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The Yom Kippur War .

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9 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

So if I come to your house and kill your family and then leave you won't be seeking justice because I done the deed and then I was gone? 


And you don't blame HAMAS and it's the Israelis fault? 


But you're not a supporter or sympathiser of Hamas.


Very confusing 🙄



There's a vast difference between seeking justice and trying to catch those who did it and killing innocents out of pure revenge.

You just don't have an argument because you keep going back to this same old accusation when I've stated countless times that I am against ANY MURDEREERS., Hamas or Israeli.

What happened when Hamas attacked was Hamas's fault.    What's happening now is Israel's fault and Israel have now become the terrorists.

Your confusion is simply down to both your lack of humanity and intelligence.


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Don't confuse him.

I'm not as confused as you and your rabid right wing terrorists sympathisers.

After all this killing,   Israel cannot claim with any justification and proof,  that they have killed a single terrorist,   although they will be able to point to a lot of dead babies.

They are taking out pure revenge on babies and that might sit fine with you and your very low moral standards but many others think different.

When this murderous game of tit for tat has finished,  the situation will still be exactly the same and neither side will have achieved anything at all.

Just shows how bright you both are,  along with those you both defend.

This is not a war and neither protagonist has observed the rules of war  -   it is vengeful terrorism inflicted first by one side and now by the other..


Edited by Organgrinder
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6 hours ago, trastrick said:

It simply has to be enforced.


That's used to be the job of U.N.Peacekeepers from all over the world, before the U.N. became an expensive and ineffective weather forecasting doomsday cult of the like minded left/lib progressives.

Agree with you about the UN . They seem to be impotent.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

There's a vast difference between seeking justice and trying to catch those who did it and killing innocents out of pure revenge.

You just don't have an argument because you keep going back to this same old accusation when I've stated countless times that I am against ANY MURDEREERS., Hamas or Israeli.

What happened when Hamas attacked was Hamas's fault.    What's happening now is Israel's fault and Israel have now become the terrorists.

You confusion is simply down to both your lack of humanity and intelligence.


Your confusion is apparent, when you have to keep regurgitating your tortured and tiresome explanations for your demented views.


I never said that....
I simply said that....
As I've already said....
I've stated countless times that.... 


We KNOW what you said. Here it is:


"What's happening now is Israel's fault and Israel have now become the terrorists".


Couldn't be clearer! :)


Hitler would be proud of you!


Not to mention the Mad Mullahs in Iran, The Taliban in Afghanistan, and the Hezbollah in Lebanon.






Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

There's a vast difference between seeking justice and trying to catch those who did it and killing innocents out of pure revenge.

You just don't have an argument because you keep going back to this same old accusation when I've stated countless times that I am against ANY MURDEREERS., Hamas or Israeli.

What happened when Hamas attacked was Hamas's fault.    What's happening now is Israel's fault and Israel have now become the terrorists.

You confusion is simply down to both your lack of humanity and intelligence.


You always got to stick that little personal insult at the end


Just to make yourself feel tough


It's pathetic 


Israel are defending themselves against an enemy that attacked them



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58 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

You always got to stick that little personal insult at the end


Just to make yourself feel tough


It's pathetic 


Israel are defending themselves against an enemy that attacked them



Israel are starving and killing babies instead of terrorists.


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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Israel are starving and killing babies instead of terrorists.


Starving babies? 


That's right off the left wing hymn book isnt it


Baby killer, granny killer, planet killer


You guys are just so transparent


Be careful not to call Israelis 'Nazis'.....you'll make yourself look even more stupid 

Edited by Jack Grey
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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

You always got to stick that little personal insult at the end


Just to make yourself feel tough


It's pathetic 


Israel are defending themselves against an enemy that attacked them



Just ignore him.


I do and it's much better.

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