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The Yom Kippur War .

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13 hours ago, Anna B said:

There is a rumour going round on the internet that Netanyahu was indeed fully briefed by intelligence operatives that an attack was imminent and he could have prevented it, but didn't. He wanted an excuse to go into Gaza, and this attack  provided the perfect opportunity...

I agree that it’s not outside the realms of possibility.

There are additional stories that there was the possibility of a brokered hostage /prisoner exchange but that possibility ended as the war was pursued to obliterate Hamas.

Its all speculation that will probably never be fully answered.


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14 hours ago, Anna B said:

There is a rumour going round on the internet that Netanyahu was indeed fully briefed by intelligence operatives that an attack was imminent and he could have prevented it, but didn't. He wanted an excuse to go into Gaza, and this attack  provided the perfect opportunity...

A further (linked) rumour is they intend to push all the Palestinians clean out of Gaza and into the Sini Region of Egypt, establish cities for the Palestinians there and keep the Gaza strip for themselves.

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21 minutes ago, geared said:

A further (linked) rumour is they intend to push all the Palestinians clean out of Gaza and into the Sini Region of Egypt, establish cities for the Palestinians there and keep the Gaza strip for themselves.

Cairo leadership is terrified of Hamas getting any foothold in Egypt.
They would only cooperate if the world pay billions for the privilege of taking refugees with strict filtering.

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4 hours ago, Al Bundy said:




Not surprising that Bundy holds the views he does when he watches Watson on You.tube.

Another racist anti Islam nutter who specializes in brainwashing the dozy.


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I used to listen to Alex Jones out of curiosity, the inflammatory stuff sells and its an unhealthy mindset.

Think Mr Watson was one of the " editors" but dont hold me to that .He certainly had his own segments

The Byline Times seems creditable in my view.


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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm shocked. I liked his style, some of what he had to say but I think from this point ill be giving him a wide berth 

I'm not surprised you are shocked. You'd be wise to pay attention to what people like him are saying. He is saying what a lot of people think. Challenge, but don't dismiss your enemy. Otherwise you'll never really understand why there are endless wars in your world!


Like our Organgrinder, bless him, he is on both sides of the issue, anti radical Islamic terrorist and ant-Jewish at the same time.


This guy apparently, hates both sides, in this war!


But he is saying nothing worse than what the Jihadists in your midst are chanting, in your streets and buses, and he has followers around the world. They all claim followers.


That's life!


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2 hours ago, ThePilot said:

Cairo leadership is terrified of Hamas getting any foothold in Egypt.
They would only cooperate if the world pay billions for the privilege of taking refugees with strict filtering.

To be honest, that sounds pretty achievable.  Especially if America pitches in and dresses it up as a humanitarian action.

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