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The Yom Kippur War .

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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

So the intention is for Israel to become the occupying force in Gaza 

What a surprise.

That should ensure a continuation of hostilities for many lifetimes to come .


Enlightened civilized society has determined that while terrorists, murderers, rapists, looters and other assorted human debris will always be a threat to innocent law abiding citizens, they must be subdued and  punished to prevent them from dominating society.


The alternative is chaos, anarchy, and the law of the jungle.


The fight for a civilized society, will always be necessary for many lifetimes to come.


"Hostility" towards evil is a requirement for human survival. Always has been, always will be. 



Edited by trastrick
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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Enlightened civilized society has determined that while terrorists, murderers, rapists, looters and other assorted human debris will always be a threat to innocent law abiding citizens, they must be subdued and  punished to prevent them from dominating society.


The alternative is chaos, anarchy, and the law of the jungle.


The fight for a civilized society, will always be necessary for many lifetimes to come.


"Hostility" towards evil is a requirement for human survival. Always has been, always will be. 



Those two sentences don't fit very well at all when I recall your support of Russia at  the time they invaded Ukraine.

You,  along with the rest of  your conspiracy theory pals,  make it up as you go along.

We've also noticed how you like to do your  "fighting"  on a sandy beach,  well away from where the troubles are.


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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

So the intention is for Israel to become the occupying force in Gaza 

What a surprise.

That should ensure a continuation of hostilities for many lifetimes to come .


Absolutely correct.

It would seem that,  despite the crocodile tears,  no one has any interest at all in ending those hostilities for all time.

Looking after our own self interests must always come first even if that means continually breaking laws.


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16 hours ago, mafya said:

I watch various news channels ie Al Jazeera, bbc, sky news,  France 24, Euro news, and also a couple of others. 
I find that foreign news channels show pictures and videos of stuff that we don’t see on British domestic  news channels. 
I watch the parts where they are having a debate with various guest  people on like human rights lawyers, historians etc and use the information to help me understand the situation bit better. 
On Al Jazeera the other day they had a British history professor on who was explaining the Balfour declaration and how in the declaration it stated that the rights of the native Palestinians shall not be impeded I think he said, sorry memory sometimes plays up .

Im no expert so I do my best to gain knowledge of situations to give me a better understanding.

I also read the book 1984 in school and understand how Tv programs can be used to brainwash people.

Intresting brief history of the conflict here= https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/9/whats-the-israel-palestine-conflict-about-a-simple-guide

Though they have not admitted it and locked up the Israeli whistleblower who revealed it and continues to target him= https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2010/06/israeli-nuclear-whistleblower-returned-solitary-confinement/


Al Jazeera did a decent little documentary about general life in Mandatory Palestine covering the period prior to the establishment of Israel.


They kinda glossed over the fact it was then a British territory I felt, but it's an interesting watch.



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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Those two sentences don't fit very well at all when I recall your support of Russia at  the time they invaded Ukraine.

And where did you come up with that idea?  :)


2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

We've also noticed how you like to do your  "fighting"  on a sandy beach,  well away from where the troubles are.


Who's the "we" paleface?  :)


"We" have noticed that you like to do your fighting from the comfort of your armchair, in front of the telly.


Egging the poor brave sod cannon fodder foreigners on against the Totalitarian Nuclear armed  Russian Bear and lying that they are "winning", so they'll continue to be slaughtered and their country destroyed in an endless war of attrition (theirs).


And that goes for your fellow brave armchair warriors, and amateur military strategists in Sheffield.  :)


Yes, I spend my retirement on sandy beaches, because you lot sicken me, and I would not want to live among you!


To each is own, right?



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1 hour ago, geared said:

Al Jazeera did a decent little documentary about general life in Mandatory Palestine covering the period prior to the establishment of Israel.


They kinda glossed over the fact it was then a British territory I felt, but it's an interesting watch.



A very informative documentary that gives insight to the origins of the situation, I wonder what the posters who have said Palestine was a desert and that Palestinian people were created to make things awkward have to say after watching the video?

Well worth watching so thanks for posting Geared..

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Just now, trastrick said:

Another cherry picked date? and you speak of "origins"?


Here's your "desert", 3,000 years ago!  :)


The Kingdoms of Saul, David and Solomon, Israel and Judea,  - According to WIKI





History started in 1948 apparently.


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