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The Yom Kippur War .

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28 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Same as Mister Gee, although MG is more snide, although at times does it with humour, rather than nastyness like OG.


The hard lefties on this forum are very conspicuous by their absence on this thread.....I wonder why?

I'm not

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11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

There is a possibility but Grey didn't say that.  He made out that it was fact.

Fact which was quite clearly fictitious so you have got to be daft to carry on with an argument like this.


It's a fact that some folks don't understand that opinions are not facts,


Strange, but true!

11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:


Regarding drinking, I know that some posters do but, as I have stated before on here,  I don't drink.


Prove it!  :)

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28 minutes ago, Axe said:

The Wembley Arch was lit up with the French flag colours after the Muslim terrorists attacked Paris a few days before a match.  The same respect should be shown to Israel after they have suffered a terrorist attack.  There is a large Jewish community in London. 

After such a terrible few days when it seems, many hundreds  have been murdered in complete savagery,  coloured lights at Wembley are not that important.

The troubles are still ongoing and that's what should be occupying everybody's mind.  Football has nothing to do with wars.


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5 hours ago, cressida said:

Problem is it seems to happen late night.

Probably because it's usually late at night when they come on here sozzled and talk daft.

Don't tell me that you can never tell when some of them have been drinking.

The odd ones, on the other hand can drink but still manage to talk as though their brain's intact and that's fine.

Spending my life entertaining in pubs and clubs,  I've always managed to drink without getting lairy,  but I have had to deal with others who have lost their sense.


Edited by Organgrinder
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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

OG is nothing more than a miserable old man that just throws out personal insults because he has nothing else.


Apparently I am a racist misogynisic terrorist now.


I used to give him the benefit of the doubt and have even lauded him and interacted giving him kudos about his musical talents.

Not anymore, he is a nasty individual who takes pleasure in trying to create animosity with other forum members from behind the safety of his keyboard, a coward.


The man's a cretin and another one who I now refuse to interact with.

You're welcome to your opinion.

Not  "racist misogynistic terrorist NOW"   You ALWAYS HAVE  as long as I've been on this forum.


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:



So much for your armchair warmongering bravado, 'I'd fight to the death to protect my home and family' stuff on the Ukraine threads?


Remember what you said about folks who made the same comment about the Ukraine?


Putin loving, sniveling cowards, who would sell our women for peace?


Right now you are one the side of those suing for peace, Hamas, and not the democracy Israel, that's about to bomb them back into the stone age.


Of course, with your usual argument "I've said.....", you can always point to a post that takes any position, that happens to be convenient at the time. :)


But it's still nonsense!


Difference is   -   You were talking of surrendering Ukraine    -    I am talking of NO ONE surrendering , but being made to accept International Law.

The very simple thing which should have been done years ago.


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11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I don't think it's a good idea to make people faff about with proof for every little thing but posters should bear in mind how they phrase what they say

and not make something which they think is possible or probable sound like proven fact.

I often say what I think or what I believe and that is to tell the forum that it's only MY VIEW.


Here's his disclaimer now!  :)


He can always finish up "being right" on every issue.


It's a fine art!


But a complete waste of time.

10 hours ago, RJRB said:

But apparently not enough to get him on the Forbes 400 list,which seems to have greatly irritated him

So I think  more,moreand even more 💰 is always going to be his major driving force together with fuel for his narcissism.


He's the only President, who didn't get richer by being a public servant!


A Bloomberg fact:)

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58 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:



The hard lefties on this forum are very conspicuous by their absence on this thread.....I wonder why?

I'm easily the furthest Left person on this forum, by some distance, and have made many posts that are perfectly well-argued and have asked questions that no-one seems willing or able to answer. So, yet another fabrication by you.

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