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The Yom Kippur War .

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4 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Yeah I bet soon everyone who gets off a boat in Dover will be claiming to Palestinian 


Amongst them will be terrorists who hate the UK for their support of Israel 

I’m sure the double standards on display during this conflict is enough of a recruitment on its own to make some in countries around the world resort to extremism. It is quite clear that Israel is breaking international law and America the hypocrite is asking others to stay out of it whilst supplying arms to Israel as the Jordanian foreign minister pointed out.

Look how the Israeli representative in the UN turned against the Secretary general  who was only speaking the truth.

I have watched the indiscriminate bombing in Gaza on Al Jazeera news as our own BBC doesn’t show us the gory bits and it is absolutely sickening and this is what makes it harder to eradicate extremism and terrorism although the ones who resort to it will see it as fighting against oppression but it all depends on which side you are on.

I also can’t believe how some on here are not against the collective punishment of innocent civilians but I would put money on it they would be the first ones moaning if the UK suffered a terrorist attack due to our prime minister giving his unequivocal support to Israel’s  war crimes and indiscriminate collective punishment under the banner of its right to self defence.

This isn’t self defence it is straight up bloodthirsty revenge and an opportunity for Israel to forcibly displace innocent people.

Anybody who still supports what Israel is doing now should hang their heads in shame as the cycle of violence will just keep continuing…..


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4 hours ago, mafya said:

I’m sure the double standards on display during this conflict is enough of a recruitment on its own to make some in countries around the world resort to extremism. It is quite clear that Israel is breaking international law and America the hypocrite is asking others to stay out of it whilst supplying arms to Israel as the Jordanian foreign minister pointed out.

Look how the Israeli representative in the UN turned against the Secretary general  who was only speaking the truth.

I have watched the indiscriminate bombing in Gaza on Al Jazeera news as our own BBC doesn’t show us the gory bits and it is absolutely sickening and this is what makes it harder to eradicate extremism and terrorism although the ones who resort to it will see it as fighting against oppression but it all depends on which side you are on.

I also can’t believe how some on here are not against the collective punishment of innocent civilians but I would put money on it they would be the first ones moaning if the UK suffered a terrorist attack due to our prime minister giving his unequivocal support to Israel’s  war crimes and indiscriminate collective punishment under the banner of its right to self defence.

This isn’t self defence it is straight up bloodthirsty revenge and an opportunity for Israel to forcibly displace innocent people.

Anybody who still supports what Israel is doing now should hang their heads in shame as the cycle of violence will just keep continuing…..


Until clearly defined borders accepted by both sides are agreed there will be continued disputes.

As I have said before I have only limited knowledge of the area but the 2 main problems I perceive from the little I have read are Isreal expanding its borders and Palestine having underground tunnels to attack Israel from.

Eliminate these 2 problem areas and there may be a chance of living in close proximity without violence albeit not friends.

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5 hours ago, mafya said:

I’m sure the double standards on display during this conflict is enough of a recruitment on its own to make some in countries around the world resort to extremism. It is quite clear that Israel is breaking international law and America the hypocrite is asking others to stay out of it whilst supplying arms to Israel as the Jordanian foreign minister pointed out.

Look how the Israeli representative in the UN turned against the Secretary general  who was only speaking the truth.

I have watched the indiscriminate bombing in Gaza on Al Jazeera news as our own BBC doesn’t show us the gory bits and it is absolutely sickening and this is what makes it harder to eradicate extremism and terrorism although the ones who resort to it will see it as fighting against oppression but it all depends on which side you are on.

I also can’t believe how some on here are not against the collective punishment of innocent civilians but I would put money on it they would be the first ones moaning if the UK suffered a terrorist attack due to our prime minister giving his unequivocal support to Israel’s  war crimes and indiscriminate collective punishment under the banner of its right to self defence.

This isn’t self defence it is straight up bloodthirsty revenge and an opportunity for Israel to forcibly displace innocent people.

Anybody who still supports what Israel is doing now should hang their heads in shame as the cycle of violence will just keep continuing…..


So in a nutshell you are trying to justify terror attacks in the UK.


