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The Yom Kippur War .

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35 minutes ago, cressida said:


Hahaha  they should have 'chipped' in and bought some more ,  heaven help me if I spilt ice cream on myself or you.

Yeah,  but funny men aren't sexy.



I don't think they could have afforded it, think it was about 15 quid for fish chips and mushy peas!!



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Just now, cressida said:

How would you know?   I've got exactly the same one..


No,  I'm in a Catch 22 situation and have been for  while.

Thats because you are Quite a catch cressida lovey 



Those who brag about the size their appendage are usually lying 😉

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11 hours ago, trastrick said:

In the real World, the superpowers get to decide what is in their own best security interests. That goes for the West, Russia and China.


This was well understood by all, from 1945 to the fall of the U.S.S.R.. and accommodations and compromise were made by both sides. Mutual agreements on the levels and placement of nuclear weapons were negotiated and respected, and the World was kept at relative peace during that time. Since the fall of the U.S.S.R, it is the West that has been militarily enforcing its hegemony around the World.  Less so, Russia.


So, who is to be "trusted"? 


Is it the U.S., with its "Regime Change" doctrines which sees it invading, bombing and occupying sovereign nations all over the planet, in the name of some "liberal rules based World order",  cooked up by liberal think tanks, which is presently calling for "regime change" in Russia, in the name of some religious righteousness?


"For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power!" is the current foreign policy of the so-called Leader of the Free World. What could be clearer? Regime change, on steroids.


How about Western Europe, currently dominated by Germany once again, with its demonstrated historical invasions of Russia?


The fact is you cannot trust any one person, or government of its 4 year average term, except by Internationally enforced Treaties. and mutual accepted boundaries and borders.


The only solution for countries on the fault zone of clashing political ideologies, is neutrality. or Internationally enforced partition, like Ireland, India, Korea, Palestine, Cyprus, the Balkans and African States. Even on my Island of Hispaniola between Haiti and Dominican Republic. Europe has many historical Treaties, that have ended wars and kept the peace, to some extent or another.


Is it "fair" is it "just", is it "ideal"? 


Of course not, but, like democracy. it is better than the alternative, continuous territorial wars, which may invariably escalate to a World War of terrifying proportions,


Good fences, mutually respected, make good neighbors. This allows for talks, security agreements, normalization of relationships, trade, and cultural exchanges. The best way we know to keep the peace.


Of course, such partition requires respected International imprimatur, of the sort that the United Nations used to have, before they became a just another tool of the global warmers in the West.


And that requires Statesmanship, the kind that is sorely missing from today's sad lot of politicians, who are more concerned with hanging on to their jobs, rather than forward looking.


But here's the good news. Great Leaders will emerge in troubled times. The bad news is it takes catastrophe before the flock finally cry out for one.


Bottom line, if you cannot, or will not accept the fact of co-existence with your enemies, there is no opportunity to change hearts and minds, and we have a situation where only might is right, and all bets are off!


Which is where the World stands at this moment in time.


Good luck with that!

That's a lot of words to avoid admitting your proposed solution isn't a solution at all.


Nothing in it describes a solution that will ensure Russia respects Ukraine's borders (even some hypothetical newly negotiated ones where it loses some territory).

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