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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:



Of course. a stern lecture to a terrorist, from an armchair military strategist in Sheffield should do the trick:)


I honestly can't believe the crappola posted on SF. But it does explain the mess the world is in!

Whereas of course the measured analysis of an utter otiose onanist such as yourself is what is needed in this situation. Go on then, enlighten us as what should be done to end this tragedy?


Like most of us on this thread I was under the impression that we were giving our personal views with regard to the situation and none of us were expecting a call from António Guterres requesting our intervention in order to bring peace to the Middle East.


Apparently, we were mistaken this forum is the font of all knowledge and great care and consideration must be taken in order not to exacerbate the situation.

So please do enlighten us you little frotteur, what is your considered solution to the problem?

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

I don't think that Israel are bombing civilians


I believe they have their targets who are hiding amongst civilians and they are then assessing the impact of taking that target out and the collateral damage it will cause 


I would also presume that they will bombed areas that have Israeli hostages if it meant getting high value targets


HAMAS have to know that taking hostages will not sace them from justice or as you like to put it.....revenge 

In an  densley populated area like Gaza it's well nigh impossible to "target" terrorists without causing massive casualties among the civilian population.

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6 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Whereas of course the measured analysis of an utter otiose onanist such as yourself is what is needed in this situation. Go on then, enlighten us as what should be done to end this tragedy?


Like most of us on this thread I was under the impression that we were giving our personal views with regard to the situation and none of us were expecting a call from António Guterres requesting our intervention in order to bring peace to the Middle East.


Apparently, we were mistaken this forum is the font of all knowledge and great care and consideration must be taken in order not to exacerbate the situation.

So please do enlighten us you little frotteur, what is your considered solution to the problem?

He doesn't have one.   He just comes on to laugh at solutions that others suggest.


Edited by Organgrinder
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14 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I don't think that Israel are bombing civilians


You should take the last 5 words away for it to read   " I don't think"


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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I don't think that Israel are bombing civilians


I believe they have their targets who are hiding amongst civilians and they are then assessing the impact of taking that target out and the collateral damage it will cause 


I would also presume that they will bomb areas that have Israeli hostages if it meant getting high value targets


HAMAS have to know that taking hostages will not save them from justice or as you like to put it.....revenge 

My bold

But they are. I don't think they are doing it deliberately but they definitely know that targeting hamas in the areas they are is killing 1000s and just don't seem to care.



Sorry but that's unfair.  I take no pleasure from saying it's looking like revenge. None what so ever. I'm just making an observation 👍

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In Nov 2022 this is what the USA said about Russia attacking energy and water supplies in Ukraine, oh how the tune changes when it’s israel doing it=


I don’t do hypocrisy and it seems  selective outrage seems to be the in thing nowadays…

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1 hour ago, mafya said:

In Nov 2022 this is what the USA said about Russia attacking energy and water supplies in Ukraine, oh how the tune changes when it’s israel doing it=


I don’t do hypocrisy and it seems  selective outrage seems to be the in thing nowadays…

I can't recall Ukraine attacking Russia, slaughtering 1400 innocent folk and taking many hostages though, unless I missed something?


Any information yet on any Jewish folk smashing up and defacing Muslim businesses or threatening Muslim folk across Europe?


Any protests denouncing Hamas?

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6 hours ago, RJRB said:

No I did not say that at all.

I said that I had worked with many both within my own company and as customers and suppliers.As I worked in the metals industry it would have been very strange not to be involved with many Jewish traders.

I cannot remember a single instance of our origins or politics entering a business discussion.

Still,weave your own little narrative

Ah. here we go!  :)


Another Orgyism.


"I  said that .........."


Here's what you actually said:


"Pretty much the same when I meet up with my 3 Unitedite mates ,2 of which have always voted Conservative.

Stay off contentious subjects and we have all been mates since junior school days.

More recently I still correspond regularly with a couple of Jewish guys who worked for the same firm but in the States."


So, you could enlighten us with what they are saying, specifically whether they believe Israel are "Terrorists" like our Orgy, bless him  :)


On the other hand, since you are an anonymous internet troll, you can put any words in their mouth ...........


But go for it anyway!

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7 hours ago, RJRB said:

Apply that line of thinking to the near 9000 and counting Palestinians killed so far including around 3000 children.

So I ask again .

What is being achieved

Certainly not the destruction of Hamas .

A little disinfecting of the human gene pool.


Mowing the grass!  :)


Needs to be done on a regular basis.


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