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22 hours ago, KP Nuts 2 said:

You either have evidence or you don't, which you clearly haven't or you'd have cut the bluster and produced it by now.

A Tory in Sheffield? Wrong on both counts I'm afraid. Here's an idea for you, stop with the childish schoolyard name calling, admittedly a trait of the lefties and try and produce some substance instead of going off on deranged rants.

My you tube activities are restricted to Wednesday and music for 95% of the time, the other 5% for DIY but thanks for asking.

Did I miss owt.

I do try and restrict my SM ventures into politics for fear of bumping into..............err, best leave it at that. 

I bow to your superiority.

That's how you think Society should be conducted.

Your arrogance (as with all Tories) is sickening.

Evidence? Powell. Johnson. Braverman. Anderson. In fact, save on the ink..... all of them.

Overnight, Braverman has blamed the Party that sacked her a week or so ago, for the large number of immigrants who entered Britain in the last 18 months.

It was her job to regulate the number of Visas granted!!!! Now, she's trying to blame the new Home Secretary.

The woman is a stupid, vile, individual.


Childish, schoolyard name calling?

Where and when?


I didn't invent 'Pickaninnies and Letter boxes'.

I don't suggest sinking boats.

I don't suggest pushing the boats back.

I don't suggest blockading the Channel.

I don't suggest Rwanda.

I don't suggest using Barges.

THAT would be childish.


Building more houses, Doctor's surgeries, Hospitals and Care facilities would be better suggestions. Somewhere for people to live and be cared for.


Ooerr! Spending money to benefit the Plebs?

No chance. Tories believe in keeping money offshore and in Banks is the correct way.

Stuff the immigrants and the lower paid.

That from the Party that keeps wages as low as possible and keeps it's Jackboot on the necks of the workers.


Oh, and contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the Lefties who rioted in Dublin last night. For the 20th time in a row, it was your people. Again.


See post #59

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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It was started by certain people who half agreed and 'defended' the 'phone wielding scrote and people who didn't.

Some would have hanged him.

Others wouldn't.

I wouldn't.


There are references to the 'baying mob'?!?

Fury at the fact that MP's, the Police and The Courts decide what we can or can't say, or type to each other?!?!

Put them in the Stocks?!?!?


I thought the geezer who advocated these policies died decades ago.

Advocating anarchy in the UK?

Yeah. I look forward to that. The people advocating it would be the first on the boats out of here.


Edited by Hotmale 1954
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1 hour ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

Oh, and contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the Lefties who rioted in Dublin last night. For the 20th time in a row, it was your people. Again.

Here's an idea, why not take your anger and display it in the place it should be, the relevant section of SF. As others have said, the topic has steered way off course.


I'm not sure how I can be associated with the rioting in Dublin last night. That would be like me accusing you of condoning the stabbing wouldn't it? I'm so pleased you took the time to mention the victims by the way.


Now try winding your neck in and calm down a bit.

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On 22/11/2023 at 11:56, Jack Grey said:

In your world it's fantastic and empowering when black people are proud to be black


Or empowering for women or gays to be proud of who they are 


Or if you vote for the left your the good guy 


But if youre a white straight male you should be ashamed for all the world's problems


Or if you vote conservative you're a Nazi 


A person of colour, a women or LGBT can say whatever they like with a fist in the air


But a white straight male says anything and they are racist, misogynistic or homophobic


The double standard and hypocrisy is astounding 

A very good example of how twisted some minds can be. Possibly the worst post I've ever seen on here.

Thank God we have a functioning opposition in this country.

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On 22/11/2023 at 20:02, Jim Hardie said:

Maybe she’s racist, maybe she’s not. Only she actually knows, the rest is opinion. If she had said ‘disproportionately’ there are some that would still have seen it as evidence of racism even though it’s true.

I’m not sure why we’re talking about her (especially on this thread), she overplayed her hand and paid the price.

She has no idea if she's a racist or not.

Likewise, she has no idea if she's arrogant or not. Her type surround themselves with people of similar ilk and therefore brainwash themselves in to thinking that 'we're all the same'.

This leads to them thinking that they speak for the majority. 20 to 25% of the Electorate is not the majority.

They'll never get it.

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49 minutes ago, KP Nuts 2 said:

Here's an idea, why not take your anger and display it in the place it should be, the relevant section of SF. As others have said, the topic has steered way off course.


I'm not sure how I can be associated with the rioting in Dublin last night. That would be like me accusing you of condoning the stabbing wouldn't it? I'm so pleased you took the time to mention the victims by the way.


Now try winding your neck in and calm down a bit.

Calm as a cucumber thanks.

Just acknowledge that 'The Right' ......... your people...... have trashed Government buildings, shops, streets, vehicles and the Police, Worldwide, on numerous occasions, for the last few years. Since SM and more so since your saviour, Trump came on the scene.

The odd statue being attacked however, makes steam come out of your ears. No permanent damage in most instances. No fires. No blood. Damn Lefties.

Don't look here!!  ...... Look over there!!!!!

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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