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Smoking 'To Be Banned'

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18 minutes ago, Mkapaka said:

How would you ban “fatness”?


 there’s also the impact of passive smoking on other peoples health. Also the addictiveness and cost to maintain that addiction probably impacts poorer families disproportionately.


If you can't afford it then don't smoke


Like if you can't afford kids then stop having them 


People need to take personal responsibility for their actions instead of blaming everyone else


Claiming to be a victim is the easy and lazy way out 

Edited by Jack Grey
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12 minutes ago, melthebell said:

ooh its a conundrum....for @Al Bundy


Its in the Express but it also states


Morning Mel.


I am actually quite shocked that the article by the Guardian hasn't mentioned race or added it's usual smattering of misandry.

Small steps indeed.


I never read the express so unable to comment on their musings.



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2 hours ago, zach said:


One of the main problems with the NHS is very poor money management (IMO). It was a while ago but there was an article I read where they pay £8 for a box of paracetamol that we could buy for a quid or so, another where they paid 15k for a carrier bag removing to fix a blocked drain. If they can't manage the basics, what hope is there for the big money spends. I have all the time and respect in the World for the front line workers in the NHS. They just seem to be the target for the people that 'really' fail it.



And this is the bit that the government/service management seem incapable of addressing - maybe getting proper administrators in would be a good idea?

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I love how so many of the zany plans in the proposed smoking ban in Yes Prime Minister are now in place:


banning all tobacco sponsorships

ban all advertising

ban smoking in public places

anti-smoking publicity

and a raise in taxes on cigarettes up to a point where a pack of cigarettes costs about as much as a bottle of whiskey. 



Edited by alchresearch
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5 hours ago, Prettytom said:

Dear Rishi

Is there any chance that you could ban whining and moaning about stuff that doesn’t matter?



You think banning smoking is "stuff that doesn't matter" ?

Is that because, er, you don't smoke ?


I also seem to remember you think parents who are upset about being unable to video their kids racing in galas was also "whining".

Is that because, er, you haven't got a child who races in galas ?


Bit of a trend here I feel.

And the trend is that you are selfish. And you are insufficiently self aware to even know it.

Which is even more ironic because you have been know to call other people "unaware"......


4 hours ago, Mkapaka said:

there’s also the impact of passive smoking on other peoples health. Also the addictiveness and cost to maintain that addiction probably impacts poorer families disproportionately.

Particularly with all the rules they have about where one can smoke I would be amazed if passive smoking was a significant issue at all.

I do not smoke BTW.


4 hours ago, Mkapaka said:

How would you ban “fatness” ?

They could find a way, heavily taxing food that made people fat is where they would start.

In fact I thought they'd already started doing that ?

Edited by Chekhov
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What is even more frightening about this smoking ban is it is being proposed by the Tories. 

The Tories are usually the more Libertarian party, so Gawd knows what Labour will be wanting to do when they get in. 

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6 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What is even more frightening about this smoking ban is it is being proposed by the Tories. 

The Tories are usually the more Libertarian party, so Gawd knows what Labour will be wanting to do when they get in. 

I’m looking forward to your campaign to legalise all Class A drugs.

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8 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

I’m looking forward to your campaign to legalise all Class A drugs.

You'll be waiting a long time then, particularly as Oregon is regretting it's legalisation policy policy.

I don't know where you get this idea I don't think there should be any restrictions on people's actions anyway. It's about proportionality. with the default position being not to ban. I think speed limits are an excellent idea, and would support GPS speed limiters.

Ironically you, Mr Authoritarian himself ("any restriction or ban is worthwhile to save lives, even if not statistically quantifiable") was arguing against them.

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10 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You'll be waiting a long time then, particularly as Oregon is regretting it's legalisation policy policy.

I don't know where you get this idea I don't think there should be any restrictions on people's actions anyway. It's about proportionality. with the default position being not to ban. I think speed limits are an excellent idea, and would support GPS speed limiters.

Ironically you, Mr Authoritarian himself ("any restriction or ban is worthwhile to save lives, even if not statistically quantifiable") was arguing against them.

Talk us through your reasoning for keeping class A drugs illegal. How does that square with your desire to continue to make it easy for kids to smoke?


Try to avoid telling me what it is that you think that I think, whilst you are explaining your rationale.

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