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The Yom Kippur War .

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7 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Go to bed 🤣


You need your energy for another full day of getting angry at strangers on Sheffield Forum 👍

You can never answer the accusations which proves that they are correct and you are just making it up.

You were lying and I proved it.


3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

The absolute irony of a poster who calls other members terrorists yelling at others accusing them of making stuff up and lying!!


It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


What a berk.

You were called a terrorist because you were ranting about terrorists and yet you said that you would do the same in reverse.

If someone else is wrong then you are also wrong if you do the same thing.

Thereby I stand by what I said.

If you want to kill innocent Palestinian women, children and little babies,  then you'll have to live with your label.

I don't want killing on either side and I consider the UN, our government and the US government to be at fault also for encouraging Israel's land grabbing.


Edited by Organgrinder
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19 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The lefties support a country where being gay is illegal and women are second class citizens 


They're all over the place with their BS 🙄


They reserve their outrage for the only civilized democracy in the Middle East.


On the other hand, countries that have the death penalty by stoning, and lashings for gays, and adulterers, chopping off fingers of thieves, get a pass, Terrorists are excused!









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32 minutes ago, trastrick said:

And love your Mum, and be kind to animals!  :)


This post is too flippant and meaningless to be worth the effort of posting and just demonstrates the posters mind set.


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20 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The same people who scream 'Nazi' at every opportunity thinks it's ok to murder 300 Jews at a music festival 


And thousands more men, women and children who were just going about their day


We all know that the left hate the Jews...it's a fact that has been proven in the UK at the heart of government

As Islamists, continue to permeate the West they bring with them their religious values.


Today, it has become fashionable once again, to hate the Jews, and blame them for all the ills of the World.


It's just a simple matter of demographics.


In today's World, once the people have been indoctrinated with blaming the current Great Satans, a society will never have to take responsibility for their own malfeasance!


History repeats!

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22 minutes ago, trastrick said:


They reserve their outrage for the only civilized democracy in the Middle East.


On the other hand, countries that have the death penalty by stoning, and lashings for gays, and adulterers, chopping off fingers of thieves, get a pass, Terrorists are excused!









Indeed, and they get a free pass for wanting to get rid of immigrants on their land!!


You couldn't make it up!!



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19 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Certainly route out terrorists but,  ensure that innocent civilians don't suffer whilst doing this

An impossible task!


That's the reason terrorists manage to survive, and sometimes proliferate!


They shelter among the innocent, (and those that claim to be innocent, but give them aid and comfort)


In war, if you cannot tolerate collateral damage, you cannot win.


See Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki!

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What Hamas did was appalling, disgusting.

But the Palestinians do have legitimate grievances, and until Israel accept they need there own viable state (land for peace) it will never be solved. It is indeed a tragedy that Yitzhak Rabin was murdered by that extremist Jewish terrorist.... 

I must say I am getting worried about how easily people start wanting to ban free speech.

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, so, whilst I do actually think the Hamas gunmen were terrorists, I do not see why it should be illegal to demonstrate in their support. Nobody has the right not to be offended or upset.

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