian to check what you've written before clicking Submit. 

Lockdown (noun):  an emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building (such as a school) during a threat of danger.

As for the Covid lockdown being an atrocity. 

The Holocaust was an atrocity

Stalin's Forced Famine was an atrocity

Pol Pot's sacking of Cambodia was an atrocity
The Armenian genocide in Turkey was an atrocity

Being told to stay home from work and getting paid by the Government to do so for a few weeks doesn't come anywhere close to any of these so I'd suggest you start to think carefully before you post. i know it's difficult for you given your obvious IQ deficiencies. 

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9 minutes ago, Resident said:

You really should get a carer/guardian to check what you've written before clicking Submit. 

Lockdown (noun):  an emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building (such as a school) during a threat of danger.

As for the Covid lockdown being an atrocity. 

The Holocaust was an atrocity

Stalin's Forced Famine was an atrocity

Pol Pot's sacking of Cambodia was an atrocity
The Armenian genocide in Turkey was an atrocity

Being told to stay home from work and getting paid by the Government to do so for a few weeks doesn't come anywhere close to any of these so I'd suggest you start to think carefully before you post. i know it's difficult for you given your obvious IQ deficiencies. 

The school was impounded. The word "lockdown" was not one I heard often used before March 2020. They want to make these terms part of everyday language to normalise what they are doing. It WAS an atrocity. It no doubt brought on the recession that we are effectively in, but then again that was most probably part of the plan for the great reset. Has none of it seemed suspect to you? Or do you just go along with whatever the mainstream media say without question?

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