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The Yom Kippur War .

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5 minutes ago, RJRB said:


Beware of spreading possibly false information regarding the beheading of babies.

The provable atrocities are awful enough without adding rumour to take it to an even worse level.



Wait, but that's the mainstream narrative. 

Are you suggesting we shouldn't believe the mainstream narrative?


 My bold

Flippant comments aside, I absolutely agree. But you know what they say. The first casualty of war is the truth. 

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I think the Guardian have made their bias quite clear.

They have no issue stating that 200 turned up in Washington to support Israel, then in the next breath mention tens of thousands protested in Iraq....... but fail to mention the protesters in Bulgaria consisted of about 24 immigrants and a manky jack Russell in support of Palestine.


Why do they call the support of Israel rallies, but support of Palestine protests?


The Guardian also managed to get in the snide remark that it's the USA and the EU that has labelled Hamas as terrorists as if it some kind of incorrection!!


It's also quite clear that Muslims will support Palestine regardless of the atrocious acts commited by Palestinians. But we all know that anyway, they will all come together and show solidarity as seen by the masses on the streets throughout the world. They are blinkered by their fanatical support of their religion.


"In Turkey, crowds gathered outside mosques chanting against Israel and saluting Hamas. In the south-eastern city of Diyarbakir, 46-year-old business owner Mikail Bakan said: “All the Muslim world needs to be one against Israel.”


And there we have it summed up.


Incredibly dangerous times, especially for the Western world.





Edited by Al Bundy
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Guest ThaBoom
6 hours ago, RJRB said:


Beware of spreading possibly false information regarding the beheading of babies.

The provable atrocities are awful enough without adding rumour to take it to an even worse level.



Actually,  I've hardly seen any Israeli bodies. All you see is blood, then soldiers holding 'body bags' and few homes destroyed- that's been happening to Palestinian ppl for decades!


There's plenty of images of children and babies in Gaza on media- seen more than I can handle. 


It wouldn't surprise me if the Zionist government perpetrated this act against their own ppl, so they could carry on the ethnic cleansing. 


The first casualty of war is always the truth.



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21 minutes ago, ThaBoom said:

Actually,  I've hardly seen any Israeli bodies. All you see is blood, then soldiers holding 'body bags' and few homes destroyed- that's been happening to Palestinian ppl for decades!


There's plenty of images of children and babies in Gaza on media- seen more than I can handle. 


It wouldn't surprise me if the Zionist government perpetrated this act against their own ppl, so they could carry on the ethnic cleansing. 


The first casualty of war is always the truth.




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11 hours ago, altus said:

That's a lot of words to avoid admitting your proposed solution isn't a solution at all.


Nothing in it describes a solution that will ensure Russia respects Ukraine's borders (even some hypothetical newly negotiated ones where it loses some territory).

Internationally enforced partition and security guarantees for both parties IS a solution.


(Do you want me to draft the terms of the Cease Fire, and the Security Guarantees, here?  :))


But it may take another election in the U.S. before a new approach is brought to the table.


Until then, the current "solution". "for as long as it takes", will continue to pile up the devastation and slaughter.




This discussion of the Ukraine situation rightly belongs on the other thread.


Any resemblance to the Palestinian Problem, is purely coincidental :)


Edited by trastrick
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At least it's nice to know that the protests should be over soon!


The real police and the language police must be very busy at the moment arresting all those who are using hate speech and offending others with their advocacy of, and support of, murdering babies, in their pursuit of revenge for perceived foreign injustices.


Thank God your Nanny State has Laws against that!  :)


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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:



I think the Guardian have made their bias quite clear.

They have no issue stating that 200 turned up in Washington to support Israel, then in the next breath mention tens of thousands protested in Iraq....... but fail to mention the protesters in Bulgaria consisted of about 24 immigrants and a manky jack Russell in support of Palestine.


Why do they call the support of Israel rallies, but support of Palestine protests?


The Guardian also managed to get in the snide remark that it's the USA and the EU that has labelled Hamas as terrorists as if it some kind of incorrection!!


It's also quite clear that Muslims will support Palestine regardless of the atrocious acts commited by Palestinians. But we all know that anyway, they will all come together and show solidarity as seen by the masses on the streets throughout the world. They are blinkered by their fanatical support of their religion.


"In Turkey, crowds gathered outside mosques chanting against Israel and saluting Hamas. In the south-eastern city of Diyarbakir, 46-year-old business owner Mikail Bakan said: “All the Muslim world needs to be one against Israel.”


