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The Yom Kippur War .

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56 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Highly surprising only to those who don't know history!  :)


But radical fundamentalist Islamists and terrorists, have been hating on the Jews since 632 AD.


More recently the NAZIS tried, but failed, to exterminate them.


This latest effort, by HAMAS, and their protesters, rioters, "useful idiots", and fellow travelers in the West, is just the latest flair up.


But all Democratic nations are solidly against terrorism, and the right of a Democracy to live in peace, and defend itself from those who swear to destroy it!


Even if Democracies are not perfect.


As somebody wise once said, they are still better than the alternative!  :)



Of course they are and who would argue about that.      But I am still waiting for poof that anyone is defending terrorists.

What people are arguing about is that no one has the sense to tell which are the terrorists and which are the innocent citizens.

Therefore the innocent citizens get bombed in their thousands  and there s a name for that.

It is also against all democratic and international law.


1 hour ago, trastrick said:

They've taken over your streets, so that eventuality is not too far off!  :)


Stop lying.   That's just more conspiracy theories from the nutters..

Our streets are exactly as they always were and no one has taken them over.


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Interesting article on the conflict here.

It's pretty one sided tbf but the bit about the Ben Gurion canal project makes sense to me.


It has been said that the attack was two years in the planning in Gaza, a tiny patch of land riddled with Zionist infiltrators and spies who cajole, bribe and threaten ordinary Palestinians to betray their comrades.


So the question many are asking, with some justification, is why there was such a catastrophic intelligence failure which meant that the attack caught the Israeli military sleeping on the job. In terms of access to eavesdropping technology and defence there is probably no better-equipped military in the world other than in the US, and the Americans maintain secret supply bases in the Zionist state. Israel’s Mossad has earned itself a reputation of being among the finest intelligence gatherers and infiltrators in the world. And yet 7 October saw Hamas fighters breach security fences, invade a music festival and local kibbutzim, and fly in on paragliders without a single challenge. How did this happen?


Some of Israel’s most brutal attacks on innocent Palestinians are made citing “national security” and Israel’s alleged right to defend itself. If it was being attacked by another nation state, fair enough. But an attack by people living under Israel’s brutal military occupation provides no such legal defence. It doesn’t exist.


READ: 41 children killed in West Bank since 7 October, charity says


A good contact and friend of mine who watches the region’s events closely told me simply: “Follow the money.” And that is how, after being nudged and pointed in a variety of directions with annoyingly vague clues, I found myself pouring over a network of paper trails that led to the National Archives, where British secrets lie unseen for at least 30 years and in some cases much, much longer.




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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Of course they are and who would argue about that.      But I am still waiting for poof that anyone is defending terrorists.

What people are arguing about is that no one has the sense to tell which are the terrorists and which are the innocent citizens.

Therefore the innocent citizens get bombed in their thousands  and there s a name for that.

It is also against all democratic and international law.


Stop lying.   That's just more conspiracy theories from the nutters..

Our streets are exactly as they always were and no one has taken them over.


When you say that Israel are Terrorists, you give the real terrorist supporting mob moral equivalency with a Democratic Sovereign Country, and all the Democratic Countries that support Israel.


And the name for it, when a Democratic country unintentionally kills civilians in a war, is NOT terrorism, it is collateral damage. Some brain dead cannot figure out the difference. Nobody has ever figured out a way to avoid it, short of abject surrender and slavery. It was the Palestinians who voted for the HAMAS cowardly animals who hide behind women and children, schools and hospitals. The have to realize that elections have consequences.


Who owns the streets? See the video posted above! The cops are moving peaceful citizens of the street, and keeping them behind barriers, while the barbarians are screaming and running wild. They even give an official reason for doing so, "There are more of them, than us, so we can't protect you!' My God!


It's the rabid animals that should be kept behind barriers.


And there's that mother and her children are subject to abuse as they clutch their McDonald lunches and try to get through the mob of animals. The poor kids were terrorized.


Their cousins on the Left, BLM, do the same in the U.S. at the drop of a hat, riot, burn, loot and ransack mom and pop neighborhoods stores.


You obviously are ok with it, with your feet up in front of the telly and a nice cup of tea, , but one day it might affect you and yours.





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1 minute ago, harvey19 said:

If a  person supplied the sensitive intelligence they would need protecting and the way the intelligence was gathered would need protecting.

Quite basic requirements.

The article didn't mention people supplying the intelligence and, given Israel's control over communications infrastructure in Gaza and their spying abilities, it could easily be referring to signals intelligence.


You assumed it was about people supplying information and stated that as a fact. If you don't want people to accuse you of making stuff up, qualify your assumptions.

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22 minutes ago, altus said:

The article didn't mention people supplying the intelligence and, given Israel's control over communications infrastructure in Gaza and their spying abilities, it could easily be referring to signals intelligence.


You assumed it was about people supplying information and stated that as a fact. If you don't want people to accuse you of making stuff up, qualify your assumptions.

And you do not know the details.


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Just now, harvey19 said:

And you do not know the details.


Neither do you.  Oppressors always like to keep secrets.

We do know how a lot of countries who oppress others always use the excuse of terrorism arrests,  with no trials and no access to international bodies.  Russia,  China,  N Korea etc.


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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Neither do you.  Oppressors always like to keep secrets.

We do know how a lot of countries who oppress others always use the excuse of terrorism arrests,  with no trials and no access to international bodies.  Russia,  China,  N Korea etc.


How do you know ? Listening to you one would think everyone was just  wrongly understood.

Every country, organisation, families keep secrets. Even on this forum contributors identities are kept secret.

We only know a tiny bit of what is happening in world politics and that is often from propaganda .

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