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Disgraceful Fans


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How the Hell is anyone supposed to see an image on a mobile 'phone from another building? Do lots of people have binoculars at football matches?

Who suspected criminal behaviour and took the photo? Do many people take long lens cameras to football matches?

Do many people scan the terraces with long lenses looking for people, beautiful or ugly? Good or bad? 

It's a strange scenario all round.

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50 minutes ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

How the Hell is anyone supposed to see an image on a mobile 'phone from another building? Do lots of people have binoculars at football matches?

Who suspected criminal behaviour and took the photo? Do many people take long lens cameras to football matches?

Do many people scan the terraces with long lenses looking for people, beautiful or ugly? Good or bad? 

It's a strange scenario all round.

I think that's besides the point


The fact is they did it and it's been reported on


Getting arrested for it is really worrying 


Everyday they take more of our free speech rights asy from us 

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9 hours ago, Baron99 said:

No, still in custody apparently. 



"South Yorkshire Police said two men - aged 31 and 27 - are being held on suspicion of outraging public decency.

They were arrested on Saturday evening and both remain in custody." 

Doubt they will say when theyve been released due to the threats on social media, certainly wont be going home, Ive seen a few of the posts, 1800 currently and growing by the hour, even his Dads name and home address has been posted.

Normally the police close down a suspects social media during an investigation, but the lad in question hasnt had his locked, the other lads is locked.

if the lad is found to be guilty, I suspect there will still be hate crime charges brought against quite a few people.

I saw a statement late last night around midnight ish saying theyd been released and spoke about the familys wishes ect, thats not on twitter now either.

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1 hour ago, Jim Hardie said:



Bradley Lowery: Man charged over 'taunt' at Sheffield Wednesday match https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-66979372



Now we have the police deciding what is acceptable speach


We have gone from a nanny state to a police state and COVID was the tool to take away our right to free speech and our freedom of expression



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