And there we have it summed up.


Incredibly dangerous times, especially for the Western world.


It should be no surprise to anyone that each country or association of allies, designate those who are armed enemies as terrorists.

Every country sees a different set of terrorists according to their aims and beliefs.  It's also well known that all terrorist organisations help each other because they all have similar aims against different countries.

 A good way of cutting down on terrorism is by staying out of other peoples affairs and countries.


It's quite natural that most Muslims will support Palestine.  You seem to have a problem differentiating between peaceful Palestinian people and Hamas.

I'm quite happy to say that I support Palestine's wish to get Israeli's off their soil but I DO NOT support Hamas or any other terrorist group.  They are distinct groups of people.

It's only now becoming clear to many,  just how unpopular the west is with very large sections of the world's population but it shouldn't be a surprise if you view our behaviour with honest eyes.

Dangerous times indeed,   so it's time we read the writing on the wall and supported the rule of law,  which puts Israel in the wrong  in the same way as Putin in Ukraine.



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Pro Palestine protest marches are being organized today , In London the met has brought in a thousand extra officers , 

What I would like to ask is ,Where are the marches to to protest against the atrocities that happened at a music festival and a small Town in Israel a week ago ,

Perhaps we have fear in our midst , fear that we or the authorities must not give an alternative opinion , that we must tolerate them .

Do any of these marching masses put any blame on the Hamas terrorists at all .

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Some legitimate questions, that are not being asked of the current crop of bumbling idiots (can we say lying?) who are managing to get into War after War in just a couple of years.


Old Joe is out there with his standard, "We have your back!" to the Israelis, A promise made also to the Afghanis, the Ukrainians, and to Taiwan.


But everybody know that the U.S. controls all the major intelligence the Free World relies on. Especially Israel. (Zelenskyy is privy to Level 1 of the U.S. Intelligence on Russia).


So why was this major attack such a surprise and not on the U.S. Radar? They can spot a bird dropping from space, and the CIA has surely has sources on the ground in Palestine, where the population  must have been aware of such major preparations for War.


The Media are happy to report it was an "Intelligence Failure" by Israel, but the disturbing part is that it was (apparently) a failure of Intelligence by the U.S., it's avowed protector.


This is Jake Sullivan, Biden's National Security Advisor, just 6 days before the Hamas Attack, bragging that the Middle East is now quieter than at any time in the last 2 decades:




Sullivan was also featured as Hillary's Campaign Advisor during the "Russian Collusion Hoax" scandal.


He's used to being surprised though.


"In late April 2023, an unknown man reportedly entered Sullivan's West End home in the middle of the night, but left before Secret Service agents were alerted.[55] As of October 1st, 2023, there is no update regarding the status of the investigation". -WIKI.


Nobody is talking. Why?




Why do all these mysterious events seem to all involve Clinton/DNC associates?


And finally, the fact that at least 30 American citizens were killed in the Hamas Attack, and a number of others missing or kidnapped, would normally bring a swift military response from the U.S.


Why does Joe treat it as only an attack on Israel? It is an attack on Democracy.


AND the U.S. !


Where's the U.S. response?


Have at it!  :)





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12 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Pro Palestine protest marches are being organized today , In London the met has brought in a thousand extra officers , 

What I would like to ask is ,Where are the marches to to protest against the atrocities that happened at a music festival and a small Town in Israel a week ago ,

Perhaps we have fear in our midst , fear that we or the authorities must not give an alternative opinion , that we must tolerate them .

Do any of these marching masses put any blame on the Hamas terrorists at all .

Why don’t you organise a March against the atrocities in Israel?

My personal opinion is that Israel as a country has lost a lot of sympathy over the years due to its constant and bloody occupation of Palestinian people.

Israel is a country that shoots kids for chucking rocks at tanks etc so I suggest you put your pro Israeli trumpet away as most people are aware what Israel is doing.

Ordering the Palestinians to leave the north is a war crime according to the UN and reports are coming in that 70 Palestinians were bombed while attempting to leave the North of Gaza.

Israel is committing terrorism itself by bombing Palestinians who had nothing to do with the Hamas attack, stopping water food and electricity and you have the audacity to keep bleating in defence of Israel and moan about pro Palestinian protest marches!!

You are a supporter of Israeli terror and probably think that because of the Hamas attack it is justified well guess what it isn’t,

two wrongs don’t make a right….




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