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The Yom Kippur War .

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So now we have posters who cannot make an argument, decide to speak in dots instead.

Says a great deal for their mental capacity, their courage,  and their lack of backing for their point of view.


Edited by Organgrinder
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Guest ThaBoom
11 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The people not going around starting wars are the Christians.


We got it out of system years ago 


And most of us don't believe in God anymore 


Capitalism is our religion and it's taking over the world  

You do know the Russia and Ukraine war has its deep rooted reasons behind religion- namely Christianity.


It all stems from Orthodox Christianity, and how Putin sees Ukraine as 'alien' as he described it.


There is a deep rooted religious significance in this war.



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Excellent article from Hadley Freeman.



... Missing posters are printed and put up more in hope than expectation that the person will be found; none of the people mentioned in this piece — Jessica, Etan, my friend Cat — was found alive. But they have become something else: reminders of the human cost of international tragedies, a plea that individuals not be forgotten amid all the political pontificating. That is why, in the West, the posters of the missing Israelis have become such a symbol of the war in Gaza. Yet something else has become even more of a symbol: people tearing them down.


More than half the posters of missing Israelis put up every week in London are torn down within 48 hours, according to the Jewish Chronicle. Videos of people doing this — in the UK and across the US — are all over the web: young people ripping them down in central London, a middle-aged man tearing them off a lamppost in New York. Some say the posters are propaganda, or provocative, or pointless (more or less so than the “Free Palestine” graffiti that replaces them?); others that Israel brought this on itself. But not even the most strident opponents of American foreign policy ripped up 9/11 posters.


Ultimately, there is only one reason they are doing it: they don’t want to see Israelis as victims.


... If these activists actually wanted to make a point, they would print photos of the killed Palestinians and stick them up alongside the Israeli ones, showing everyone the real human cost of this conflict. Instead they tear the Israeli posters down and deny these murders happened, perpetuating the terrible cycle. Too many are exploiting this Middle East tragedy to release a previously corked-up feeling that Jews have for too long been given too much, accorded too much valuable victim status. Bloody Jews, going on about the Holocaust again! Bloody Jews, demanding sympathy for their murdered babies again! Bloody Jews. Again.


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14 minutes ago, ThaBoom said:

You do know the Russia and Ukraine war has its deep rooted reasons behind religion- namely Christianity.


It all stems from Orthodox Christianity, and how Putin sees Ukraine as 'alien' as he described it.


There is a deep rooted religious significance in this war.



There always has and always will be differences between religions in the same way as political parties and that will never change.

The only way to prevent that other than war is by using International Law.

Which side in all this political argument DOES NOT want it to be settled by International Law,  neither on this forum or,  in the Middle East.

It's usually accepted that those who do not want to abide by the law,  are the ones who are in the wrong.

There can be no proper peace without lawful solutions being present whether you look at Gaza or the streets of London.

I agree with the post about the torn down  posters in London but,  if everyone turns a blind eye to illegal behaviour,  National or international,  that's the kind of result you can expect.

What's wrong with BOTH sides behaving themselves ?  


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

So now we have posters who cannot make an argument, decide to speak in dots instead.

Says a great deal for their mental capacity, their courage,  and their lack of backing for their point of view.


If you are referring to me I removed my post.

I had posted that we hear hardly anything  about the massacred innocent Israelis or their families now.

Satisfied or have you any other insults to throw.

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39 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

... I agree with the post about the torn down  posters in London but,  if everyone turns a blind eye to illegal behaviour,  National or international,  that's the kind of result you can expect. ...

No, that's the kind of result you can expect when commitment to a political position and consequent blinkered perspective removes a fundamental part of your basic humanity and blinds you to others' grief and suffering.  As Hadley Freeman states in the article:



If these activists actually wanted to make a point, they would print photos of the killed Palestinians and stick them up alongside the Israeli ones, showing everyone the real human cost of this conflict. Instead they tear the Israeli posters down and deny these murders happened, perpetuating the terrible cycle.


And a adding a 'yes, but... ' does rather negate the point of condemning appalling behaviour.

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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

If you are referring to me I removed my post.

I had posted that we hear hardly anything  about the massacred innocent Israelis or their families now.

Satisfied or have you any other insults to throw.

On the news it said 60 of the hostages had been killed by Israeli air strikes and with the way Israel has gone ahead with its bloodlust it may be that the goodwill towards Israel has changed direction towards the thousands of innocent Palestinians getting killed. I saw on the news that the families were protesting outside Netanyahu’s house and the way the Israeli police were pushing a couple of them about was shocking.


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