Thankfully countries like the UK and America will not bow down and cower because of threats of mad men blowing folk up.

9 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Gayz For Palestine 🌈





The irony is hilarious!!


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33 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

The irony is hilarious!!


Weird then that there are some lamenting the recent election loss of a political party in Poland, who have made a concerted effort to discriminate against the same people! :suspect:


Irony you say? 🤣

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24 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

So in a nutshell you are trying to justify terror attacks in the UK.


Thankfully countries like the UK and America will not bow down and cower because of threats of mad men blowing folk up.


Knowing you are one of the 2 most strident opponents of immigration  on this forum,

I'm quite sure that,  were that to happen,  you would one of the 2 who would do the most shouting and panicking about it. 


Nobody needs or wants to justify  any terror attack at all but the fact is that we have already seen the results of Blair's meddling in the middle east,

so we know that it CAN happen and  we know that it DOES happen,  and we also know how hard it is to prevent it from happening. 

It is also a VERY  expensive thing for the country to deal with as every bloke who doesn't like taxation knows and a couple of those can be found on here too.


Your bottom line reminds me that it's usually those with most of this patriotic bluster who are first to start screaming when the unthinkable happens.

We need a cease fire,  leading to peace and dignity of life in the middle east and not  a load of tub thumping, flag waving nonsense from the first one who'll start running.



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10 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

Absolutely no chance in my humble opinion. 

Israel was 'taken by surprise' by land, sea AND air all at once.

Not a chance in hell with all the structures, soldiers and technology that protects its borders.

I firmly believe Netanyahu had a hand in that 'failure'. He wanted them to invade. 

I think that Israel was relying on the U.S. for military Intelligence.


I doubt that the U,S. failed to pick up the signs.


But this Administration has no real love for Netanyahu, and he has a lot of enemies in its ranks.  :)


The U.S.reponse is very odd, anyway. Forget Israel. Imagine terrorists attacking, killing and taking Americans hostages, and it would normally be a very big deal indeed, with Presidential Statement to the World, and a swift and effective military response.


But it passed completely under the radar, and the Media went along with it, so we probably will never know the nuts and bolts of the "failure".


(Like the "failure" of the U.S. Prison, that allowed their most famous perp Epstein to supposedly off himself, while his guards happened to fall asleep and the video cameras happened to stop working, all at the same time! )


Gotta love 'em!  :)



Edited by trastrick
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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I think that Israel was relying on the U.S. for military Intelligence.


I doubt that the U,S. failed to pick up the signs.


But this Administration has no real love for Netanyahu, and he has a lot of enemies in its ranks.  :)

‘Netanyahu Got All the Warnings,’ Says Former Head of Israeli Military Intelligence:


Yadlin attributed much of the blame for the catastrophe to the national distraction of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s push to overhaul the country’s judiciary: “Netanyahu got all the warnings — from his defense minister, from the chief of staff, from the head of intelligence, from the head of Shin Bet and from independent writers like me, like others — that this is weakening Israel deterrence and endangering Israeli national security.”


He was doing a Trump, dropped the ball and will ultimately pay the price. :?


16 minutes ago, trastrick said:

(Like the "failure" of the U.S. Prison, that allowed their most famous perp Epstein to supposedly off himself, while his guards happened to fall asleep and the video cameras happened to stop working, all at the same time! )

Well nothing rounds off a baseless conspiracy theory like another baseless conspiracy theory. 🤣

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Knowing you are one of the 2 most strident opponents of immigration  on this forum,

I'm quite sure that,  were that to happen,  you would one of the 2 who would do the most shouting and panicking about it. 

No one on this forum is against immigration. 


What people don't like is illegal migration and the abuse of our asylum system.


I would think that even you would be angry with people jumping the queue in front of genuine refugees.


But you prefer to pretend it's not happening on a grand scale because you refuse to admit that we're right. 


You'd rather see your country burn and people be rapped and murdered by people who shouldn't be here than agree with us. 



Edited by Jack Grey
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13 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

No one on this forum is against immigration. 


What people don't like is illegal migration and the abuse of our asylum system.





Without question,  pushing ahead of women and children,  is totally wrong.

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