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MacHete Incident At Sheffield School

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7 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

The school was impounded. The word "lockdown" was not one I heard often used before March 2020. They want to make these terms part of everyday language to normalise what they are doing. It WAS an atrocity. It no doubt brought on the recession that we are effectively in, but then again that was most probably part of the plan for the great reset. Has none of it seemed suspect to you? Or do you just go along with whatever the mainstream media say without question?

Your ignorance does not mean it's not fact.



In early 2015, the ‘Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015’ became law. Under the new legislation, schools have a responsibility to actively participate in work that prevents their students from being drawn into terrorism.

This involves working with numerous agencies to challenge extremist ideas and monitor pupil behaviour, with the ultimate goal of preventing any kind of terror attack before it happens. However, while these provisions for schools are welcome and effective, the threat of terrorism in schools is still very real. If such a tragedy should occur, what steps should a school take to ensure the safety of its students and staff? That’s where the ‘Dynamic Lockdown’ procedure comes into effect.


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6 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

The school was impounded. The word "lockdown" was not one I heard often used before March 2020. They want to make these terms part of everyday language to normalise what they are doing. It WAS an atrocity. It no doubt brought on the recession that we are effectively in, but then again that was most probably part of the plan for the great reset. Has none of it seemed suspect to you? Or do you just go along with whatever the mainstream media say without question?


Impounded? What was the tow and release fee? Any storage fees? 

Lockdown has been a word for a very long time and one I used well before 2020 in my previous professional capacity and by many others. 
Also the UK isn't in a recession so there's another set of lies you're disseminating. 

Calling Covid lockdown an atrocity is an affront to the MILLIONS of victims of actual atrocities. By attempting to pedal your absolute conspiracy nutjob nonsense as justification makes you an unadulterated vile waste of skin. 


7 minutes ago, leggy_lydz said:

Your ignorance does not mean it's not fact.


It's not ignorance, it's denial because it doesn't match the whackjob rhetoric. 

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4 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Seriously?  You sure you didn't buy your GCSEs and diplomas off eBay?? 

Along with his fishing tackle. 

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On 30/09/2023 at 15:17, salmonbones said:

Anyone have info on what went off at  Forge Valley yesterday?  


I heard someone turned up with a machete and the school was put into lockdown.   Why no press coverage if that's the case?

auto correct for title, sorry


On 01/10/2023 at 14:32, Irene Swaine said:

Firstly, let's not use that abomination of a word as though it's a normal and acceptable term, the school was locked and kept secure. "Lockdown" was the despicable atrocity of forcing law abiding citizens to pause their lives and stay locked in their houses. It was absurd and not something that we should accept as normal.


Knife crime is becoming all too common, concerning that it involves a school as well. At this point, I'd support routine stop and searches. Stannington has quite a few dodgy characters.

He was arrested outside the school. The school was locked down ( not lockdown) for about 40 mins

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1 hour ago, Greta Johnson said:


He was arrested outside the school. The school was locked down ( not lockdown) for about 40 mins



This link (which I expect will be taken down soon after talking with the school as it was clear it's not supposed to be the document that should come up first for this subject)  https://www.forgevalley.school/attachments/download.asp?file=126&type=pdf calls it lockdown procedure.




This was not followed.

The school say they were praised by the police for things going without a hitch, yet it's now being claimed that in "one part of the building" the wrong siren was sounded which is why some children were initially evacuated.   This goes against what has been told to many parents who were told that the kids were telling the teachers they were responding incorrectly to the alarm going off.



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10 hours ago, Delbow said:

Stupid / overly credulous people are falling for the social media rumour mill. 

Far from it.   This was an actual situation.  Worse than what has been reported here:-






The truth of the matter is that it was believe a terrorist attack was in place, and many teachers misunderstood the alarm going off, and were attempting to evacuate the kids right into the area where the wood be knife-person would be.


It wasn't until some kids and other teachers shouted at them that it was a lockdown alarm and not an evacuation alarm that the flow of children outside of the school was stopped, and they were then told to get back in their classrooms and sit under their desks (look on tik tok for this, search "Forge valley lockdown" tiktok and you will find actual footage.

You then get told that the school classrooms cannot be locked, so they had to barricade with desks and chairs.


Also, there were three individuals, they only found one.  No wonder they didn't find the knife.






Edited by leggy_lydz
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