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The Yom Kippur War .

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America has ' advised '  Israel not to reoccupy Gaza as it would be a major mistake and they're right.

What Hamas did was inexcusable and can't be condoned, but Israel is falling for it and responding exactly as Hamas want. They don't care how many fellow Palestinians are killed and maimed, they're fanatics, they actually want an escalation of violence.


The Israeli response was understandable and entirely expected from a personal Jewish perspective. But elected democratic governments  are supposed to handle things as dispassionately as possible with the long term interest of their country in mind.

Had Israel dealt with this tragedy in a more clinical and calculated way they would have destroyed Hamas's plan and made it impossible for even the most rabid anti Semite to use their actions to point the finger at Israel.

Hunting down the leaders and main players in Hamas and either bringing them to the International court to demonstrate their evil or killing them when found  - or a calculated mix of both -  would have shown the world the clear and unequivocal difference between a civilised state and a bunch of fanatics.


I fully appreciate that that's easy to say when it isn't something that has a direct effect on me or mine, but that's what governments are supposed to be there for, to behave rationally for the long term benefit of the people of their country.






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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

C'mon, Cressida.


Let terrorists attack a Sovereign Democratic Nation, kill and maim, rape, and kidnap your citizens.


Then agree to a Cease Fire?


What leader of a country, worth his salt, would ever do that, in the real World?


I doubt the Zelenskyy fanboys here would agree with you!  :)



This referred to a temporary ceasefire in a specific area to allow some degree of humanitarian aid .

Something that now appears to be suspended despite the efforts of the democratically elected governments of would be intermediaries.

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6 minutes ago, RJRB said:

This referred to a temporary ceasefire in a specific area to allow some degree of humanitarian aid .

Something that now appears to be suspended despite the efforts of the democratically elected governments of would be intermediaries.

Yeah,  I only posted a quote after all.   Got the vapours now.

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9 minutes ago, m williamson said:

America has ' advised '  Israel not to reoccupy Gaza as it would be a major mistake and they're right.

What Hamas did was inexcusable and can't be condoned, but Israel is falling for it and responding exactly as Hamas want. They don't care how many fellow Palestinians are killed and maimed, they're fanatics, they actually want an escalation of violence.


The Israeli response was understandable and entirely expected from a personal Jewish perspective. But elected democratic governments  are supposed to handle things as dispassionately as possible with the long term interest of their country in mind.

Had Israel dealt with this tragedy in a more clinical and calculated way they would have destroyed Hamas's plan and made it impossible for even the most rabid anti Semite to use their actions to point the finger at Israel.

Hunting down the leaders and main players in Hamas and either bringing them to the International court to demonstrate their evil or killing them when found  - or a calculated mix of both -  would have shown the world the clear and unequivocal difference between a civilised state and a bunch of fanatics.


I fully appreciate that that's easy to say when it isn't something that has a direct effect on me or mine, but that's what governments are supposed to be there for, to behave rationally for the long term benefit of the people of their country.






Hard to argue with that.

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30 minutes ago, RJRB said:

But you do not choose to follow the philosophy of YOUR adopted country.

There are few posters who are more keen to get involved in the affairs of other countries .

How do you consistently fail to see the many ironies contained in your posts.




All I'm getting "involved with" here is an exchange of opinions with folks in the town where I was born.


In my adopted country, I feel privileged and thankful to be accepted here, and I wouldn't want to change a thing about how the country is run! :)


Here, common sense, and personal responsibility for one's life and family is sacrosanct.


What government they do have stays out of their way to let them pursue, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


You should be so lucky!


On the other hand,  there's no free lunch here, so I doubt it would appeal to Nanny State dependents from Sheffield!  :)



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There is no such thing as a nation or country where every citizen enjoys the same level of contentment.

That includes the U.K. and the DR.

You try to make your own little bit of heaven wherever you live.

However it seems that you have something missing in your life .

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24 minutes ago, trastrick said:



What government they do have stays out of their way to let them pursue, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


You should be so lucky!


On the other hand,  there's no free lunch here, so I doubt it would appeal to Nanny State dependents from Sheffield!  :)




Is this another attempt to deny or acknowledge what exists around you.

Like the past assertion that homelessness and beggars do not exist in the DR

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38 minutes ago, RJRB said:


There is no such thing as a nation or country where every citizen enjoys the same level of contentment.

That includes the U.K. and the DR.

You try to make your own little bit of heaven wherever you live.

However it seems that you have something missing in your life .

Here's what ya do.


Walk with me to the market, or the beach. Take note of the greetings and smiles you get from virtual strangers. See how they say "pay me manana" if you need something for the local colmado, and don't want to make the trek to the ATM.


The little sidewalk shops and restaurants, with NO license, NO inspections and kept healthy/hygienic by age old community demanded standards. Nobody is being poisoned.


Do the same in Sheffield, or Toronto. :)


Last time I was out, a cool young haitian was working at a construction site. He was wearing a t shirt I really liked. I said, amo tu camiseta. He smiled and pointed to mine.


We took them off  and swapped them in the street.  It's still my favorite!


23 minutes ago, RJRB said:


Is this another attempt to deny or acknowledge what exists around you.

Like the past assertion that homelessness and beggars do not exist in the DR

Can you quote that "past assertion"?  :)


Why do you folks have to lie, all the time?

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

In the land of the Leader of the Free World, the government has elected representatives on the Left, who's religion is Islam.


They are constantly making anti-Jewish/Anti Israel statements.

It wasn't a Democrat politician who blamed forest fires on a Jewish space laser controlled by the Rothschilds.


Neither was it ANTIFA who chanted "Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville.

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