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Or Knickers.

I am currently watching the new TV series on the Beckhams  , David and Victoria .

In one scene the kit lady at Manchester United tells us that when she was there she had to sort out the knickers, the mucky ones as well as washed and scented .


These panties had all been posted to David Beckham as a sign of love and admiration.

It seems as though Tom Jones gets them as well in fact some lasses even rip ‘‘em off and throw ‘‘em at the lad while he is in full throat on stage .


Now what brings on this strange behavior, I mean I like some lasses who sing , Katherine Jenkins for one but wunt think of whipping mi grotts of while she was singing in Church and slinging ‘em at the lass .  Is this knicker chucking a ritual from a by gone age ??? One wonders or is just lasses feeling a bit warm int nether regions .

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Men's pants are dull, functional and essentially boring.


Women's pants - some of them - are pretty, frilly and lacy; and men are simple creatures and easily amused.

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