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The Yom Kippur War .

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38 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I hope they send Mossad all around the world to assassinate all the top islamic terrorists and supporters of Hamas like they did after the Munich murders 


Maybe take out a few in the UK too 


I could think of a few names  

A good idea would be to at least start with the human debris who are on public record as insisting that murdering babies is a justified response, to any perceived injustice.


They won't be missed from the human gene pool.  

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

In justifying the forthcoming ethnic cleansing / possible genocide of ordinary Palestinians, the Israeli president has said:


"It is an entire nation out there that is responsible. It's not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. It's absolutely not true.


"They could have risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup 'd état."


But following that logic, Jewish Germans who didn't fight or rise up against the Nazi Party in the 1920s and 1930s were morally responsible for the atrocities committed by the Nazis?


By the same logic, ALL Russians are responsible for the war crimes in Ukraine.

That' absolutely correct Delbow and I fully agree.  The Israeli's can argue until doomsday but,  until they vacate Palestinian land,  they are the cause of the trouble.


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50 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I hope they send Mossad all around the world to assassinate all the top islamic terrorists and supporters of Hamas like they did after the Munich murders 


Maybe take out a few in the UK too 


I could think of a few names  

Not surprised to find that you're on name terms with terrorists and their supporters.

I've never met one in my entire life so I must move in much nicer circles than you.


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9 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

That' absolutely correct Delbow and I fully agree.  The Israeli's can argue until doomsday but,  until they vacate Palestinian land,  they are the cause of the trouble.


Do you also agree with his statement that Jews should have fought the Nazi’s in Germany .  When they were being rounded up and gassed .

The nice yellow badge that they were forced to wear would have been nice target practice for those Nazi’s.

Jews have always known and lived in their homeland .

After the war the descendants went back and when they got there they had to fight us to remain . 


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14 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Not surprised to find that you're on name terms with terrorists and their supporters.

I've never met one in my entire life so I must move in much nicer circles than you.


Those Mossad  terrorists captured men and women who had murdered millions in gas chambers and by shooting into trenches in forests .

They captured them and brought them to justice in a court , they did not cut off baby’s heads or rape the women .

Perhaps your kind of terrorist  is more to your liking .

2 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Did Palestine agree to the forming of the state of Isreal after WW2.?

Was Palestine compensated in any way ?

Did they disagree at the time ?

Did the Jewish Palestinians .?

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17 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Do you also agree with his statement that Jews should have fought the Nazi’s in Germany .  When they were being rounded up and gassed .

The nice yellow badge that they were forced to wear would have been nice target practice for those Nazi’s.

Jews have always known and lived in their homeland .

After the war the descendants went back and when they got there they had to fight us to remain . 


That's not what I said - try reading the post again.

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Came along London Rd about an hour ago.  Group of about a dozen either side of the road, (about level with Barry's Pub), one with a megaphone, others just shouting.  One each side of the road with buckets wanting people to chuck money in, five or so large Palestinian flag being waived. 


Needless to say, I didn't contribute. 

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The Jewish people have a right to a homeland. Israel was established in May 1948 and recognised by the United States on the same day. Two years earlier the Americans had appointed Dr Henry F Grady to head a commission which negotiated with the British commission headed by Herbert Morrison. This was the initial move in bringing about the state of Israel.

All well and good, apart from those unfortunate Palestinians who were dispossessed of their land. However, it may have worked out alright except that there were those on both sides not happy with the situation and prepared to do something about it.


Israel has encroached further out into land not given to them. They have contravened over thirty UN Security Council resolutions from 1968 onwards and have been backed up by the US on a number of occasions.

One such violation was Resolution number 466 passed in March 1979 which demanded that Israel cease building settlements in territory it occupied since 1967, including in east Jerusalem and that it remove those already built.


Israel has built 33 new settlements in occupied territory since the adoption of Resolution 466 in 1979. It can flout UN resolutions because it has Americas backing.

Since 2008 there have been 6,407 Palestinian fatalities and 152,560 Palestinian injuries compared with 308 Israeli fatalities and 6,307 Israeli injuries.


There is nothing black and white about this situation, Jews deserve and need a homeland, Palestinians need consideration also. Hamas knew what Israel's reaction would be to their atrocity, they wanted Israel to respond in that way.

Those making the decisions for both sides regard civilians of either ethnicity as expendable pawns in their grisly game of blood soaked chess.




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