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Smoking 'To Be Banned'

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2 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Booze puts more  people in hospital more than anything, so when are they planning to ban booze?

Don't give them any ideas...

They'd have more of a problem banning booze, or being fat, because more people drink and/or are fat.

They're going for the easier targets first, fewer people smoke and many of those that don't aren't bothered about stopping those that do. It's selfish really.

The worst thing about it is these authoritarians think they're the selfless vitruous amongst us, but in actual fact it's quite the opposite.

Edited by Chekhov
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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


From the article in the 'Express' :

That's according to Whitehall sources who claim his plans will stop the next generation from being able to pick up a packet of cigarettes.


I'm always suspicious when that phrase is used.


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1 minute ago, PRESLEY said:

Booze puts more  people in hospital more than anything, so when are they planning to ban booze?

Don't give them ideas mate.



Our leaders are lacking in the Independent thought area...don't feed their fire! 😄


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23 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Booze puts more  people in hospital more than anything, so when are they planning to ban booze?

That's true enough but they're not brave enough to talk about that.

I don't smoke but I don't support that plan.


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32 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



It's not just more taxes Jack, it's more restrictions and bans.

Like I have been saying for years, eventually everything will be banned unless it is specifically allowed, and that includes nookie without written consent......

The world is dividing, and not so much on a  simple left right basis, but Authoritarians v Libertarians.

If Covid proved anything it showed that the government thinks we're all little children who need to be told what to do because we're too stupid to make our own decisions


This was backed up by the millions in the UK who demand that the government takes controls of their lives and everyone else's 


The UK is now a country that panders to the tiny minority regardless of what the majority want


That means the government can ban anything they like because a few people don't like it


But everyone has their own pet peeves so the government can say that have a consensus about anything from smoking to hedges being too high to log burners  to planning permission 


But it's all about taxes, taxes and more taxes


They'll ban smoking because it's become an expensive luxury that has maxed out on taxes so much so that people look for cheaper alternatives 


They want to push everyone onto vaping because it's cheap and they can tax the hell out of it while saying it's all in the name of health 


Then they'll legalise weed for "medical use only" and tax the hell out of before it becomes full legal 


And then they'll tax it again 🙄

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Smokers die younger and therefore claim less state pension.


Smokers pay loads of tax (for the NHS) on the actual ciggies themselves.


If the government are serious about reducing the burden on the NHS  the biggest factor is obesity and the resultant Type 2 diabetes, not smoking. But, far from banning fatness they are on their way to making fatness a protected characteristic. You can't even call an overweight person fat any more !



How would you ban “fatness”?


 there’s also the impact of passive smoking on other peoples health. Also the addictiveness and cost to maintain that addiction probably impacts poorer families disproportionately.


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